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jewinator your posts are too bulky lol so i just skim them.

And how about we all settle on the fact that no one can prove that god does/doesnt exist and move on.

and for your explanation maybe we just dont know everything about life yet, but in good time the truth will be revealed, just like the cause of rain which was believed to be gods tears.

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ya know i logically disproved evalution in one of my earlier posts but since noone noticed it ill say it again

athiests say that the earth was formed by asteroids that all clumped togethor and evantulley became large enough to have its own gravity and later accumulated varous gases that formed an atmosphere and then great rains caused the oceans and within thoses oceans the first bacterias evolved into more complex life and evantulley us. But my disproving point is this: where did those very first bacterias come from? its well known that no life can exist within the vacums of space so those first cells, where did they come as they couldnt have existed before earth was habitable. my answer to that question... GOD BITCHES

Where did god come from? Oh you dont know?



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rain isnt gods tears, it is a natural process.

Who the fuck ever said that rain is God's tears?

Evolution has been scientifically proven

And then you say:

And you are correct evolution is a theory, but a better thought out theory than a mystical man.

Dont feel sorry for me.




Does this need commentary?

Not to mention all of the typos...

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Ancient religions tried to explain the world around them (nature) with the use of god. Where does lightning come from? Oh Zeus throws it down at us when hes mad.

evolution has been scientifically backed up and is a theory.

and the last one is because after 10 pages of being flamed i had enough and wanted the thread to end.

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