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Communism sG?

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I enjoy the fact that everyone still thinks this is about politics and government.

We can close it as soon as we are all in agreeance that we're happy about the road sG is taking. This community went from fun loving gamers who enjoyed playing/joking around to hard ass staff members deciding what we can and cannot say, do and cannot do. THAT's the point of this thread. And instead of bashing me or shooting at the communism joke, try to be productive here and DEBATE what's happening to sG.

@ Waffles. That doesn't specify where he landed. Some people show 5 post pages, others show 40 post pages, like myself.

---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------


This is, for serial, the most absurd thing ever.

We have rules and enforce them = government.

You right psycho. Oh wait...go take a few polysci classes. You're fired. and the fact that these topics are hitting 10+ pages in a day is crazy...since the "changes" on the forum, folks are on a postathon.

For your last part there, maybe because we're annoyed at staff or something? Meh, I dunno, just a thought.

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We can close it as soon as we are all in agreeance that we're happy about the road sG is taking.

So... never? Even back when we were =(UV)=, there was NO pleasing everybody. The problem is, now we're cracking down on trolls, which happen to be a very loud voice in the forums.

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So... never? Even back when we were =(UV)=, there was NO pleasing everybody. The problem is, now we're cracking down on trolls, which happen to be a very loud voice in the forums.

If not everyone agrees, there's something to debate. If there's something to debate, there's a point to this thread. If there's a point to this thread, it's not closing. So stop saying there's no point to this thread and start discussing how we can fix sG/what's wrong with it.


Thank you.

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If not everyone agrees, there's something to debate. If there's something to debate, there's a point to this thread. If there's a point to this thread, it's not closing. So stop saying there's no point to this thread and start discussing how we can fix sG/what's wrong with it.



With an attitude like yours, it's really no wonder why you always seem to find trouble.

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This is, for serial, the most absurd thing ever.

We have rules and enforce them = government.

You right psycho. Oh wait...go take a few polysci classes. You're fired. and the fact that these topics are hitting 10+ pages in a day is crazy...since the "changes" on the forum, folks are on a postathon.

I'll just leave this here.


I didn't take any 'polysci' classes. All I have is the education of an 8th grader, a steady head on my shoulders, and a dictionary stating what a government is. From what I perceive from those 3 things, sG is a government. Does that mean the rest of the world recognizes us as a country? Of course not, but that doesn't mean we can't have a government.

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------

With an attitude like yours, it's really no wonder why you always seem to find trouble.

Why does everyone think I have an attitude? Do I come off like that?

I was saying the "K? K." part because I'm getting annoyed that people are treating this thread like its in the Complaint Department. You don't 'close' threads like they're resolved if it isn't a complaint. This is just simply a debate. I'm not trying to throw attitudes at anyone. I'm very calm right now. Serious, but calm none the less.

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Psycho, what I dont understand about this whole thread is, why didnt you speak out like this when other people protested infractions. Why all of this now because something happened to YOU.

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Psycho, what I dont understand about this whole thread is, why didnt you speak out like this when other people protested infractions. Why all of this now because something happened to YOU.

2 things.

1) Where are said infractions? I'll be more than happy to state my opinion on the affair.

2) Well, it wasn't so much the infraction that bothered me, it was the way the situation was handled. First, it took a while for me to contact Mitch. I don't blame them or the staff who helped me though, they have alot to do. Trying to sort out unjust infractions is at the bottom of the list. So that part didn't bother me much, I was just annoyed I couldn't contact Mitch for 5 days, then my Private Message to Staff was put in Resolved when I still hadn't received an explanation. Second, it was how the staff (mainly Jason) was acting. He jumped right in with the age thing, saying I was wrong because I was 13 and didn't know what I was talking about. Calling me a 'fucking moron' and such. Look in the conversation and count how many things you'd give infractions for if it was said on the forums. From where I was standing, it was uncalled for since I was trying to be as civil as possible; proper grammar, no insults, etc. Even though we weren't on the forums, there's no need to be rude when handling situations. Now, if I was being a complete asshat about it, I can see where Jason was coming from.

Edit: Actually, a third thing.

3) The truth behind the reason the infraction was given, from all this, is that the community can't criticise how the staff handles problems, and overly how they handle the community. Decisions should be made with everyone informed, and reasons clearly stated. If the Staff had posted an announcement asking the community what they thought of getting rid of FFA and why, I'm sure everyone would give their side on why it should or should not stay. It shouldn't be "We're removing the FFA cuz it causes trolling. Deal with it." To me, thats messed up.

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On the same coin though, if we did do that and we had a divide, don't you think that'd lead to the same issue, which would be more complaining about something that was voted on? I'd think it'd just lead to complaints towards us and others regardless of how things get handled.

You'd probably still have people bringing things up that get decided upon, but it'd happen far less, and at least you'd have a much, muuuuuch stronger stance than you currently do.

Psycho, what I dont understand about this whole thread is, why didnt you speak out like this when other people protested infractions. Why all of this now because something happened to YOU.

HAHA why does everyone constantly bring this up?? Are people here unable to digest written information or something? Honestly, it blows my mind a little bit how the point of this thread is so widely misunderstood when it's so obvious. It actually kind of explains a lot that goes on around here.

Wish this thread were in FFA.

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You'd probably still have people bringing things up that get decided upon, but it'd happen far less, and at least you'd have a much, muuuuuch stronger stance than you currently do.

HAHA why does everyone constantly bring this up?? Are people here unable to digest written information or something? Honestly, it blows my mind a little bit how the point of this thread is so widely misunderstood when it's so obvious. It actually kind of explains a lot that goes on around here.

Wish this thread were in FFA.

Can you explain to them what the point is please? I'm getting hits and misses here. Maybe you can explain it better in fewer words.

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I think the convo with staff sums it up pretty well. If someone can't understand why that is ridiculous, which heaps don't seem to be able to, then they just don't get it.

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I was genuinely curious about this 1 day 14 page and the huge uproar that in reality started from an infraction. No need to get all worked up dojima.

He's not worked up at you in particular. Its that this is not about the infraction. And I wouldn't say this started from an infraction either. It started from the FFA Petition thread, and other origins that I'm suspicious about. If you want to hear about what I truely think happened, you can PM me Hobo.

That's far from important though.

@ Dojima. Read? TL;DR sums up most of this community, which is pretty annoying if you're not going to contribute/fully understand topics in a DEBATE section.

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I was genuinely curious about this 1 day 14 page and the huge uproar that in reality started from an infraction. No need to get all worked up dojima.

Sorry, it's just unbelievable to me haha.

The reason why he didn't say anything until now is because he didn't really have a reason to. Besides the fact that information about other peoples' infractions isn't typically public knowledge, the whole cause for this thread is the conversation he had with Jason, Marvin, and Mitch. The way they handled themselves in that conversation is that of people who don't think they have to listen to anyone's opinions or concerns just because they're in a higher position. While this is, in fact, true, it doesn't exactly give us all a warm and comfy feeling about their leadership.

It'd be like if I were Jason, and I made a thread entitled "Fuck You All," where I proceeded insult members of the community and brag that they couldn't do anything about it because I'm sysop. Now, that's an exaggerated example, obviously, but it's essentially what happened in that conversation, which, again, he has the right to do, but that doesn't mean it's a popular course of action.

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cThat's why I was shocked. Jason seemed very well orchestrated on the forums. Always got down to work, posted announcements to let the community know what was going on. Yet, as soon as something's not public, it seems like he doesn't give two hoots about anyone. I was brought up to act who I am, not put on a mask so that everyone thinks I'm someone else.

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cThat's why I was shocked. Jason seemed very well orchestrated on the forums. Always got down to work, posted announcements to let the community know what was going on. Yet, as soon as something's not public, it seems like he doesn't give two hoots about anyone. I was brought up to act who I am, not put on a mask so that everyone thinks I'm someone else.

thats how people see jason as, a nice guy, hard working, but once behind the scene no one knows until now

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Guest Fohacidal
............ This is ridiculous. Staff is cracking down on the wrong things, we have WAY bigger problems then someone disagreeing with you guys for taking FFa away from us. I don’t understand what the fuck you guys where thinking was going to happen? Did you think we would rejoice and dance because FFA is gone? You push more and more rules down our throat because you guys don’t know how to manage. Personally I think if staff paid this much attention to the servers as they do the forums we would have the #1 servers on CSS. How about you guys start playing CSS and cracking down on hackers/people who cause problems on the servers. And stop getting butt hurt over things you guys caused on the forums in the first place. Everything’s so ass backwards, we might as well just turn this clan into a fucking high school drama team, forget about css.
Sounds like we are only allowed to voice our opinion if it isn't negative.
Lmao' date=' Jason/Mario got owned by a 14 year old in a political debate.[/quote']
Well when staff is banning for stating opinions against something stupid they did, then we have a problem. Maybe if staff actually asked our opinion instead of just doing things and then trying to find a reason later why, we wouldnt rage so hard.
Very true, but removing something like FFA is a big deal. Especially when it was suppose to be a reward for being the clan for so long. It just kind of hurts your feeling when no one even asks or tells you what’s going on. You have to either find out on your own or wait two months later for a post about it. Just gets very frustrating after awhile, you want us to respect staff, but staff doesn’t respect members. The way I feel is, you guys just do whatever and pretty much tell us to just deal with it. But if we ask why or disagree, we either don’t get the response we where looking for or just receive an infraction. Respect goes both ways.

Here is my 14 page summary of the good stuff for tl;dr purposes. Posts have been thanked accordingly due to relevance and ability to completely trump staff logic.

So... never? Even back when we were =(UV)=, there was NO pleasing everybody. The problem is, now we're cracking down on trolls, which happen to be a very loud voice in the forums.

There you go again being a complete dick and calling everyone trolls. Im not even going to start on the whole "you are the troll here" thing because thats become quite apparent to everyone here. Id just love to see a role reversal where other people had staff and you were the community member fighting to keep his sections and abilities alive. Then when you come to us with advice or complaints we can ignore you and continue to gloat as we abuse our position of power to do whatever the hell pleases us.

A position of power demands respect. Respect is earned from the people you presumably hold power over. To earn this respect you need to learn how to respect said people. This is a completely mutual relationship that has NEVER existed in this community. The only problem is that there is no way to change the cycle either. Everyone has to deal with the same bullshit over and over and over again until someone finds out you were financially corrupt or were attempting some seriously underhanded staff promotions. An example of this is how none of the posts in this topic have had a SINGLE IOTA of influence on any of the staff members. Jason and Junzou laugh everything off, oracion attempts to rationalize everything to protect his position and marvin and hobo seem to be hopping on the bandwagon despite voicing concern for recent staff actions.

Now I dont want to play the completely unnappreciative spoiled rich kid either. Its true that while staff may be full of complete dimwads they have contributed a lot to this community. I cant even count how many coding changes Jason has done to the forums to keep them stable and clean (despite his recent layout fuckups) and transferring the forums from server to server and from type to type. The work the other staff has done in moderating and maintaining all the servers for absolutely not a single cent. But in the end, maybe we just havent thanked them enough...

... or it could just be the power getting to their heads idkmybffjill

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I disagree, he's usually an asshole everywhere

idk lol i never see him in game once but ill give him the credits for the forums. idk if he does other stuff but thats all i know, but i dont think he should get jcs for doing forum stuff.

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I disagree, he's usually an asshole everywhere

This made me LOL for a good 30 seconds. Fohacidal is all serious, got his well devoloped post in there and excellent anti-tl;dr statment, then ... THAT. That was good.

+ Rep for both of you.

Thanks again Foh for that collaborated multi-post.

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so can i just have a FFA thread where i can yell "nigger" at myself then? FFA post instead of FFA thread. i think we've reached a compromise

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You'd be violating the Global Guidelines. "Nigger" is considered a racial slur, and since there is no FFA, you can't say it anywhere on the forums.

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You'd be violating the Global Guidelines. "Nigger" is considered a racial slur, and since there is no FFA, you can't say it anywhere on the forums.

people still do tho but anything happen?

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