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Ace's Application (Denied)

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Members: Meh

Ace: Thanks for the support guys!!!!

Other members: No.

Ace: OMG get off the bandwagon!!11!!!1

The only reason you're not kissing up to me as well is because you saw an opportunity to jump on a band wagon yourself not too long ago.

It's not some epidemic. You have a negative and unlikable presence in the forums and in game. Your past actions show you're unreliable.

Even the people who are supporting you are doing it begrudgingly and to avoid conflict.

I feel like I'm beating a dead horse with these points every time someone who knows they're un-liked applies, but then pretends to be surprised when they're not unanimously supported.

The only reason why I said Guitar guy was jumping on the bandwagon was because him and I haven't really been in-game with each other much.

He hates me for what I was like back when I played JB a lot. But now that I am playing on a different server and have matured a bit, I don't think that it is fair for him to judge me for who I was. If a lot of people say that they don't like me, ok... doesn't mean that they are on the bandwagon of hate. I was specifically talking to Guitar Guy when I made that statement.

And I didn't jump on the "Hate Goldentongue" bandwagon back in that thread. Audio posted his opinions and it got me thinking.

And Lolg did not show my unreliability. When you have an entire clan basically trolling you and all of your members, it isn't exactly a piece of cake to start up a community. I made a forum, website, 2 servers, and had 70 members within 2 months, if anything Lolg showed my leadership skills. However douchey Lolg made me, I did get something out of it - experience. Don't get me wrong though, I shouldn't have started it in the first place, but I did learn a lot from it.

And finally, I KNOW people hate me. But I also know that I will be a great addition to the community. If you don't believe me and if you haven't seen any change in my presense, go ahead and speak your mind.

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Ya, and you would have permabanned people like Jewinator and Deltron.

Don't judge me based off of what I did in November, it's not fair.

Don't judge you based on past actions? lolwut?

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Guest J_MaFia
Don't judge you based on past actions? lolwut?

He does have a point, Deltron got VA and he almost up and left for Ace's parent funded Lolg shit.


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Don't judge you based on past actions? lolwut?

When I have changed, no don't judge me based off of my past mistakes.

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I like ace, he's mature and would make a great member of the clan

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I don't see how you have changed. Saying not to judge you based on past actions is like telling me to forgive a killer after becoming a reformed Christian. I personally do not think you've changed nor do I think you can stick with the charade of acting different. Had I seen your "reformed attitude" before you applied then I might give it more of a chance.

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I don't see how you have changed. Saying not to judge you based on past actions is like telling me to forgive a killer after becoming a reformed Christian. I personally do not think you've changed nor do I think you can stick with the charade of acting different. Had I seen your "reformed attitude" before you applied then I might give it more of a chance.

But here's the thing, I have seen you on TTT like 4 times within the last month. You haven't witnessed any change because you haven't been around me a lot.

And you can't compare Lolg to murder... those are two very different levels of mistakes. Yes, if you murder someone you obviously are not normal and it is highly unlikely that you will be forgiven. But I made a clan with good intentions. I tried to make a community and was unsuccessful. If you believe that that is unforgivable, then alrighty then, but I am a more mature person now. I am interested in clan affair and adding something to this community.

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I saw no change on JB recently, just as spamming as ever.

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My input is nor bad or good, I just have something to say.

Lolg was a cancer of the sG servers that got some good ol' fashion chemo therapy.

I lied, it's bad

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Deltron was just a misguided blekman lured into Lolg.

You're just horrid.

You always question judgements, bitch/complain/whine constantly, abuse admin on COUNTLESS OCCASIONS outside of the aforementioned !kick @all, and have had complaints made about you in the past. I refuse to sweep your history under the carpet because you "changed." You're the same child that came in that day and kicked us all from jailbreak.


You got banned in December, again showing you've not changed.

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slow down there, he hasnt been screened

Question 1: If there was a microphone spammer on the server, how would you deal with it? What if you ran into a hacker?

Well first I would mute them and tell them to stop spamming. If they persisted I would give them another mute and tell them that the next time it is a restrict. After their restriction if they spammed again I would ban them for 6 hours and post a demo in the complaint department. With a hacker, I would spec them and record a demo. I would then ban them for a day and post the demo on the forum.

Question 2: What would you tell someone else who shows interest in joining sG?

I would send them a link to the recruitment thread and tell them what they need to do in order to become a member.

Question 3: Would you consider yourself a mature person? If so, why?

Yes. I have grown a bit more mature these last few months. Although I am notorious of being a crazy fuck in JB, when I need to be calm and collected I can be.

Question 4: Why is it that you want to join the sG community? How often will you be on the sG servers and forums?

Well, I have been playing since December of 09 and I just think it is my time to become a member. I only play on sG servers so I am very dedicated to the clan. I am active on the forums every day and try to play TTT as much as possible (with tax season, it is very hard to get some hours in atm).

Question 5: Do you fully agree with the terms and conditions specified in the recruitment thread?


Question 6: Have you ever received disciplinary action from the sG staff? If yes, why?

I have genuinely been banned 4 times. 3 were due to general faggotry and 1 was because I wanted to get banned (even though this is true, it was still a very immature act on my part). I have had only 1 infraction and it was for spam/being off topic.

Question 7: Have you ever been a member in sG before or tried to become one? If so, why did you leave/get denied?

I applied once but I withdrew my application to take a leave from gaming.

Question 8: In around 5 sentences, tell us what we need to know about you before we let you into our clan.

If you get to know me, you will realize that I am much different than what you might perceive. I have my good and bad times, but I am trying my hardest to become a more mature person. If I get into the clan, I will prove myself worthy and will remain as active as I can be.

Abstaining my vote until further notice.


Y: -

A: Mitch


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Guest J_MaFia
Wow, didn't think that Mitch would do that : /

Shit's not lookin good bro.

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Just going to leave this here...

If you didn't ask Zach to ban you I would have permabanned you anyway.

lol you had the opportunity

there was a 5 hour period where I was trying my hardest to get permabanned

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0% chance I will ever vote yes. But going to make my vote a +/- NOTHING.


Y: Mitch

A: c12, blob

N: lopez

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0% chance I will ever vote yes. But going to make my vote a +/- NOTHING.

Change all abstains to no's, and close this thread. Problem solved.

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