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Update time!!!

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Alright, for those who give a damn... I'm doing an update on the past 4 months.

Currently, I still work at the same job, However, I'm not making 9.50 an hour... and 2, sometimes 3 hours I'm just sitting there reading a magazine when all my work is done waiting for a customer.

I currently have a 3.79 GPA at my college, classes are rocking and rolling, so easy and fun ^^

Now for the bombshell.

December 17th, exactly one week before Christmas Eve, someone broke into my apt through a 2ft wide window, probably a kid. Than the kid probably let 2 adults in to rob my place. They made off with...

A laptop, 1,500 bucks

A 48" Flat Screen TV, 2,000+ bucks

My son's jar of coins, 50+ Bucks

The headset for my computer, 28 bucks

Some jewelry, 30 bucks

A box of pens.... yes, pens.

Total value is roughly 3,500+ bucks up to 3,900.

So yea.... great christmas eh?

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thats why i bought a 12 gauge. it sits under my bed, not loaded but with a box of shells next to it.

you should load it up with 1 bullets

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Also definitely do not keep a round in the chamber. (lol @ 1 bullets)

I keep my Five-seveN in a safe case and the case has a magazine with 5 JHP rounds in it, ready to go when I need it. Just don't keep it in the gun.

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Kbreezy, your a dumbshit if you think I didn't lock my doors and windows. So why don't you take your stupid uneducated ass out of here? kthnxgtfo.

What part of "someone broke into my apt through a 2ft wide window" did you not understand? I didn't say I left the damn thing open. I said broke in. Your as dumb and probably as fat as the people in your sig.

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Same shit happened to me about 3 months ago. Stole my flatscreen, my shotgun (which I honestly didn't hide at all since I don't have any ammo for it), My .45 (which was hidden very well), and a bunch of my clothes.

Oh and before KBreezy makes another retarded statement, my window was locked. They smashed it. It seems even locked windows can't stand the force of a blunt object hitting them. Imagine that.

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