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CAL Rotation Server.

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Same with me, i love DM's BUT if we could hvae enough people.. we should have sort of an actual vanilla server. like where you have to plant the bomb and stuff...... :]

Doing objective DM is an odd, yet super fun game mode. Specially as a T. It's an endless onslaught of CTs.

Well we can make it work. its 2010!!

That's what we said last year, and the year before that.

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That's what we said last year, and the year before that.

Why the hell in 2008 and 2009 did we say "we'll make is work, its 2010!"

c wat i did thar ;)

Oh and a 24/7 D2 I think we should give another try. If it's decent I'll be in there non-stop like the old days.

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i wouldn't like to play d2 all the time, but i would play there. modded servers never really show how good someone is (not saying DM is bad, it's still no super powers or anything like that lol). no matter what people say. i'd be down for a rotation server.

and btw, there's other leagues than cal. cevo, esea, (Some of the new ones trying to replace CAL like eco and rga...)..

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ESEA Rotation would be the best IMO. It has the most players now, CEVO has gone to shit, Eco is made of 12 year old CAL Admins who couldnt handle it, and RGA =? lol

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yeah i know, not saying any of those new leaguse are good. cevos still decent.. but it took so many idiots after cal that.. yeah.. lol. before cal died i was almost hired as a cevo admin. they actually pay fairly well.. you go through like 5 online interviews and stuff. lol

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May as well replace GG with it, it's been dead for what, three months? More?

I would go with him. If we can get people from sG

to help out, I'm sure we can get it populated.

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Why don't we sign up for teams on championship gaming series? You can sign up as teams and the winning teams get paid money to play this game for the team. I mean they put you up in your own apt and you get to travel around. My friend is apart of one of the counter strike teams and made about 60k + endorsements doing it. He would pretty much get stoned all day and just play css.

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