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Basketball and Racism.

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Nothing wrong with the league, but what the guy has said is pretty racist. There are all-black colleges and scholarships that I was never able to touch, but no all-white colleges or scholarships.

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Nothing wrong with the league, but what the guy has said is pretty racist. There are all-black colleges and scholarships that I was never able to touch, but no all-white colleges or scholarships.

Because, statistically, as a white male you have a certain amount of privilege that will make it easier for you to be admitted to schools, and again, statistically, you will come from a higher income family. Scholarships like that level the playing field.

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Not to mention statistically blacks are more likely to head to prison compared to latinos, asians and caucasians. You know the percentage of blacks that actually graduate high school and make it to college? Not much realistically in comparison to other ethnicities.

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Not to mention statistically blacks are more likely to head to prison compared to latinos, asians and caucasians. You know the percentage of blacks that actually graduate high school and make it to college? Not much realistically in comparison to other ethnicities.

Good point, but are you saying that's a result of their race, or prejudice against them/ a product of the situation many black families find themselves in as a result institutional racism in the US?

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It's a situation. Like honestly, I know some african americans at my school, and they honestly do not think through their decisions before they do stupid things. :/

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It's a situation. Like honestly, I know some african americans at my school, and they honestly do not think through their decisions before they do stupid things. :/

Desperation can cause people to do stupid things.

Just look at Zeus...

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Desperation can cause people to do stupid things.

Just look at Zeus...

Or the fact that...(If only I was in the FFA)

I do see what he is trying to say, but he failed pretty hard at it.

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Well.. I am going to imagine this is a privately funded league.

Therefore, who gives a shit?

Do you think Nike, Adidas, or Reebok would even consider touching this league with a 10ft pole? Obviously not.

They will be privately funded, and quite honestly a lot of privately funded groups and associations are restrictive.

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Well.. I am going to imagine this is a privately funded league.

Therefore, who gives a shit?

Do you think Nike, Adidas, or Reebok would even consider touching this league with a 10ft pole? Obviously not.

They will be privately funded, and quite honestly a lot of privately funded groups and associations are restrictive.

This is true... I suppose this way it will divert funding from other projects hate groups, who will inevitably be the only large donors, might be working on.

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if this guy wants a white only league... who gives a shit? i see where the guy is coming from with the so called "Street Ball" in that most of the people i have played pick up basketball are in general, retards who want to start fights about stupid shit- but the white ones are just as likely as the other ethnicities to be asses. So i dont think this guy is going to solve anything but the color "issue" with his league. On the other hand... I will be honest and say, in my experiences, every time i have ever had something stolen from me it was by a black dude... at a basketball court/game/area... and they were ghetto ass in your face disrespectful assholes. when i play ultimate, which is pretty balanced when it comes to races, i have NEVER had an issue with anyone or had anything stolen, generally everyone is just there to have fun, no talkin shit. so i am going to wrap this up with saying that in my opinion there is a "aura" about basketball of disrespect, dishonesty and general asshatery, and that is the main reason i stopped playing- but that was streetball. so this guy making a pro league of whites is stupid, because at the pro level all that ghetto shit doesn't exist they are fucking pros- professionals- as in they players do basketball for a job.

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I actually have to ask...

If there really is an All Caucasian League.. where exactly do these people think their money is going?

generally, its going to Asia and South America. LOL FAIL.

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