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Attention Seeking Disorder?

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Hey guys.

So I have recently come to the conclusion that I am an attention seeker. Yes, it's been said before, tossed around or whatever, but now it has come to play in RL and I'm not really sure what to do.

Things I have done to get attention:

-Lie frequently

-Cut myself

-Brag about the fact that I play video games

-Say I've been abused

-Cry for no reason so people feel sorry for me

...and a lot of other things. I honestly hate it more than anything. Any ideas of what to do to get away from this? I really just want it to end, it's ruining me.

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Well cut yourself deeper and end it...

Jk. But seriously stop cutting, thats fucked and it doesnt make yourself better

lieing is okay

Yea I know. I have like no self confidence, and getting attention makes me feel better about myself.

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Find a boyfriend who's horny

You'll get all the attention you want.

I'm on that. I'll give it a week before I have a boyfriend because I found a guy I really like.

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I'm on that. I'll give it a week before I have a boyfriend because I found a guy I really like.

There's a lot of horny guys in Connecticut, I can hook you up with my friends that live 20 minutes from you that are hawt =P


Its better when you don't like the person

like in love

Because then when it ends your going to be more depressed

hopefully he's not too much of a douchebag

but douchebags always fuck the best

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Erm well funny thing is a boyfriend might make you worse especially if you stumble across someone like me because once he knows your a huge attention whore all he'd need to do is ignore you for a small period, then give you some love, ignore, love, repeat. He'd drive you crazy in love and obsessed with him because of that constant need for approval from him.

Course a contributing factor was that your parents didn't love you enough.

Your lucky though because you never had to put up with the mental and physical brutality I grew up with in my home. I had a similar case you did when I was younger around grade 8-10 and when you study something long enough you being to sense how it works. I wasn't getting any approval at home so I went seeking it else where like at school and such, however to my dismay this was not the case because everyone at that age is like people on this forum, a bunch of grab-assed high school kids trying to get your attention because they feel that this is the closest they'll ever get to a girl and her camera. I'm pretty sure you guys made my point below with some people excluded.

It was in grade 10 around your age pretty much that I realized I didn't give 2 shits what everyone else wanted, what they like, or approve of me doing is their own problem. One thing I also was doing around that time was meditation, its good because it allows you to reflect and think by yourself. I don't care if your not buddist/taoist/daoist or your secretly some Christian fanatic Meditation is an action NOT A FOLLOWING SO, unless you want me to start pointing out flaws in your bible shut up.

Like my friend says every time we tell him to patch himself in L4D2 when hes black and white, "Laughter is the best medicine" *emote laugh*

I still lie from time to time some big some small hell when I was in my Freshman year in college I told a lie that my buddy went home with these 2 persian girls he met at this christmas party we went to. (Primarily because I felt like I was an asshole to him for quite some time so I decided to something good) Course this perpetuated into a title for him as a pimp. I'm not kidding my class, radio class, journalist class ALL knew. Lying to get sympathy is something I don't need anymore because I felt that this was an area of a person I could improve on bettering myself I'm just trying to be a better person (My name is Earl). I still do it to get stuff and protect information and people that I work with but thats just my industry sometimes you need to lie to an uptight producer that your crew needs 15 minutes and you tell the producer man they need about 23. However I never do it to people whom I trust and know who wouldn't lie to me especially when you at taught what to look for.

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