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adam :)

World war 3.

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if war starts. i'll be joining right away in the Canadian army. have a few friends in the reserve. and as for water, not in a long while its gonna be going out. thats only if antartica is all dried up. by then we'll be doing space colonization or been able to find a way to save our earth.

as for china they know they are in the spot light. Russia, not too sure. north korea, kim jong is getting old and will die very soon, his son might be the real threat. middle east. UN pulls out. chaos will reign after 5 years. Iran, maybe a war maybe not.

but if anything is global, itll have to be with either Iran and its "allies" or kim jong's son who is more crazy than his father. china cant do anything. it depends on other countries well being. look at the worlds economy. a lot of stuff gets made in china. china makes money off of it. but the companies are based in other countries. if china goes to war, then the worlds economy, well, something happens not too sure. china cant afford or risk going to war.

as of right now, no one is able to go to war right now, but later in the future. depends on politics. hopefully they keep it calm till after i die. but WW3 in inevitable non the less.

Dont forget, not all of china will want to go to war. at least a quarter of em will be fighting against it as well with people of Chinese background around the world. Russia is same i think. Iran and NK is the top two right now.

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if war starts. i'll be joining right away in the Canadian army. have a few friends in the reserve. and as for water, not in a long while its gonna be going out. thats only if antartica is all dried up. by then we'll be dooing space colonization or been able to find a way to save our earth.

as for china they know they are in the spot light. Russia, not too sure. north korea, kim jong is getting old and will die very soon, his son might be the real threat. middle east. UN pulls out. chaos will reign after 5 years. Iran, maybe a war maybe not.

but if annything is global, itll have to be with either Iran and its "allies" or kim jong's son who is more crazy than his father. china cant do anything. it depends on other countries well being. look at the worlds economy. a lot of stuff gets made in china. china makes money off of it. but the companies are based in other countries. if china goes to war, then the worlds economy, well, something happens not too sure. china cant afford or risk going to war.

manpower too.

as of right now, no one is able to go to wwar right now, but later in the future. depends on politics. hopefully they keep it calm till after i die. but WW3 in inevitable non the less.

Iran wouldn't dare start a world war, they don't have the manpower to fight the world.

and BTW, if Antartica ' dries ' up, there will be more water, not less.

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Guest Fohacidal
Iran wouldn't dare start a world war, they don't have the manpower to fight the world.

and BTW, if Antartica ' dries ' up, there will be more water, not less.

You are still wrong, water drying up (read: evaporating into the air) doesnt create more water.

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dont know how it will be fought or who will fight it but i believe it was Einstein who said "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

and why is pebbz sig so.......red?

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Who needs wars. "Yeah! lets go kill other people who are just like us because their leaders are pieces of shit!"

Think about it. This is very sad that we are all still killing each other.

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Who needs wars. "Yeah! lets go kill other people who are just like us because their leaders are pieces of shit!"

Think about it. This is very sad that we are all still killing each other.

isnt red... and stars... Communist? im just sayin... add up the commie stars and tell me what the answer is. JK velo.

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a brief summary of this thread:

person 1: OMGOMGOMG water is just like oil were gonna run out soon

person 2, 3, 4: STFU N00B were esmarter than you so that wont happen

everyone else: OMGOMGOMG north korea, china, russia, india, and iran are all totes evil and are gon kill us alll RUN FOR TEH HILLZ

this has been a brief summary of ths thread

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Guest Horny©at
think about it. only like what 1-3% of earth water is fresh. so what happen if its getting low?

At least I know the world isn't running low on retards.

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The Swiss will cause WW3. No one can be that neutral for that long. [/sarcam]

But seriously, all I suspect is that it will probably take place in Asia or the Middle East. I don't see any wars coming to the Americas or Europe in the near future.

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