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Should Renji be removed from the clan?

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This is a serious thread. No trolling. I will back up why Renji should be removed from the clan with evidence.

Exhibit A - His PM

As per your request, here is my PM in regards to how I feel the community needs to be worked on. While there are many issues in the structure, I feel the staff should be looked at first:


CoinStar - gay IMO lol j/k

Church - Church is an all around good guy. If something is wrong you can go to Church and actually get a meaningful response. If he himself doesn't know the answer, he will find who does and see that it gets addressed. I couldn't agree more with him being a Manager.

HoboInArmy - Dont get me wrong, I like hobo. However, He has been very inactive, and I think his age has played a role in his decisions in the past and have lead him to over-react in certain situations. I do not personally have a problem with him or his methods, however I do feel his lack of presence lately in the community has been apparent.

Jason - Jason does very good work when he can be bothered to do it. He goes on hiatus after hiatus and when he comes back he does fine... at first. He also has this "im immune from punishment, what I say goes" sort of attitude, and if he doesnt like you, he will find ways to give you hell: IE: Mr Clickerson. With the exception of Pebbz and Kai, all of the other staff felt that his perma-banning of Zues was overboard, yet he refuses to admit his wrongdoing and also refuses to correct it. He also then feels the need to approach Clickerson on X-Fire and tell him that his ban will never be removed and to stop bothering staff about it.

LooooongCat - I dont really have much to say about longcat. He takes things into his own hands and gets them done. I have nothing personal against him, however a lot of people feel he should not be a manager for reasons unknown, or irrelevant.


Blaze- I think Blaze has been one of the better additions to the current staff. Hes been staff for a limited time, yet has been actively attacking the garbage that goes on with other staff members, and tries to form some sort of balance. I agree with most of what Blaze has to stay, especially with the whole banning mediums. IE: Shippo, but we'll get back to that later.

Clay- I think it was wise to add Clay as an advisor as well. He is well-liked in the community and has good intentions. I think his community influences will hold a lot of power in any upcoming changes.

Danielle- I don't want to get too far into Danielle simply because she's my cousin and my opinion is obviously going to be bias, however, relationships aside, she is one of the few staffers who actually give a shit as to the direction the community takes both within the community as well as in the eye of the public. She did more with the complaint department in her previous JCS stint than any other staff member, and has always been someone the community can go to when they need something handled.

Howard Dean- I think as much of Howard as I do of Blaze. Howard, as demonstrated in his "community change" thread, has a desire to make the community better than it currently is, and live up to the potential of what it can be. While he may be young, that doesn't change the fact that he is both dedicated and responsible in most of his decisions.

Lesbian Dad- I like Lesbian Dad, he is a good guy. However, I don't see him doing much of anything anymore. The only posts Ive been seeing as of late from in in regards to his staff duties are posts of him "abstaining from voting" in the recruitment section. Ive also however been disappointed with his frequent snide remarks about Jailbreak and its players in the Jailbreak forums. Its one thing to dislike the game/server, but its a completely another story to insult its players because of their participation.

Mitch- Mitch has been a really big disappointment to me. Prior to his staff position, he was a very likable player and person. However, since he's become staff, he has been frequently attempting to troll people, myself included, as well as his long time friends Moose, Freekirrer, etc. He also has been playing fast and loose with his powers. For example; Freekiller said Iralings first name, and Mitch said "you should Google his name and Iraling and see what comes up", so Chicago Ted does it, and simply asks Iraling "is this really your facebook?". As a result, mitch banned both Freekiller and Chicago Ted for 2 weeks for PIP violations, even though he was the one that incited the whole situation. When it was brought up to church, Iraling (Mitches Lapdog as of late) decided to give them all permission to avoid any PIP violations simply so Mitch wouldn't get in trouble.

Also as you know, you gave me the Freemium Admin on JB with full privileges. Mitch didn't like this so he deleted it. I went back to you and Klark and it was re-added. Again, Mitch didn't like it, so he gave the admin to 10-12 different people and said that he had permission from you to do so, and then deleted my admin, denying the whole thing. However, freekiller told me he was in the vent channel when it was all happening, and mitch admitted that it was him.

Personally, I don't believe he deserves his staff abilities simply because I don't believe he can handle them.

Oracion Oracion is a good guy with good intentions with the will to get shit done. He started off as a Jailbreak goto guy, and has since rotated his way through all the servers, stopping in on a regular basis to keep them in line. He also responsible for a majority of the Complaint Department clean-ups. Definately a grade-a staff member.

Pebbz- Troll. Trolls on the forums, trolls in vent, gives infractions to people he doesn't like for stupid things, yet blatantly disregards the actions of his friends.

Xklark- Klark does amazing work. He busts his ass on a regular basis to keep the servers up and running smoothly. He also has been handling all of the admin based stuff, and deserves Jason's slot as Manager.

Yiyas+ Kai- I lumped these 2 together because I feel they both do great work at what they do. As we discussed and both agreed on, this is more of an Engineer related position however, and I believe should be handled as such. Kai is somewhat of a Troll, but Yiyas gets shit done.

Now that we've gotton through that essay, i'd like to move on to the community in general.

Ban Mediums

With the exception of ventrilo, I believe if you are banned on the forums, you should also be banned on the servers and visa versa. A primary example of this is Shippo. Because of shippo's friends in staff (Pebbz, Jason, Mitch) He remains unbanned on the forums even after 1) Abusing his admin on a regular basis 2) Cheating in our servers EVERY time hes played. I made a thread a while back just before he got banned for cheating with demos of him teleporting and noclipping himself, screenshots of him doing it, and a vent recording of him admitting it, however nothing happened because he had friends in high places. Shortly later, he gets caught cheating in our servers, yet is only banned in-game (which if im not mistaken, jason deleted his ban anyway).

With all that being said, it brings me to another case. 3 Days ago Fire.exe left the clan for reasons unknown and decided to !kick @ct and leave the server. Mitch instantly banned him from the gameservers, ventirlo, and forums, just for admin abuse. So why does he get permanently banned on all channel, while others are only getting banned where theyre obligated to? This brings me to my next subject:

Double Standards

This makes us look worse to the community than anything else. This is also why a lot of sG trolls and cliques dislike me, because I believe everyone should share equal punishment regardless of their position in the community. A good example of this is when Kursha put "Neggar" in her sig on the forums. Pebbz banned her for 2 days because of it. However, Jason says "Nigger" in the complaint department, and it simply gets edited out. Bullshit is Bullshit.


This is our largest problem with people in the community. This is also however, one of the hardest to combat. Myself as well as some staff members agree that the FFA forum only further incites further trolling. It also allows for random people to disrespect the staff and get away with it without punishment. If the community doesnt respect you, they arent going to respond to your opinions or actions. I see atleast 10 threads called "Howard" or "pebbz" or "longcat" and the body is simply "Is a nigger." All this does is start a flame war in the FFA which almost ALWAYS leaks out into other forums. May not be as serious, however, it is apparent and leads to thread derailing and useless trolling in other forums as well.

Complaint Department Thead Hijacking and Trolling

This is also one of the things that irks me the most. Nothing is more annoying than when someone comes here with a legitimate complaint, and it simply turns into a flame fest against the poster, and the thread gets derailed to 5 pages and then "Resolved" even though the original issue has yet to be dealt with. I believe that posts outside the parameters of the original complaints should be restricted and infracted, so maybe things can actually get done that the community wants to see fixed.

IE: Amber posted a thread complaining about people calling her Manber, and talking about her mustache on the forums (pretty much just trolling her), and all it did was turn into a troll fest further flaming her and then got marked as "Resolved" without the original post ever being addressed.

These are the few things that pop into my head when I think "What is wrong with sG". If you'd like to talk with me about any of these things, I'd be more than happy to do so. Im not just trying to Kiss-ass my way to a staff position, I'm simply trying to make a stand to get things done so the community can achieve its potential, not so I can achieve mine.

You can take what you want from that, as most people have already seen it. But it's really just a lot of dumb shit. But let's use this as our foundation, to prove how much of a hypocrite he truly is.

And a douchebag

And how he does not deserve to ever hold any staff position, or be a member of the community.

I'll just copy some of his posts, and let you use your own discretion. But my thoughts are pretty obvious.

Stop bandwagoning when you have no idea what youre talking about, when 2 days ago you were sucking my dick on the JB server.
That's exactly what I was told from the people involved, yourself included. Or did you forget that you messaged me on steam QQing as soon as you got banned
My meaningful reply was in the quote from my PM Coin regarding how useless LD is.
You're an idiot. You try to be funny, and "cool" with your retarded ass sayings like "Stay Alpha, "Be a rockstar" etc. If that is you in the animation in your sig, youre the farthest from either. You look like Rick Moranis from honey I shrunk the kids, and youre just as clueless as he. You abstain from making votes where theyre actually needed, but you take every chance you can get to make remarks about how useless jailbreak is. Kinda ironic if you ask me.
I gave up on sG ever making a turn for the better last night.
Read the OP. Decent and diplomatic obviously doesnt work. Only way to talk with trolls is to troll them back.
True colors nothing. I just stopped giving a shit. If anyone has showed their true colors its you. With all the rage and QQing and attemping to get people to crash the servers after you were demoted etc lol

I have to say something about this one, that pretty much crossed every single line there is. Like... holy shit.

Going to bed, ill be back tomorrow for a tl;dr and to continue our conversation Karma, unless you choke on a sandwhich like Mama Cass before then.
Can you do me a favor? Get proactiv. Your face looks like the surface of mars, if mars was a bit smaller.

After the fact is after the fact. The only way to get through to the trolls apparently is to troll them back. Notice the thread died when I started defending myself? Because they couldn't come up with anything new outside of their old inferior insults

The only true colors that were shown, is how quickly members of the community are to bandwagon to avoid being the targets of trolling, yet if they had just stood by their beliefs in the first place, we wouldn't have been in this situation to begin with. I am still the same person, I have just given up all hope and care that someday sG will ever pull itself out of the shit hole it dug itself into with the flimsy rules and loopholes.

So take what you want from it, but it's pretty obvious that he doesn't deserve to be in the community. He obviously does not deserve any form of staff rights, considering he kept his calm for less then 12 hours.

Vote away

Again, this is not a troll. But a serious post.

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The quote about LD has really made me believe he is a douchebag...

LD is cool and what renji said about what he looks like is so bullshit, i completely disagree

But i dont think he should be voted out the clan, it's more fun to watch him suffer i guess

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I'm sorry JDD but I fail to see your point in this, mainly because a bigger troll for example that ultapounch guy wouldn't get reamed like this. From what I've seen you guys only resent him because he plays on a jailbreak server and is one of the few people who doesn't daily on 4chan. As well from the people complaining about him are trolls themselves and obviously Renji is someone different.

He had the cahones to say ok if you guys don't want me in this position fine I'll gracefully step down and yet you "trolls" still beat a dead corpse. Its dead, done, stop.

Additionally if you see the polls right now, YOUR the only vote that says he should removed. Stop flooding hate spam or else the trolls will drown from being under the bridge.

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Guest Waffle

I thought him banning me was exhibit a... I even changed my user title.. :(

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This only shows that maybe he isnt ready for staff yet. I wouldn't say what he did messed the clan up so badly that he should be removed. Give it a month and people will forget about it (unless some people refuse to let it go)

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Lets not forget that Coinstar and Danielle are as much to blame as Renji for this whole debacle. Renji just expressed an opinion and others acted on it. I am sure we all have negative opinions about certain staff members that we express to others. Doesn't mean we should be banned for it. I would also like to add that we didn't really give Renji a decent shake. We have had others jump the line and become staff before. Sure he recently 'showed his true colors'. Seriously though, how many of you could honestly say that you wouldn't be raging and trolling if the entire community was trying to skull fuck you because of decisions OTHERS made.

Oh yeah, lets not forget that many of our past and present staff members were epic trolls prior to becoming staff and following their stint on staff.

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Can't be removed from staff if you didn't have it in the first place. Oh snap.

He had staff for a few hours :3 that still counts as having it right?

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Lets not forget that Coinstar and Danielle are as much to blame as Renji for this whole debacle. Renji just expressed an opinion and others acted on it. I am sure we all have negative opinions about certain staff members that we express to others. Doesn't mean we should be banned for it. I would also like to add that we didn't really give Renji a decent shake. We have had others jump the line and become staff before. Sure he recently 'showed his true colors'. Seriously though, how many of you could honestly say that you wouldn't be raging and trolling if the entire community was trying to skull fuck you because of decisions OTHERS made.

Oh yeah, lets not forget that many of our past and present staff members were epic trolls prior to becoming staff and following their stint on staff.

Exactly, all he did was express his opinion. In almost every single one of those posts you put in the first post. Yes some of them were uncalled for and yes some of them are inappropriate but they are just opinions. Him saying he was giving up on sG was most likely from the frustration that was caused from the members of sG. You can't really kick someone out for voicing an opinion that you don't like or we wouldn't have any members left. I haven't heard much about why waffle got banned and such but from what I heard that would be the only thing that could really be used against him, but even then you can't kick him from the clan for that. By making this post it's contributing to the unneeded drama in this clan.

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Maybe people should look at those quotes in context, anyone can cut and paste things, and make someone look really good, or really bad. But people have to know what context they were in for them to actually make sense.

If the majority of the community just started hating on me because I got promoted one day, and there was that much hate to make me step down the same day, I would be upset too, especially when people start useless topics like "Should Renji be removed from the clan"

OK maybe he isn't ready for a staff position, but what did he do to be removed from the clan? You all are taking this way too far and letting personal feelings get in the way of actual decisions.

Maybe if some of the other staff didn't get demoted (or at least told first!) this would not have been such a huge shitstorm, but I still think this has gotten way out of hand.

Just curious, how many of you actually read the OP, and how many just saw "kick renji" and decided to go along with it?

If by posting this I piss some of you off then go ahead and make a "Should Ctark be removed from the Clan?" Topic, lets see who doesn't want me here.

PS: I only play JB, so now you can use that as your reason for hating me aswell.

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main points: he insulted multiple members of the clan

-worked secretly behind our backs

-"gave up on sG" <--- why not leave if you feel this way?

Insulting clan members was bad but clan members insult each other all the time. From what I read he only stated his opinion behind our back, yes stuff happened behind our back that he was aware of but he wasn't the one that decided this, he just expressed his opinion and happened to be part of what was happening. And frustration and anger probably led to him saying he gave up on the clan.

Maybe people should look at those quotes in context, anyone can cut and paste things, and make someone look really good, or really bad. But people have to know what context they were in for them to actually make sense.

If the majority of the community just started hating on me because I got promoted one day, and there was that much hate to make me step down the same day, I would be upset too, especially when people start useless topics like "Should Renji be removed from the clan"

OK maybe he isn't ready for a staff position, but what did he do to be removed from the clan? You all are taking this way too far and letting personal feelings get in the way of actual decisions.

Maybe if some of the other staff didn't get demoted (or at least told first!) this would not have been such a huge shitstorm, but I still think this has gotten way out of hand.

Just curious, how many of you actually read the OP, and how many just saw "kick renji" and decided to go along with it?

If by posting this I piss some of you off then go ahead and make a "Should Ctark be removed from the Clan?" Topic, lets see who doesn't want me here.

PS: I only play JB, so now you can use that as your reason for hating me aswell.

Exactly. It's easy to spend all your time wasted on finding parts of posts that make people look bad and then post it. People act like those posts are his only posts and not that someone just looked for everything semi-bad they could find to use against him.

Renji is fine, you guys are just over-reacting to a slight piece of drama.


Most of the users in this thread are just trying to attack a clan member for causing the clan a lot of trouble when he wasn't the main one at all. And the reason you all are attacking renji is because he did harm to the clan, Well trying to kick another clan member out while not trying any attempt to help the clan just makes things worse.

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