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It seems that CD appeals have been met with niggardly decisions.

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One, bias. Staff Member 1 likes Admin A, Admin A bans Admin B because of a clash over whether or not Player C can spam music over the mic. Admin A states his case, talks to Howard, gets off Scot-free. You see what I'm saying?

Fight the power.

I'm not going to lie. This is my reason for being some lazy fuck just lurking/rarely posting in the forums and not joining. Its easily noticeable in many threads where people start arguing, and you will see people start taking sides, from L1 members and up, and a bit of favoritism.

Pebbz, if my opinion counts as a non-SG member, a bit of transparency in the judicial process is always a good thing for the whole community.

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Large post ahead.

I've noticed the CD has been flooded recently with all types of issues with bans over hackers, some of which seem to be rushed, causing a lot of grief to one person. I'm not certain why the ban is coming back as the end-means of something (especially admin 'disrespect') over things when half the time a slay/kick gets the point across for someone. I don't know exactly what happened in High's case, but overall he wasn't doing the best job in being civil and keeping it fun/sane, and instead did the opposite, which was to insult and annoy, rather than work the situation out sensibly.

Not to say all the bans were legit though. The disrespect thing is something you could easily fix with a silence and then a ban if he dodges it, but since it IS allowed to be bannable for now, and there isn't any real evidence that it happened outside of a word from someone who says he was doing it, we can only believe that it happened since there is no proof otherwise. I'd hope though that the rules do take out the ban option for disrespect. It's more fun to just silence/torture them if they're going to be douchebags to admins/staff/players.

As to how the CD has been handled, I think Howard and the others have been doing great. Only thing I'd like to see is more activity and maybe things handled faster so there isn't a huge buildup that happens at times, or claims of hackers taking three days to get handled. Past that, I think things have been fair in the majority of issues. I'd still like to see a set system put in that would put people on a 'strike' list or something for repeat offenses so it's easier to keep tabs on.

One thing that I'm wondering about Project though is, how long ago was it that he was perma'ed, or what not? I could understand an appeal say, the day of/after to try and win an argument, but if it happened awhile back and they come in suddenly to say "hey I'm better please let me back in?", then it doesn't make much sense. If you're going to appeal something, it should be shortly after your punishment has happened, not a few weeks down the road to try and get a ban stricken off your tally. Why not put something in saying "If you want to appeal you have x days to do so, else your ban stays" then we wouldn't have issues with who said who/proof and issues with wrongful bans and the like.

As to perma banned players, if they really do get perma'ed from servers, I see no reason why it shouldn't happen on Vent/forums. If you lost your freedom to play the community's servers, I don't see why you should have freedom on the vent/forum either. If this is to start though, I don't see any reason to perma people who were previously perma'ed unless the staff really has an issue with it.

Last, the six ban rule IMO needs to be followed until staff decided as a whole to change it around if they deem it so. It's in for a reason, which is to keep idiots who keep being idiots out after they've done enough stupidity. If you honestly are able to tally THAT many up legitly, then you deserve a ban. And again, if it's not legit, appeal it ASAP and get it stricken off the record. Obviously it won't count if a staff member revokes it and states so in the description.

Overall, I'd say things are good, but some common sense things just need to happen, namely sensible thinking, quicker appeals and possibly some less hasty decisions on people with skimpy proof. Maybe a slight change in rules to outline when to appeal helps too, but in general things seem good.

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i got banned like 6 months ago...

if you go by the disrespect thing, then i have no bans, if you go by the 6 ban rule then i should be unbanned, and if you go with the medium idea, it should only be the servers. funny how that works.

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Guess I missed everyone posting.

I was going to type this in high's thread, but I was not going to permma ban for the 6 bans. Most of them are for disrespect, which I have always said, is not grounds for a ban. It is grounds for a mute/silence in which case if they avoid it, THEN you can ban them for dodging a mute/silence.

Project, I don't see what he did as something that is permma bannable. I think he should be unbanned.

Shippo wall hacked, I see that as permma ban material. He should be banned from forums/servers.

Why vote in vent? Why not make a vote in the staff forums so all staff can vote on it? Or was this just between mgrs?

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Guess I missed everyone posting.

I was going to type this in high's thread, but I was not going to permma ban for the 6 bans. Most of them are for disrespect, which I have always said, is not grounds for a ban. It is grounds for a mute/silence in which case if they avoid it, THEN you can ban them for dodging a mute/silence.

Project, I don't see what he did as something that is permma bannable. I think he should be unbanned.

Shippo wall hacked, I see that as permma ban material. He should be banned from forums/servers.

Why vote in vent? Why not make a vote in the staff forums so all staff can vote on it? Or was this just between mgrs?

does everyone seem to forget who banned him? coinstar handled it. if he is to be unbanned its coinstars decision not yours.

Mario and longcat both agree I shouldnt be banned on the forums I didnt hack the fucking forums I wasnt aimbotting.

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And as longcat has said, We have decided that these people arent contributing to the community. The general population doesnt appreciate them with how they act.

This whole "medium" shit is fucking stupid

Saying if we have to ban on the servers, then we have to wait till they continue to troll on vent, and then when they start trolling on forums is fucking stupid. A ban from one thing should dictate a ban on everything. Now, this doesnt regard when someone has a temporary ban from something.

In my opinion though, when someone is continually taking away from our community and got theirself banned permanently in the first place, why should they be given the pleasure to stick around and just do whatever they please.

Absolutely not. I took my yellow star off... want me to put it back on? :\

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