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Can people give me ideas on classes that will help me kick some ass on mw2.

Currently i have a knife class

:Commando pro:

:Lightweight pro:


And my gun classes are the typical power obsessed classes. (Eg. Famas+Stopping power pro= Pure rape)

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wow way to be gay with a knife class

... make sure you use a care package with it.

Make a PRO PIPE class


Danger close

radar jammer

Any rifle with PRO PIPE



and just spam the shit out of everything you have

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1. Main class

M1 with heartbeat and holographic

dual rangers with FMJ

p1: bling pro

p2: stopping power pro

p3: ninja

Stun nade


2. Run class (for CTF, Domination, bomb)

Mini-uzi (FTW) w/ red dot

.44 magnum w/ tactical knife

marathon pro

lightweight pro

commando pro


throwing knife

3. Heavy weapons/test class

Aug lmg


sleight of hand pro

cold blooded

(I honestly forgot what i put here, but i really don't care, maybe scrambler or something)



4. Super Snipe

WA2000 w/ thermal FMJ

Dual rangers w/ FMJ

Bling pro

Cold Blooded pro

Last stand pro



5. Dfence/crap class


thumper or javalin

scavenger pro

Danger Close

(again, forgot what i put here)



That's what i have currently, i'll check later to see what 2 perks i forgot about are.

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What level are you?

For your knife class use a sniper as primary (just for the suit :) ), and then use some type of pistol and get the knife attachment. It makes you knife 2x faster so if you miss it's a better chance at getting them again.

If your high level, I like using the Model 1887 or whatever shotguns. Getting Akimbo as the attachment. If you'd like, you can use a riot shield as your primary and you can't get shot in the back, as well as deflects a lot of helicopter/harrier bullets. Or you can just use a sniper to run fast.




Basically whatever you want, I put Ninja, or you can do commando for the pro version of no fall damage.

My sniper class goes like this if you're into camping ;) basically invisible to everything.

Sniper - thermal/heartbeat

any handgun/shotgun.


Cold blooded


As for a rifle, you have a few choices due to preferance.

ACR (My favorite, acurate long range, good damage) / AK47 (Very acurate close range using hipfire)

I usually put on the Stinger/Javelin to shoot things down.

Perks: (Once again, preferance on what you'd like)

Bling for ACR (Heartbeat/holographic scope). Marathon for AK47 (Need to get up close seeing as I hate the way the gun shoots long range)

Hardline (Get those killstreaks sooner, can result in a huge benifit). Or Stopping power (Kills a lot faster, higher kdr, if you're good usually more kill streaks..)

Commando pro (Mainly for the no fall damage is why I use it). You could change it to anything else though / For the AK47 I use steady aim to make it's hipfire even better accuracy.

If you have any questions leme know :P I'm going through prestige again already and my scores on 360 usually consist of like 25-30 and 4-8 deaths so I tend to think my classes are pretty good :P

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there no need for heartbeat

Actually, i find it pretty usefull, especially on hardcore for those idiots who forget about ninja.

Plus, it's my secret weapon on any 3rd person mode, since, while it doesn't show you where, you can use the pitch of the blips to find enemies.

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Wow. Definite. All these classes are downright wonderful. I took about 3 hours using each one till fullest potential. <3 i love you guys for giving me several kick ass classes.

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Either... ACR, silenced, ninja pro, scavenger pro, coldblooded pro

or ACR holosight, scavenger pro, stopping power pro, steady aim pro

use stinger or javalin to shoot down those annoying harriers

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If you want a really cheap class.

F2000 (with noobtube)

One Man Army Pro

Danger Close Pro

Steady Aim Pro


Stun Nades

Basically you keep switching to this class with One Man Army and you can keep getting more nades and claymores.

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Personally I and badass with these

1. Fast Mover

P90 (Akimbo / Rapid Fire)

P2000 (Akimbo / FMJ)



Bling Pro

Lightweight Pro

Steady Aim Pro

2. TAR-21

Tar-21 (Holographic or ACOG)

.44 Magnum (akimbo)



Slight of Hand Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Last Stand Pro

3. Stealth

F2000 (Silencer / Holographic)

M9 (Silencer / Tactical Knife)

Tactical Insertion

Stun Nades

1. Bling Pro

2. Stopping Power Pro or Cold Blooded Pro (depending if its regular or hardcore)

3. Ninja Pro

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