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Game suggestions.

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What we need to do is come up with more games that don't rely on an admin. Tag was a good one that was made a few months back.

Honestly, I'd be up for a Dodge Ball added in and being discussed about if the physics get reverted back to something where they make an impact.

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light is the max you use >.<

Also first reaction/last reaction 5 T max to play this game.

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Guest Waffle

It was never allowed in the first place. Too much bitching.

Reaction games/opinion games aren't allowed. Fags keep bitching.

These are my games that I have not tested yet.

Admin Relied

Condemned - FF is turned on and last remaining T will receive lr. Each T will be given a random weapon and will only be able to use said weapon. Only controllable with 10 Ts or less.

Battle Royale - Similar to the movie it is named after. FF is turned on and each T will kill each other until one remains or until a timer goes off. You start off with a weapon that an admin gives you, with each player killed you may take their weapon. Also, to make it quicker and to prevent camping. Zones will be "forbidden" in which case, an admin or a ct will be allowed to kill all players in that zone. An example is the box cage, once it becomes forbidden, any Ts inside that area will have 10 seconds to leave. If there are still Ts inside, they will die. The winner will receive lr if there is no timer, if there is a timer, you may either play again or start a new game.

Chess - Two teams that will equal the chess pieces. Pawns would be one color, knights another, kings, queens, bishops, you get the idea. One T will be the "player" of one side, commanding his pieces to go where he pleases, the other T, the other "player". When pieces are taken the warden may have an option of killing said pieces, or just simply having them wait. The winning player will pick x amount of Ts to die or get his lr. Standard chess rules apply.

Capture the Flag - Instead of a flag, there will be a bomb or a gun if playing with CTs. Two teams, two bombs/guns. Though with two T teams, one will be a gun. Objective of course is to get said item back to your base. Winning team will survive, losing team will die or possibly a winning T will pick x amount of Ts on the losing team to die. This is also sort of admin relied, because of two T teams, one must change the color of teams(admin relied) or actually memorize all Ts on one team. Also there is the matter of the bomb which will be admin relied.

No Admin

Stay Alive - T's hide anywhere, besides the vents and armory. Approximately five CTs or less will find and kill as many Ts they can in the amount of time given. The time cannot be more than one minute. To prevent Ts hiding in the vents and armory, at least two ct's should guard the vent entrances and the armory, two cts per area. Similar to hide and seek I suppose.

Checkers - Two teams equal the number of checker pieces. The pieces taken will sit out, and when someone is king'd, two people on the same tile will mean a king. Of course there will be two "players". Winning player will pick x amount of Ts to die or get their lr. Standard checkers rules apply.

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Grab It lol couldn't think of a better name :P

All the T's or x amount of T's go into solitary or any other very small room. CT's must then emtpy there pistols of all ammo. Then the CT's will throw the empty guns into the room and the T's who aren't holding a gun will hide.

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Hey guys so i like to play red light green light as you know but got bored and then added 8 colours.

This upset many people so I'm posting the colours and corrosponding action in-game on here in hopes that it goes on the motd and people will stop complaining.(The colours are randomly selected on purpose to cause more confusion)

Red Light-Shift walk

Green Light-Freeze

Purple Light-Stop and continously jump in place

Yellow Light-Run

Black Light-Run backwards in the same direction that you were previously running

Maroon Light-Run backwards in the opposite direction as previously running

Rainbow Light-Crouch walk

Pink Light-Crouch walk in the same direction as previous while spinning in circles

P.S. if you don't know the rules to standard RLGL its just moving to 1 point from another.

IMO. Keep red light as stop, green light as go, yellow light as shift walk.. that way it's at least SOMEWHAT normal for the players. the rest they have to remember :P

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

fuck that we need to allow first reaction/last reaction, it's a great fucking game. Hell First Reaction by itself is a great game. First reaction jump, with some jump commands mixed in during simon says is fucking epic. Simon says First reaction: Jump!

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fuck that we need to allow first reaction/last reaction, it's a great fucking game. Hell First Reaction by itself is a great game. First reaction jump, with some jump commands mixed in during simon says is fucking epic. Simon says First reaction: Jump!

unless your ping is 200+

fuck canada

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Guest Waffle

Also, if you fuckers try to steal my ideas, I'll make jailbreak hell. As in I'll pull off shit that is worse than a Icop or a Waffle combined. Mitch knows what I'm talking about.

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In jailbreak, as a counter-terrorist, you have to balance two things at once: order and enjoyment. By order I mean preventing all terrorists from rebelling and maintaining clear and concise orders, and by enjoyment I include allowing Terrorists to enjoy themselves for following the rules placed by warden. Usually people divert to one of the two extremes (i.e. I'cop who values order, or Warden Monkeh who values enjoyment), and neither are wrong. However, what I will say is that making games that maintain order and enjoyment are extremely difficult.

Games like "find the empty gun" may seem fun, however allowing Ts to roam freely allows them ample opportunity to rebel, and games like "trivia" isn't always fun but it constricts Ts from moving to rebel. In the end, the games that are most played are the games that maintain order (i.e. being played while Ts are constrained to an area or must remain frozen) so instead of thinking of games that involve map wide events, perhaps we should focus our efforts on games that can be played at a specific location.

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Marching band day. (Yeah, I'm tired when i came up with this)

Wardon will set up the T's in a certain figure. T's must stay in this figure unless a move forces them to change teh figure.

After teh move, if the T's are lined up perfectly, then it's golden.

If someone is out of place, they die.

Way to tell if people are out of place is to tell them that they have to be in their diagnols.

Will explain more when i have coffee.

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i got a good one its called "live or die", when a CT types "go" in chat, T's will either have to type "live" or "die". If all terrorists type "live" they will all live. If a T type "die" then that T would die. If theres a mixture of "live" and "die" and theres more T's that typed "die" then "live" then all T's that typed "live" will die and T's that typed "die" will live.


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Because making another thread would be repetitive.

"Flip day"

The T's are now the one's in charge, so the CT's get to go through every little thing that they put the T's through. Only thing is, T's must go by normal rules as if they were CT's.

Probably better as an LR, but imagine if we did it when the server was full on round start. XD

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Guest Hardcoreiswindows98

8 color red-light green-light will is not an acceptable game however

5 color red-light green-light will be iffffffffff

Red is freeze

Green is run

Yellow is walk

x-color is jump

x-color is crouch

You've gotta have it set like this to avoid confusion.

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