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haha, stop passing off opinion as fact. Psychology is called a soft science for a reason. There are plenty of people who beat their kids who are able to raise successful adults.

says the guy who does nothing but this? I've provided evidence to support my claim, you have not. You are the one giving your opinion, not me. In fact, they have more facts backing up their claim than you do. What you are claiming is nothing but opinion.

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What you've provided is opinion, not fact. There is no right and wrong way to raise a child. And if you don't have the common sense and life experience to know that there exists people who were stricken as children who then go on to become successful adults, then I dunno what to tell you.

The only time I pass my opinion off as fact is when the two are synonymous. Whether you believe me or not, however, is up to you.

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or at all?

it's mainly those parents who believe NOTHING is their child's fault and shift the blame to something else.

ya totally then the kids turn out to be horrible people. Doing drugs, and stupid shit.

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What you've provided is opinion, not fact. There is no right and wrong way to raise a child. And if you don't have the common sense and life experience to know that there exists people who were stricken as children who then go on to become successful adults, then I dunno what to tell you.

The only time I pass my opinion off as fact is when the two are synonymous. Whether you believe me or not, however, is up to you.

Successful in which way? they become rich with a nice job and then they dont take care of their kid? Give them no attention at all or worse, beat the shit out of them from years of being beat on by their parent? THere is a wrong way to raise children. If you don't know that then you sir are the one with no common sense. I didn't realize beating the shit out of your kid and locking him in the basement only to eat your trash that you throw down there, was not a wrong way to raise your kids.

Oh ya? Prove it?

Oh wait you can't?

I've already given evidence that is in textbooks, you on the other hand get your info from what? Friends? People who are not even out of high school yet? Were you not aware more social behavioral problems develop in early adulthood? You're probably not even old enough yet to realize the effects that beating your child has (as you said, this is not wrong).

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Come on guys, let's all calm down. As long as your not a drunken 'wife beater' type person spanking your child is not that big a problem. We're not talking about beating them and them having to go to school with a block eye saying they fell. We're talking about a normal spanking, nothing more violent than that.

What he said.

Sounds like you've got some personal probs there, Noire.

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I actually agree 100% with Jesse, it's not like you're going to scar them for life just teach them that what they're doing is wrong. If you don't they'll never learn, no amount of time outs can ever teach the lesson a 'beating' can. It doesn't even have to be that hard, just enough to teach them you're serious.

MLK taught without violence, and they (most racists) learned.

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There is no right and wrong way to raise a child.

So are you going to retract this statement, or do you still stand by it (as in raping your child is not the wrong way to raise them since there is no wrong way)?

Or are you just going to resort to insults once again to prove your point because you really have nothing to substantiate the claims you are making.

Sounds like you've got some personal probs there, Noire.

Didn't realize you can only favor one side of an arguement because of personal probs. Was I ever beat as a child? No. Do I think it's wrong? Yes.

I hope to god your not referring to the TV Character that George Lopez portrays.

And they probably are

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So are you going to retract this statement, or do you still stand by it (as in raping your child is not the wrong way to raise them since there is no wrong way)?

Or are you just going to resort to insults once again to prove your point because you really have nothing to substantiate the claims you are making.

ahaha, clearly I meant within reason, dumbo. Stop arguing like a little kid by taking what I've said to extremes in order to point out what you think is a fallacy within my claim. I assumed you had a baseline level of common sense when I said that; my mistake. This is what I meant when I said it's not worth arguing with you. When you have to explain things to your opponent that are generally assumed to be true with a higher level thinker, it's not worth the time spent.

Didn't realize you can only favor one side of an arguement because of personal probs. Was I ever beat as a child? No. Do I think it's wrong? Yes.

hahah, you just keep bringing it up. You sound very concerned.

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ahaha, clearly I meant within reason, dumbo. Stop arguing like a little kid by taking what I've said to extremes in order to point out what you think is a fallacy within my claim. I assumed you had a baseline level of common sense when I said that; my mistake. This is what I meant when I said it's not worth arguing with you. When you have to explain things to your opponent that are generally assumed to be true with a higher level thinker, it's not worth the time spent.

I said the extremees to point out how your claim is false. Why would I bring up something borderline when that is the topic of this thread to begin with. So pretty much, you retract what you said, but you try to make it sound like you were saying something else. Again, you sound mad that I proved your statement wrong and you have nothing to bring to the discussion except insults because you ran out of things to say that's on topic.

So keep throwing those insults at me because you are wrong and are now trying to divert the attention elsewhere.

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Dojima, you are wrong, and you are trying to avoid it with throwing insults. I've seen people do it a thousand times, just because your doing it doesn't mean it will work. Your a hypocrite.

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ahah, the only thing you proved is how much of a dunce you are haha.


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George Lopez's mom taught with violence, and he (somewhat) learned.

Anyone can state something happened ONCE, or even a few times.


Tony dived off the high dive, did a quadruple back flip, landed on a rubber mat in the pool, bounced 50 feet high, and then finished with a cannon ball.

Doesn't mean it's going to work every time.

Quality makes up for quantity.

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