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How close have you come to dying?

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Wait, where is your ear located..?

Quite close to the head, but not seemingly attached.

Ika, since you said class and not school I will assume you are in college. So I have to ask...why didn't you ride on the sidewalk?

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When i was in 8th grade i had a emo bitch hold a knife to my throat outside a movie theater

You got held up by a girl? LOL=D

Well it's funny to picture you did anyway.

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Ika, since you said class and not school I will assume you are in college. So I have to ask...why didn't you ride on the sidewalk?

Illegal in some cities, and in general, riding on the sidewalk sucks unless you really have to.

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I was on a vacation in Brazil once and I almost stepped on a cobra -_- Thank god that by dad pointed it out to me or I would be in a world of hurt.

Ouch man.

And to Taylor Swift: You should probably get that ear thing looked at, unless you're Rayman.

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Thank you for that Dyscivist.

---------- Post added at 02:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 AM ----------

but death happens it is part of life and younger people are more prone to it.

No, I'm pretty sure it's the other way around.

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i got hit by a car once. the scariest thing about it was that i couldn't remember what happened 30 seconds before and after the accident, so i don't know what i did wrong. :/

But you know you were the one that did something wrong?

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i got hit by a car once. the scariest thing about it was that i couldn't remember what happened 30 seconds before and after the accident, so i don't know what i did wrong. :/

Freudian psychoanalysts call that "repression." It's likely you were being sexually abused by your father because he was jealous of the feelings you had for your mother, but you resisted him, and that scuffle caused the car accident. For the first 30 seconds after the accident, your father continued his assault as you were dazed, but stopped once someone came to check on you. I think you and I should talk more, when can you come again?

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I was.... 14 I think. Was walking along the river bank, walking along ground that seemed solid, and at least 10-15 feet from the water. All of a sudden, I'm chest deep in mud and sinking. Thankfully, there was a huge ass branch nearby that I pulled to me, than used to push myself out of the mud. Turns out a small inlet was there is was a pool of water beneath that specific spot and my unlucky ass almost was just unlucky enough to find it.

Also, fuck you to the two guys who were fishing and just watched me and I screamed for their help.

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When I was six, my family moved from Lost Angeles, California to Oxford, Mississippi in the bad snowstorm that hit the south in December '98.

On the second night we lived there, I went with my mom shopping, and when we came back the ice on the road prevented her from being able to drive back up the hill at the entrance to our neighborhood.

She told me to walk to our house and get my dad who had more experience driving on ice. I walked up leaf covered grass on the side of the road, but soon realized I had no idea where I was going or where my house was.

Slightly scared, I panicked and started running back down the hill, but on the road. My feet slipped out from under me, I slid like 25 feet down the icy pavement on my back and underneath the front of the car. I passed under the car, and just caught onto the rear bumper with one hand to stop myself. If I hadn't grabbed it, I would have slid right out on my back across the busy road in front of passing cars.

That's about it. I've done a bunch of dangerous stuff, but nothing bad has ever happened during it.

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it was explained after this that apparantly, red hand means stop, white person means go

a red/green light would have sufficed

---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 PM ----------

Freudian psychoanalysts call that "repression." It's likely you were being sexually abused by your father because he was jealous of the feelings you had for your mother, but you resisted him, and that scuffle caused the car accident. For the first 30 seconds after the accident, your father continued his assault as you were dazed, but stopped once someone came to check on you. I think you and I should talk more, when can you come again?




CHARGE HOURLY??????????????????????????

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it was explained after this that apparantly, red hand means stop, white person means go

Only if a minority is driving. If the driver is White, the colors are reversed; white hand means stop, colored person means go.

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