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Forgive and Forget It's a new year <3 (Denied)

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You had the power to explain the situation if full, but you shirked the responsibility in favor of censorship.

Place the blame on yourself for holding back the facts and allowing for the creation of theories.

@GT and everyone else who is uninformed/misinformed about blackjack.

-One day, Klark put blackjack on staff to help with our TF2 servers, blackjack was given appropriate access and simply just set up the servers, nothing else.

-From the community perspective, TF2 was a complete failure, and everyone was like "HURR DURR, WHY IS BLACKJACK ON STAFF, WHOS BLACKJACK"

-Blackjack leaves staff and all permissions were removed.

-Blackjack decides to fuck with staff and the rest of sG by messing around with sourcebans. He fucked up the admin DB with an exploit.

-All the current staff spend hours trying to revert the fucking mess. We end up not being able to fix it because he would always leave a little way for him to get back into the system -- we couldn't patch up that way without the help of Jason.

-Jason came in, kicked blackjack's ass by fixing SB.

-blackjack was shunned from our community. he's back here for whatever fucking reason I don't even know.

How it affects you:

-Blackjack is the person who made SourceBans PRIVATE for the entire community. If you want someone to blame, blame him.

-On his term of staff, blackjack sat on his ass with his ENG position, and managed the TF2 servers. He didn't do jack shit compared to other engineers and engineers now with what they had to do.

-Blackjack would meddle with other staff members' responsibilites, such as CD and server moderation. He failed miserably at both, punishing people with inconclusive evidence and with extremely long ban times while doing the most retarded shit in Jailbreak.

That's as much as you need to know. The rest of the details have no significance.

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-On his term of staff, blackjack sat on his ass with his ENG position, and managed the TF2 servers. He didn't do jack shit compared to other engineers and engineers now with what they had to do.

I was an Engineer once. Oh wait, I still am.

Blackjack does more work than I do.

Everyone who voted no is butthurt. Almost full goatse butthurt.

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How it affects you:

-Blackjack is the person who made SourceBans PRIVATE for the entire community. If you want someone to blame, blame him.

And yet with SourceBans 1.4.3 the exploit was fixed, and the SourceBans link is still private.

And Sourcebans isn't even updated. I posted in the messages to staff section a few months ago about the new SB Update that fixes some memory leaks in the CSS plugin.

An update for SourceBans has been released.


(22/08/10): Version 1.4.7


01. * Added SourceMod plugin library registration

02. - Removed debug popup

03. ! Fixed disabled servers still being listed in some dropdown boxes

04. ! Fixed total bans count sometimes being invalid

05. ! Fixed Lost Password page

06. ! Fixed multiple includes of CServerRcon

07. ! Fixed A2S_PLAYER indices for OrangeBox games in CServerQuery

[COLOR="Red"]08. ! Fixed SourceMod plugin memory leak[/COLOR]

09. ? Updated IpToCountry.csv for country lookup

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Blackjack did a lot of behind the scenes stuff, and I enjoy talking to him, but raging all over us was uncalled for.

It was very BGWS of him to do so.

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Blackjack did a lot of behind the scenes stuff, and I enjoy talking to him, but raging all over us was uncalled for.

It was very BGWS of him to do so.

yep.. like make this.


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Okay, for one It was a good attempt to get back in. And for two. What fucking exploit did I use? Staff at the time was too incompetent to do stuff together. I was denied my position, and you LEFT ME WITH ME SOURCEBANS ACCESS and YOU LEFT ME WITH MY FTP ACCESS, no I didn't un ban shine, that was my account, I just changed my name......

Okay, now... If I wanted to mess things up which I didn't, I still had complete access to the FTP, I could have just deleted everything... did I want too NO!

So then to get even at staff, I just decide to mess with them a little bit and I removed all staff admin, besides either Junzous or Jasons.... I left one of theirs. I did not mess with anyones admin who wasn't in staff because I knew that they would have choas on their hand....

And for you saying I have fucking thumbs up my ass because I wasn't doing anything... Fuck you. First of all every day I asked xklark to give me work and when he did I always got it done before the end of the day.

You can even ask him to verify this.

Okay, sure I deleted staff admin.... but srsly that took like 10 minutes to fix probably.... then another 2 hours to finally delete my ftp access after that, Yes they decided banning me from the forums and game servers were more important then deleting my ftp... I still had ftp access when I was talking to them in vent and I did not fuck with it at all...

Reasons why all you people who are raging over me doing this, should think about how.... A) I could have completely destroyed all of the servers but decided not too, because I never hated sG

B) I could have deleted ALL ADMINS, causing mass choas and ending sG because they wouldn't be able to know who had admin, and who didnt, causing a server population loss (MASSIVE)

Its okay I didn't get in, really, I still talk to everyone that was actually nice in sG.... But for you idiots that dont know shit, aka other staff at the time, excluding Junzou and Jason and xklark, because they are the only ones that know the full story need to STFU and get your facts right... I did not exploit shit.

OH AND BTW IM STILL A RECRUIT! and this was denied.... 1-26-11...

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Okay, for one It was a good attempt to get back in. And for two. What fucking exploit did I use? Staff at the time was too incompetent to do stuff together. I was denied my position, and you LEFT ME WITH ME SOURCEBANS ACCESS and YOU LEFT ME WITH MY FTP ACCESS, no I didn't un ban shine, that was my account, I just changed my name......

Okay, now... If I wanted to mess things up which I didn't, I still had complete access to the FTP, I could have just deleted everything... did I want too NO!

So then to get even at staff, I just decide to mess with them a little bit and I removed all staff admin, besides either Junzous or Jasons.... I left one of theirs. I did not mess with anyones admin who wasn't in staff because I knew that they would have choas on their hand....

And for you saying I have fucking thumbs up my ass because I wasn't doing anything... Fuck you. First of all every day I asked xklark to give me work and when he did I always got it done before the end of the day.

You can even ask him to verify this.

Okay, sure I deleted staff admin.... but srsly that took like 10 minutes to fix probably.... then another 2 hours to finally delete my ftp access after that, Yes they decided banning me from the forums and game servers were more important then deleting my ftp... I still had ftp access when I was talking to them in vent and I did not fuck with it at all...

Reasons why all you people who are raging over me doing this, should think about how.... A) I could have completely destroyed all of the servers but decided not too, because I never hated sG

B) I could have deleted ALL ADMINS, causing mass choas and ending sG because they wouldn't be able to know who had admin, and who didnt, causing a server population loss (MASSIVE)

Its okay I didn't get in, really, I still talk to everyone that was actually nice in sG.... But for you idiots that dont know shit, aka other staff at the time, excluding Junzou and Jason and xklark, because they are the only ones that know the full story need to STFU and get your facts right... I did not exploit shit.

OH AND BTW IM STILL A RECRUIT! and this was denied.... 1-26-11...


but i saw your delete all admins : easy fix would be to look at who paid on paypal

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I didn't delete all admin, I only deleted all staff but one, i said I could have deleted all admin.

---------- Post added at 12:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 PM ----------

@GT and everyone else who is uninformed/misinformed about blackjack.

-One day, Klark put blackjack on staff to help with our TF2 servers, blackjack was given appropriate access and simply just set up the servers, nothing else.

-From the community perspective, TF2 was a complete failure, and everyone was like "HURR DURR, WHY IS BLACKJACK ON STAFF, WHOS BLACKJACK"

-Blackjack leaves staff and all permissions were removed.

-Blackjack decides to fuck with staff and the rest of sG by messing around with sourcebans. He fucked up the admin DB with an exploit.

-All the current staff spend hours trying to revert the fucking mess. We end up not being able to fix it because he would always leave a little way for him to get back into the system -- we couldn't patch up that way without the help of Jason.

-Jason came in, kicked blackjack's ass by fixing SB.

-blackjack was shunned from our community. he's back here for whatever fucking reason I don't even know.

How it affects you:

-Blackjack is the person who made SourceBans PRIVATE for the entire community. If you want someone to blame, blame him.

-On his term of staff, blackjack sat on his ass with his ENG position, and managed the TF2 servers. He didn't do jack shit compared to other engineers and engineers now with what they had to do.

-Blackjack would meddle with other staff members' responsibilites, such as CD and server moderation. He failed miserably at both, punishing people with inconclusive evidence and with extremely long ban times while doing the most retarded shit in Jailbreak.

That's as much as you need to know. The rest of the details have no significance.

How about you get the story right and not lie to everyone,

-klark says he needs an engineer, I and guitar both post saying we can help, he makes a topic in staff only and everyone says, they are fine with someone else and they chose me

-I HELPED klark set up the TF2 SERVER, adding addons, and kept asking him what too do, and did some other stuff.

-Blackjack is kicked out of staff and NO permissions removed (That is the biggest lie saying they were removed, I had everything still. FTP, INGAME, SOURCEBANS, I didnt exploit shit.)

-I deleted staff admin besides junzous or jasons, cant remember which one, I was ABLE TO DO THIS BECAUSE I STILL HAD ACCESS

- I couldnt get back into the system at all after you removed admin, because their is no exploit with sourcebans that I am aware of.

-Since I didnt remove Jasons admin to SB He was able to fix it fast. (Yes, I didnt want to cause "Hours of fixing", and I dont see how that is possible when I was banned in 5 minutes by people with staff admin on sourcebans when I DELETED THEIR ADMIN, it did not take like hours more like 10 minutes)

-Blackjack is shunned for shit he didnt do and some shit he did do aka deleting staff admin.

How does this affect you....

-BLACKJACK DIDNT MAKE SB PRICE Chuck Finley did because the way he got in was a staff error.

-Not one of my bans appeared on the forums (that I am aware of); Also, I was constantly asking for more work and was mostly working on something I was more behind the scene dumbass.

- I actually asked if I could do more stuff before I actually went into the CD or the RANK APPLICATIONS, and everyone was fine with it so stop your bitching.

Staff that are making up bull shit just shut up...

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