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Warden Monkeh has VA??

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I'll take the infraction points if you are truly offended

btw, fairy tail is kick ass

Sorry to say I don't take offense. Also I don't view "Yall "as " Redneck" Southern =/= Redneck.

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The JB community is retarded, what do you expect?

I have to give in and agree.

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If monkeh is as bad as he was when i played he should never get VA, he is liked by JB players and is a fun warden but he wouldn't be that great of an admin (Opinion) though VA system isn't a bad idea for a server like JB which pretty much always needs admins on.

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Just only give VA to those existing admins. Coinstar (or I suppose Trubled, if applicable) won't get into a tiff, and you would only give them $5 plus whatever goodies VA gets that I'm not aware of. Those who want to help maintain the server THAT badly should be able to buy a standard admin, no? If not, they're just acting like self-righteous hardasses on JB for the sake of free admin and power trip.

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I agree with pebbz, though mitch i don't think the VAs you picked were bad, i mean you picked active people who have had admin experience and showed they atleast know the rules and are willing to enforce them, and anyone who weren't you removed.

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Here is how I see the whole thing. Yall got Free Admin on server for about 12 people. Coin said look FUUU no free admin of any kind... We fixed that issue and gave it back and your still bitching? from my understanding Monkeh does a fair job of the rules. ( I very well may be wrong. ) yall can keep bitching about the VA thing, and who has it and perhaps lose it again. OR STFU and be glad it is back.


Let me say it again.... STOP BITCHING ABOUT VA! Its good to have and its their JOB to administrate the servers. If they fuck up, there will be repercussions.

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I havn't played JB for a while but from what i remember he talks in that silly voice, pretty much gives his guns to people (Not even trying to shoot people who knife him just screaming over the mic while they do it) and really follows no rules, while i know he's not actually like that IRL he acts like it in the server, which is not something a VA should do. I never saw the vote but surely it should only contain those that have proven to be a good admin?

Edit: Just to clarify i am not against the VA system, but was monkeh given VA because he won a vote by a few players? Is that the only reason? Has he ever proved he could be a good admin?

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Eh. He is really enforcing the rules with his admin when you guys aren't on there constantly watching his ass to make a mistake.

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Yeah hes definetly alot better now that he has VA, he just doesn't use it much, so he's fine to me.

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i rly dont see no difference on monkehs part, he still baits people for example yesterday some T got to pick a game and he said "kill all ts" and then monkeh scream "kill all of them" and the cts started to kill all of them. tho i still <3 monkeh


Eh. He is really enforcing the rules with his admin when you guys aren't on there constantly watching his ass to make a mistake.

very true

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I'm just wondering but shouldn't VA be given to a trusted player who is on a lot? I mean no offence, but Monkeh isn't on that much and it seems like a waste giving powers to someone who, well, isn't playing that much.

I'm not against him getting VA though. Whoever chose him to be VA had a reason and I have no objections to that.

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