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Enough with the 'srs business' style complaining

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I've held off from speaking my mind until now in the hope that maybe people would regain some semblance of perspective, but it appears that hasn't happened. I can't take it anymore, so here we go. This is almost certainly going to irritate some people, but that's unavoidable. You have your opinions, and I have mine. In this thread, they clash.

Frankly, I find it disturbing that a number of individuals have expressed their longing for a return to the 'good old days', even though recent revelations show that the 'good old days' were filled with irrational bans (Polis, Spartan, Zeus, etc), even-more-irrational leniency (CC90, Bios, etc), and of course blatant embezzlement. I understand that this sentiment is mostly an unthinking reaction to the decision to change the clan's name from Undead Vengeance to something else, but that doesn't mean that it's correct. Change is not always good, but in this case at least it is. Changing the name from UV will hopefully allow the clan to get a sponsor or two, as well as removing any stigma that may be associated with us from the P2 era. Think of it as a PR reboot. The name "Undead Vengeance" didn't define the essence of the clan, the people in it defined (and define) that. Nothing except the name will be changing.

Equally irritating are the continual rants, threads, and protestations cocnerning the assumption of decision-making authority by a select core of individuals. Let's be realistic for a moment here, and put the drama aside. No functional organization is a democracy - some form of central government is always necessary in order to expedite the decision-making process. In UV, that central government is embodied in the Managers, individuals who (hopefully) have proven their loyalty and usefulness to the community while additionally volunteering their time and energy in order to handle the financial, logistical, and personnel-associated details that comprise the day-to-day running of the clan. While not every decision made by this inner circle will be correct, the important thing is that decisions are made via a concensus of individuals, and not by a single dictator. Decisions that the community as a majority feels are incorrect can be appealed, and if concerns are expressed clearly and logically, there's a good chance that the issue will be reconsidered. Maybe not changed, but certainly re-evaluated and looked at again.

In terms of 'serious business', as mentioned in the title of this thread, grow up. If you want a place where you can spam, post child porn, find out and reveal personal information belonging to other members, and generally be a useless turd, there's always /b/. That being said, this community's forum is NOWHERE NEAR as strict as it could be - if you disagree, you haven't seen enough forums yet. I'm sorry to put it that way and weight my experiences against those of others, but I believe in this case my point is valid. This is hardly a fascist environment.

Thanks for bearing with me, and please, stop the complaining. It's not helping any.

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I've held off from speaking my mind until now in the hope that maybe people would regain some semblance of perspective, but it appears that hasn't happened. I can't take it anymore, so here we go. This is almost certainly going to irritate some people, but that's unavoidable. You have your opinions, and I have mine. In this thread, they clash.

Frankly, I find it disturbing that a number of individuals have expressed their longing for a return to the 'good old days', even though recent revelations show that the 'good old days' were filled with irrational bans (Polis, Spartan, Zeus, etc), even-more-irrational leniency (CC90, Bios, etc), and of course blatant embezzlement. I understand that this sentiment is mostly an unthinking reaction to the decision to change the clan's name from Undead Vengeance to something else, but that doesn't mean that it's correct. Change is not always good, but in this case at least it is. Changing the name from UV will hopefully allow the clan to get a sponsor or two, as well as removing any stigma that may be associated with us from the P2 era. Think of it as a PR reboot. The name "Undead Vengeance" didn't define the essence of the clan, the people in it defined (and define) that. Nothing except the name will be changing.

Equally irritating are the continual rants, threads, and protestations cocnerning the assumption of decision-making authority by a select core of individuals. Let's be realistic for a moment here, and put the drama aside. No functional organization is a democracy - some form of central government is always necessary in order to expedite the decision-making process. In UV, that central government is embodied in the Managers, individuals who (hopefully) have proven their loyalty and usefulness to the community while additionally volunteering their time and energy in order to handle the financial, logistical, and personnel-associated details that comprise the day-to-day running of the clan. While not every decision made by this inner circle will be correct, the important thing is that decisions are made via a concensus of individuals, and not by a single dictator. Decisions that the community as a majority feels are incorrect can be appealed, and if concerns are expressed clearly and logically, there's a good chance that the issue will be reconsidered. Maybe not changed, but certainly re-evaluated and looked at again.

In terms of 'serious business', as mentioned in the title of this thread, grow up. If you want a place where you can spam, post child porn, find out and reveal personal information belonging to other members, and generally be a useless turd, there's always /b/. That being said, this community's forum is NOWHERE NEAR as strict as it could be - if you disagree, you haven't seen enough forums yet. I'm sorry to put it that way and weight my experiences against those of others, but I believe in this case my point is valid. This is hardly a fascist environment.

Thanks for bearing with me, and please, stop the complaining. It's not helping any.


You earned my respect.

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That being said, this community's forum is NOWHERE NEAR as strict as it could be - if you disagree, you haven't seen enough forums yet.

And yet it survived for over two and a half years with LESS strict enforcement. Puzzling...If that is so...why would we need to up it? I joined because this was a fun place to kick back and shoot the shit with friends. Just saying that if I wanted to call my butt buddy Howard a certain homosexual term, I'd prolly get an infraction for the word.

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who say's we're upping it nic?

I'm longcat (same avatars can be confusing) aaaaand Junzou did:

The hammer is about to get dropped. Very, very soon. Look for a re-write of the rules in the next 1-2 weeks.

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apologies, there must be 10 of you :o

I wonder whos fault it is, that the rules are becoming more and more strict.

I wish I knew. It happened right around the time that P2 was ousted. I would have thought that was a time to rejoice and have lots of fun and be happy.

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I'm longcat (same avatars can be confusing) aaaaand Junzou did:

So you just assume that with the change, means its going to choke out the fun?

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I wish I knew. It happened right around the time that P2 was ousted. I would have thought that was a time to rejoice and have lots of fun and be happy.

Happened about 2 days before P2 was ousted, around the time the Amber/Sammy/Chaos thread was made in the spam forum. For some reason people thought it was cool to start flaming/trolling again. After that, around 5 people received a 1-day ban from Oreo for spamming/trolling the complaint department. The next day, P2 was ousted, and wookie resigned for his own reasons. A few days later, Shippo pwned himself and got himself banned, and several people started passing around his phone number to harass him. After that, the name change process began; I will admit that the drama surrounding that is partially on the fault of the managers, but the community definitely bears some responsibility as well. Last night Kelso and Tristan posted links to kiddy porn, today Ponch, Defiance, McLovin, Dankfrank, and cANDYMAN all harassed italk to a point that was way over the line, and now people are bitching that we're too "srs bsns."

Looks like everyone is getting caught up in a wave of immaturity and as the last wave gets punished, a new one rises up.

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I gotta feelin

Being srs is for real life people

I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night

that tonight's gonna be a good night

that tonight's gonna be a good good night (x4)

Tonight's the night night

Let's live it up

I got my money

Let's spend it up

Go out and smash it

Like Oh My God

Jump off that sofa

Let's get get OFF

I know that we'll have a ball

If we get down

And go out

And just loose it all

I feel stressed out

I wanna let it go

Lets go way out spaced out

and loosing all control

Fill up my cup


Look at her dancing

Just take it off

Let's paint the town

We'll shut it down

Let's burn the roof

And then we'll do it again

Let's Do it (x13)

And live it up

I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good good night (x2)

Tonight's the night

Let's live it up

I got my money

Let's spend it up

Go out and smash it

Like Oh My God

Jump off that sofa

Let's get get OFF

Fill up my cup (Drink)

Mozoltov (La' Chaim)

Look at her dancing (Move it Move it)

Just take it off

Let's paint the town

We'll shut it down

Let's burn the roof

and then we'll do it again

Lets do it (x15)

Let's live it up

Here we come

Here we go

We gotta rock

Easy come

Easy go

Now we on top

Feel the shot

Body rock

Rock it don't stop

Round and round

Up and down

Around the clock

Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday, and Thursday

Friday, Saturday

Saturday to Sunday

Get get get get get with us

You know what we say

Party every day

Pa pa pa Party every day

And I'm feelin

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good good night

I gotta feeling tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good good night

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Happened about 2 days before P2 was ousted, around the time the Amber/Sammy/Chaos thread was made in the spam forum. For some reason people thought it was cool to start flaming/trolling again.

Blame the wimmenz eh?

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I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night

that tonight's gonna be a good night

that tonight's gonna be a good good night (x4)

Tonight's the night night

Let's live it up

I got my money

Let's spend it up

Go out and smash it

Like Oh My God

Jump off that sofa

Let's get get OFF

I know that we'll have a ball

If we get down

And go out

And just loose it all

I feel stressed out

I wanna let it go

Lets go way out spaced out

and loosing all control

Fill up my cup


Look at her dancing

Just take it off

Let's paint the town

We'll shut it down

Let's burn the roof

And then we'll do it again

Let's Do it (x13)

And live it up

I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good good night (x2)

Tonight's the night

Let's live it up

I got my money

Let's spend it up

Go out and smash it

Like Oh My God

Jump off that sofa

Let's get get OFF

Fill up my cup (Drink)

Mozoltov (La' Chaim)

Look at her dancing (Move it Move it)

Just take it off

Let's paint the town

We'll shut it down

Let's burn the roof

and then we'll do it again

Lets do it (x15)

Let's live it up

Here we come

Here we go

We gotta rock

Easy come

Easy go

Now we on top

Feel the shot

Body rock

Rock it don't stop

Round and round

Up and down

Around the clock

Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday, and Thursday

Friday, Saturday

Saturday to Sunday

Get get get get get with us

You know what we say

Party every day

Pa pa pa Party every day

And I'm feelin

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good good night

I gotta feeling tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good good night

its always a good night for.....me

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Looks like everyone is getting caught up in a wave of immaturity and as the last wave gets punished, a new one rises up.

Fuck em. I've seen how some of them act on forums here, and they deserve the bans they get. I'm not sure how they are on the servers and all, but if they can't get it through their heads that they should grow up and figure out when to stop, they should just stay gone and stop screwing up the community.

We need adults that are going to help advance the group, not kiddies who think they are adults because they are near 20, but still act like 12 year olds.

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

Looks like everyone is getting caught up in a wave of immaturity and as the last wave gets punished, a new one rises up.

yeah. i admit ive probably added to some of the drama :(

so im sorry if i added to it.

and junzou ermmmm im sorry if i trolled you in clay's leaving thread :( didnt mean to derail that thread so much. i really didnt know that kiddy porn also included text :( so yeah im sorry

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and junzou ermmmm im sorry if i trolled you in clay's leaving thread :( didnt mean to derail that thread so much. i really didnt know that kiddy porn also included text :( so yeah im sorry

s'all good.

sorry for trolling you too.

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FElicity, well put.

The reAson we have had to crack down on all this shit is because it s simply getting out of hand. We shouldn't have to deal with members posting child porn, or members getting harrased non stop for weeks, regardless of who they are.

It may all be in fun and games, but there is always the point where things get out of hand, and it isn't our fault that you seem to want to push it that far.

Waste of a 1000th post...

Fucking iPod.

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