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Beerman's application [Accepted]

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Should be 13/15 then (I might go back and count someday)

Also, Beerman you need to cut down mic spam in JB, but you are a blast to play GMod with.

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Should be 13/15 then (I might go back and count someday)

Also, Beerman you need to cut down mic spam in JB, but you are a blast to play GMod with.

I need to buy gmod D:

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Guest Waffle


I have to tell you to stop camping every time I get on. I'm quite sick and tired of it and I might as well just skip to restricting you.

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I have to tell you to stop camping every time I get on. I'm quite sick and tired of it and I might as well just skip to restricting you.

LOL, Omfg, Waffle actually gave a reason. Waffle, YOU DUN GONE GOOFED

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Beerman to be honest, if I was basing my vote on the passed couple weeks I would vote no because you were acting like a complete faggot. Spamming mic being obnoxious, camping, disrespect blah blah blah. However in the past few days you haven't been that bad, so I'm gonna postpone my vote until like the last day for my final decision :P

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yes 14/15, I've played with him for a few weeks now, in TS and stuff, we only do crazy stuff to have fun. Pretty good player, knows when shits hit the fan.

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how come i never see the other beerman around. you sure beerman isnt bipolar and that was his other side?

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He's not whiny or immature, he just talks a lot and it might grow on you.


IMO, hes one of the coolest guys on JB, and sG in total. If I was in sG, id vote yes.

Edit: Old beerman is the evil twin.

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