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Race Whoring Rule

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No Block script

Team Balance script

Darko kill script... this one is a must have.

No handicap on a player.

No race whoring rule and WCS1 would be back like the ole days.

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Alot of the time a person reaches 4:1 ratio because either their team is stacked, they are on the "easy" side or the other team is a bunch of newbs. Very rarely have I seen it be strictly because of the race someone is playing. It definitly contributes, but to me it's rarely the cause. I think instead of changing races, the person should change teams.

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Alot of the time a person reaches 4:1 ratio because either their team is stacked, they are on the "easy" side or the other team is a bunch of newbs. Very rarely have I seen it be strictly because of the race someone is playing. It definitly contributes, but to me it's rarely the cause. I think instead of changing races, the person should change teams.

Im pretty sure I just said that exactly...

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Any chance we could get the same vote for wcs2?

Or was this strictly a wcs1 thing cause I think thats unfair.

maybe after the level reset is voted on? maybe after the server is fixed?

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First off, I didn't really consider it bashing. It's his opinion. If he finds that WCS1 is more skillful than WCS2, then no one can tell him otherwise. When someone says that this poll or feedback is bias when it ONLY affects WCS1, I'd say that is pretty stupid. WCS2 should have no relevance it the decision of WCS1. So let's just drop WCS2 out of the picture, okay?

Can you get any more ignorant? You're assuming the whole WCS1 population can't do as well on WCS2. Please don't make assumptions that you are clearly bias against. I don't have anything against WCS2 players nor the server (except for the instability due to the coding), and I don't think you can honestly say the same.

And that's where the problem lies. There are other ways of balancing teams than handicapping someone who is doing good. The whole idea of hindering someone's ability to play their race is stupid.

I'm also glad that Link agrees with these rules are unnecessary. Seems like you're getting less and less supporters as time grows, Noire.

Way to try to attack my post pebbz. First off, if someone else can voice their opinion about server 2, then why can't I do the same? You are saying its ok to attack server 2, but when someone from server 2 tries to defend, they are out of place. Stop being so prejudicial.

I never said ANYTHING about the WHOLE WCS1 Poplulation not being able to do well on the server. Don't put words in my mouth. What I said was people who complain about it being a non skill server are the people who don't do well in it.

What reason do I have to be bias to server 1 pebbz? You keep saying it over and over, but where is your proof. The only thing I have stood up for is the equal treatment . If something is going to be enforced, 1 it should be enforced on ALL players. 2. If one WCS server has the rule, I dont see why the other shouldn't have it as well.

All Pebbz, I would also like you to point out where it is that I came up with these rules. If I remember it was Bios who started the rule and Oreo and Goodkat that put the rules in writing. These rules were not invented by me, just enforced. Mainly the reason why I was so hard on enforcing these rules is because for the longest time I had to obey the non race whoring rule when half of the other server got to play whatever they wanted, as long as they wanted. I didn't see how it was fair to enforce it on me, and let other UV members go with no regulation. So if the race whoring rule is completely gone, I am not going to still enforce it. The Main thing I have said time and time again is, if its on server 2, it should be on server 1 (since this is where the race whoring rule originated from....not the rule stated on the sites, but an informal one that allowed admins to slay people because they didn't like the race they were on).

Sorry for derailing a bit, but I am getting tired of having to defend myself from people like pebbz that take my post and twist it around to their own understanding.

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Bashing would only happen if the issue is brought up. So, congratulations, you just made an idiot out of yourself.

*Sigh* when will you learn? I never say anything unless I can back it up with facts. I wasn't the first person to mention WCS2. My comment was in response to this.....

i propose this: wipe wcs2 levels. it isn't a skill server. the race defines the player on that server and it would make sense to clear em all and let everyone start over from scratch and have a fair chance at kicking some ass. it's inherent and proven that maxed races don't make the player on wcs1. the only thing that would happen if wcs1's levels were cleared, would be a bunch of people pissed off because they can't have the same fun they had when they could rock all the races they worked so hard to achieve. the spreads would still be the same. people would still bitch about something being unfair.

please don't clear the levels. it just doesn't make sense.

So pebbz, it already started and it started from a player in server 1.

"you just made an idiot out of yourself"

Can I get trolled by someone w/ more skills please? Anyone.....

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If one WCS server has the rule, I dont see why the other shouldn't have it as well.

that's the point i don't like

since we have different player types in each server, why can't we just have different rules?

agree w/ iyedol on all those pts he made except on the noblock one. knife races would all need a tone down, i think it's fine as it is. it would make fox samurai that much easier and kj would be really ez

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I dont know about the no block making knife races easier. I think I remember it being on before and it was actually harder because before (errr now I mean) you get stopped when you rush up to someone with a knife so when you stop, you pusht he button and you get the hit. With no block, i think you might actually pass the person, but again my memory of this is kind of fuzzy so I'm not sure if its actually easier or harder.

And fatboy, even though that was part of it, I think the final straw that broke the camels back was being votebanned 3 times in one week for "Hacking."

As for the if its on one server and not the other, if the race whoring rule is taken off of server 1, it should be taken off of server 2 as well. People on server 2 do not like the rule, they are just willing to follow it (Mostly because admins on the server would enforce it, dont know how well it's enforced now....). That's why if server 1 isnt going to have any race whoring rule, I dont see why server 2 should have one.

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that's the point i don't like

since we have different player types in each server, why can't we just have different rules?

agree w/ iyedol on all those pts he made except on the noblock one. knife races would all need a tone down, i think it's fine as it is. it would make fox samurai that much easier and kj would be really ez

We don't have different player types, we're all human!!!

Okay, some of us are.

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The major problem I see with race whoring is that it is so arbitrary.

It makes no sense. As far as the current rule goes, it is simply saying you can't have too good a score.

I mean if your score is under the 4:1 ratio, you could essentially stay on the same race for 4 or 5 maps and no one would really say anything.

The rules we have now are Global WCS rules, I think we should also implement some server specific rules as well to cater to any issues pertaining to whichever server, 1 or 2.

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Im pretty sure I just said that exactly...

ohh, sry. read the first few post, then saw people start bitching at each other and beating their chest to protect their e-turf. so I didn't bother to sort through what was on topic and what was off topic.

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lol yiyas, the Architect race is still there!?!? I gotta see that man :P

lol, I think I've been in WCS #1 longer than Noire has, but idk. But yea, Bios pretty much slayed anyone he thought was doing too good. Shoot if he was still wcs #1 engineer and got on during those days some of the better Bros/Cats members played, they'd all be permabanned by him :P

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The rules we have now are Global WCS rules, I think we should also implement some server specific rules as well to cater to any issues pertaining to whichever server, 1 or 2.

There are sever specific rules.

The only way you will see no block on this server is by race specific no block.

This is obviously a different server once bios left.

Not only does the 2 server have different "player type" it also has different race dynamics.

Chosenone is trolling a troller trolling a troller.

I will say this and you may not agree: Server one should not have a race whoring rule because there is an active engineer who knows what he is doing. Because of this, races are actually balanced to the point where a person can be easily killed on any of the races on server 1.

With that said, server 2 should not have their race whore rule removed until an active engineer who knows exactly what is going on [both with the server dynamic and the code] takes charge.

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race whoring rule isnt to balance the race, its the balance the gameplay.

You guys really want to see the complaints from server 1 for teamstacking/racewhoring?








This is why the race whoring rule exist.

dont forget the burn until you die, 100% invis, makes everyone in a radius drop all their weapons and are unable to pick any up, and I bet a hole bunch of other stuff you dont know (bios' race)

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Noire... comon, the first two are about people who are butthurt cuz the bros raped them (which we will even if we have the tags off)

3rd one was UV members, so you have the clan to blame for that

4th one - 22-7 isn't really that stacked (i have seen worse than that 27-3, i was on losing team w/ more than a 4:1 kd)

5th one is about admins... cuz about 4 total UV members ever played in the wcs1 server for a good 4-6 months and maybe 1 or 2 admins

6th... uh. team balance never has worked

7th - about 4 people were positive, one of the top 2 people on ct could have moved, but teams prob were gonna be stacked the other way then.

Bios's race:

Flash when shot, drops gun as an ultimate (0 sec cooldown), burns people, 100% invis, freeze

and i still managed to kill it twice :D

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the point was empire, there were complaints made.

imagine the people who felt the same but didnt come to the forums to post it.

Potential players we may have kept.

This is all im saying

and i believe I only killed him once, but that was because after he killed me (after chasing me around the map yelling my name saying he was coming to get me) i just went to spec =(

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Sounds like a new race idea.

Hah, possibly.

No Block script

Team Balance script

Darko kill script... this one is a must have.

No handicap on a player.

No race whoring rule and WCS1 would be back like the ole days.

Good ideas, including the kill command on that Darkonus guy that is #1 priority.

The no block would help out so much, so many times do I do just from being blocked in a doorway. Though they may just do it on purpose because everyone hates me.


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I guess I will say this again in a different way:

People LET others get to a 4:1 ratio BECAUSE the people getting owned DON'T know how to CHANGE race.

Like i said before, this server is different now ever since we went over the C/P bump that everyone considered good. Now we have someone who knows how to make stuff worthy of c/p. Out of all the existing WCS servers out there, there are like less than 5 servers out there that are maintained by people that do not c/p. sG Warcraft: Source #1 [not server 2] is one of those. Respect Yiyas. Honestly.

Also, Im talking about now,the current sG's wcs#1 server. I am not arguing about something that is no longer relevant.

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Noire, your complaint examples are garbage. Not only have some of them been banned, you're also clumping the idea of race whoring and team stacking. Those are different issues and should be treated separately. On the topic of race whoring, the rule's idea is unnecessary and stupid. I don't disagree that there may be a team stacking issue, but please don't use it as a defense for a race whoring rule.

If you truly want to cater to the complaints, Noire, then wouldn't this complaint be the one that wants your attention? Numerous people including myself, Kai, Fatboy, Link, Empire, and many more have an issue with this rule. If this were to pursue having this rule wouldn't you lose "potential players"? This is an issue where a majority of the players (that browse the forums) is against, and the only person I see that is defending it is you.

Sorry if you think this post is "attacking", but you should take into consideration what the majority of the players want. It's fine if you want to enforce a rule, but you should consider if it's a necessary and effective rule. It's not important who actually made the rules, but when they aren't necessary and only raise problems, then I'd suggest abolishing it or adjusting it.

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If you guys had done something (aside from empire because during that time he seemed to be making a good effort to balance teams out) about the problem before then the race whoring issue probably would have never been brought up. Since server 2 people have been playing on server 1, the race whoring rule has been enforced. Teams are getting a little bit more balanced.

It's funny because in game it seems like you guys hate having people switched (the top players from the winning side) since you complain about how its just stacking the other side and not really balancing the teams. Yet, at the same time you dont want people to change off their class to balance teams that way either....

So Pebbz, what is your recommendation for fixing and balancing teams?

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Who is "you guys"? When you generalize something like that, would you be talking about the whole server or what? It comes off like you're saying that the whole server is whiny and bitchy about being team balanced. Quite the opposite, myself and others would be glad to change teams to create a more balanced game.

Aside from your little jab at the whole server, you claim that when the race whoring rule is regulated the teams would be getting more balanced. There possibly couldn't be any other factors, right? It may help, but I'd say that's not the best route to ensure balance. There are many factors in who wins or loses, and you can't base it all on if the "race whoring" is kept in check. Map, players, and teamwork all pitch in which side would win. The teams aren't magically balanced because someone is nagged to switch races every now and then.

I'd say that team scrambling and admin intervention would help the situation. Obviously, admin intervention is working smoothly to a degree. Team scrambling is a little tricky, but I'm sure there's a method to have it work. Also, player cooperation is important. No one can't balance teams if the players don't want it balanced. (:

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Well when im in the server there are more people that bitch and whine about team balance then there are people willing to switch to balance teams

I can't go off of the times when I'm not int he server, but from my general attendence there, it has been a lot of ppl who whine and bitch about fixing teams (they wont say anything when they are on the winning team, but once you move someone over and they lose that round, they cry bloody murder). So if anything these people are the ones giving the server a bad repulation.

As I said pebbz, if you guys (the people who played on server 1 the whole times all these complaints were going through) had done a better job balancing teams before, the race whoring issue wouldnt have been brought up.

I never said the race whoring rule being enforced was the SOLE reason for the teams being better balanced, but I do have to say it helps out.

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I switch people around, I slay people when they violate the race whore rule and I had ALREADY warned them to change it due to racewhore rule, so in your face!!!

Then again I'm on during the times where there is less people to deal with, usually when I'm on around 10-16 peoples.

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