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-|#Updates to Server#|-

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Gonna keep stuff up to date with server here and post weekly or per large update. If someone could tell me how to do the "spoiler" stuff then that would help out a tonne in making this post cleaner and i'd be able to add race descriptions ^^

So....... Since 9th June::

Map Additions











Shopmenu Edits

All entries - streamlined to only include css coding instead of dods+css

Fixed the shopinfo

Boots of Speed - Give 15% Bonus not 20%

Cloak of Shadows - Grant 40% Invis not 50%

Dust of Appearance - Works to remove disguiser now

Tomb of Wisdom [1000] - Price Lowered to $15000

Ring of armour [120] - Fixed to give 120 armour, Renamed to suit of armour.

Claws of attack +6 - Deals +6 damage instead of +12 damage

Mask of Death - Now 25% chance of 20% hp gain

Orb of Frost - Speed reduction to 0.80 instead of 0.70 and lasts 2s instead of 3s

Longjump - Price reduced to $8000 and gives only 5% longer jump

Enchanted Chainmail - Now heals 5 hitpoints if the damage itself is over 5

Duke Nukem's Sunglasses - Gave it a proper description

Shopmenu Additions

Disguiser - Disguise yourself as the enemy

Ring of Restoration +2 - Regenerate to 100hp


Tome of opportunity (+100xp or +20xp) - 100xp when you're low level for $2500

Small Tome of XP (+100xp) for $4000 - Rename of 100xp tome

Big Tome of XP (+500xp) for $12000

Almighty Tome of XP (+1000xp) or $15000 - Rename of 1000xp tome

Race Edits

All Public Races - bugs fixed and skills working

Most races - streamlined to only include css coding instead of dods+css

Most races - text fixed to say correct skills / people. (no longer 0 did this...)

Longjump races - nerfed, longjump maxed at 1.25 - 1.5 (dependant on strength of race)

Bonus ammo/gun races - added a delay to giving ammo (gives chance to buy armour)

Night Elf: Evade and Thorns proc raised by 5%. Ultmate duration increased to 3s from 2s max

Crypt Lord: Impale power reduced to 250 from 300

Predator: Blowup increased to 50% from 40%

Keeper of the Grove: Regen Increased, longjump maxed at +50% from +60%

RPG Race: Longjump maxed at +30% from +60%, Vampire heals 1/6th of damage from 1/5th

Neve: Slow reduced to 40% from 45%, Invis duration reduced to 3s from 5s every 30s from 15s

Human General: Bash at 35% from 45%, Pacifism at 1 in 10 from 1 in 8

Outlaw: Range of Ultimate put to 777 from 1000

Troll: Regen effects self only, longjump is +50% from +60%, bonus dmg is +60% from +80%

Beast: Fixed 5 skills error

Lord of the Pit: Longjump maxed at +45% from +90%

Fire Dragon: Level reduced to 400 from 600, Burn time maxed at 1.5s from 1s, Added Lowgrav Skill, Ultimate cooldown from 3s to 2s

Elvish Knight: Dissapear nerfed to go to 50% invis over 2s then rest over 4s, Longjump maxed at +30% from +90%, regen maxed at 100, starts with +25hp

Fox Samurai: Evade fixed

Guildmage: Level to 1000 from 10000, Death grasp proc from 10% to 7%, Death grasp damage from 20 to 6, Death grasp radius from 320 to 150, Rocket proc from 10% to 5%

Rakdos: Ultimate cooldown now leveled: "2-2-1-1-1-0"

Orc General: Regeneration only effects self

Akroma: Ultimate now work 10x more often, maxes at 90%

Infected: Regeneration now only effects self, Regeneration up to 300hp

Malevolent: Backlash now heals 25% of damage from 28%, Damage gives +30% from +60%, Speed maxed at +25% from +30%, MP5 skill fixed, Respawn fixed

Crystal Warrior of Dynamis: To be removed

Judge of Altana: Judges wrath put to 60% from 30% and 6dmg from 3dmg and when not using UMP45 proc% is 25% of normal, Judge's Immunity no longer roots every nearby person, Stone Skin heals 1/3 of lost hp from 60%, Final Ruling duration to 3s from 2.5s

Granthad: Speed maxed at +25% from +31%, Ultimate cooldown to 30s from 20s

Cheiron: Mirror Dmg is 50% chance to return 1/5 dmg from 50% of 1/2 dmg, Longjump maxed at +30% from +160%, Ultimate freezetime put to 1.5s from 3s, Ultimate cooldown to 30s from 25s

The Architect: Removed, may be added later once again as a pub race.

Erador Sorcerer: Made Public, Slow set to 25% from 50%, Sleep duration to 1.75s from 3s

Kil'Jaeden: Gravity maxed at -70% from -80%, Claw Attack no longer disarms primary weapon or grenades

Races Added

Ranger of the Woods - A hardened woodland adventurer, who knows how to survive alone.

P228 Agent - A super stealthy assassin, with a trusty P228 Sig Sauer in his hand.

Motoko Kusanagi - The legendary "Major" is a military female cybernetic with advanced technologies.

Ring Leader - A thug of all types, using as many dirty tricks as possible.

Ghost - A fallen spirit of the ages, who specialises in disabling his enemies.

Savage - A savage brute, unbeatable in melee combat.

Archimonde - A ruthless Erador warlord and master of the Artic Warfare Magnum.

Races in Testing

Robin Hood - The sharshot archer from medievil times, he'll "scout" out your brains.

Remelia Scarlet - The illustrious half-vampire maiden, nicknamed the Scarlet Devil.

Officer - Your standard military Officer joins the battle

Jean Grey / Phoenix - The phychic adept of the Xavier institute and her uncontrollable alternate personality Phoenix

Duskian - A dust creature from parts unkown

Priest - A holy follower devout to ridding the world of evil and saving teammates

Kirin-Tor Archmage - An elite Archmage from the Kirin-Tor sect, far more powerful than your average Archmage

Incubus Hunter - A demonic Incubus, a professional hunter.

Races in Construction

Jean Grey



Archmage of the Kirin Tor

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Magician - If this race succeeds then there could well be purchasable "freeze/burn/slow/drug/ect immune" items in shop

All you would have to do for this is a value check on the event player_hurt in es_wcs. If true player will not be frozen/blind/burned ect.

[codeHL]event player_hurt


if (server_var(wcs_debug) = 1) then profile begin playerhurt

es_xset wcs_hurtcheck 0

if (event_var(weapon) != world) then es_xif (event_var(weapon) != worldspawn) then es_xif (event_var(es_userteam) != event_var(es_attackerteam)) then es_xif (event_var(userid) != event_var(attacker)) then es_xset wcs_hurtcheck 1

if (server_var(wcs_cfg_shotgunchance) != "0") do


if (event_var(weapon) in server_var(wcs_wpn_shotguns)) do


es_xrand wcs_dice 1 100

if (server_var(wcs_dice) > server_var(wcs_cfg_shotgunchance)) then es_xset wcs_hurtcheck 0



if (server_var(wcs_hurtcheck) = 1) do


es_exists ex key WCSuserdata event_var(attacker)

if (server_var(ex) = 1) do


es_keygetvalue wcs_freezecheck WCSuserdata event_var(userid) freezecheck

if (server_var(wcs_freezecheck) == 1) do


es est_freeze event_var(userid) 0

es_tell event_var(userid) #multi #lightgreen You were unfrozen due to #greenblahblah.



You could just apply this for each type of "skill" and then unset it on death or round start.

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Page is cut off so I can't edit my previous post heh. If you wanted it to actually not do the skill instead of curing it right away, you would have to either edit every skill and add a small check for immunity before applying the skill.

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Added quite a few items to shopmenu, +18 I think. Should make game more iteresting and a little more tactical. Prices to be changed and adjusted though

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awww and i came up with remelia scarlet race idea :D

and i see Yiyas name on credits :P though if he's the one coding, he does deserve the credit for making it real :D

*points to sig*

which girl do u think is her?

EDIT - oops i forgot i removed the girls :D

anyways here's a pic of remelia scarlet :D


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hmm, i don't like ward races that much...

way too many rules that define where and where they cannot be placed

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Theres a lot of turmoil in the server about the new shopmenu.

Especially from me haha

But it's turning into every other warcraft server. Way to fucking many items to buy. It's turned into people trying to get the best OP shopmenu item stack they can. Not to mention a second type of claws of attack for +6? So melevolent spirit that has a +12 damage skill already, getting another +12 damage with a MP5 is pretty overpowered.

All the extra armor and health options are just way excessive. And way to cheap. It's making me and a lot of the guys that pump in hours of playtime on that server a day not want to play anymore.

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Haah sorry Black Mage I grabbed every single idea that was ignored in the coding forum and put it on a txt file to later code. I'll put your name in creds once its fully working :P

As for the serpant wards, they aint gonna happen since lot of peepz already saying they don't want them in.

As for the new shopmenu:

Claws used to deal +12 dmg and no one complained then. Now you have to pay £3k for that and you can't get mask of death or orb or flamethrower with that.

The new powerups? I knew having too many HP items might have been a bad idea, I'm thinking about making a limit of one powerup and move regeneration in the same category. Tome of +100 health was already in server and I based my prices on that.

The defence items have been around for ages, and are the same as #2 except helm of excellence which makes headshots deal 20% less damage.

Any new race added goes through the same thing. People always try to find the best way to whore anything and exploit it and that's not limited to WCS

EDIT: My bro's PSU blew up (he does far more important work so gave mine to him) so wont be able to be in game but i'll try to get updates on what I think is underpowered and what people tell me to balance things out while I can't observe.

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can we make only 1 direct attack bonus available

like you can only buy the 3k claws or the 1k claws, but not both (you can still choose which one you want)

and... i'll try to pick apart the new races and make sure they're balanced with the rest of the server

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I'm in for having the old shop menu. Just add a few things like immunity for the new races you intend to add. It has become more of a competition for who can get the best setup of shopmenu items.

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the game now feels like dota not WC3 with all the shopmenu items

EDIT: Also imo shopmenu items are all "win more items" they reward a team thats constantly winning to keep on winning. When you minimize the number of items its easier for a team to build back momentum instead of being crushed by flamethrower, claws, ring of regeneration, 2 boots of speed, cloak of shadows, enchanted chainmail and helmet.

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well ring of regeneration is supposed to be a one round item and not carry over to the next round.

and Yiyas, i'm fine if the serpent ward doesn't make it through :P could always make it a leech thing as remillia scarlet is indeed a vampire :D

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Regarding the new shopmenu I'm going to revert back to the old at the moment since people are reluctant to change.

I will update it to the six categories later this week with the new experience items as they shouldn't unbalance everything and having it organised better is not whoreable. Then get the shopmenu restricts sorted out. THEN add the other items which are fully thought out and coded to work in a non whorish way, as well as changing the bag sizes. My apologies for such sloppy ideas but I do get taken away trying to keep the ball rolling sometimes :S

Also while adding the old shopmenu I removed the headshot immune item which was already in the server, how hadn't it been whored till now?, changed the claws to deal +6 and not +12 damage, still dont see how no one complained about that either, and lowered the orb's slow from 0.7 to 0.8. Other stuff will be updated when the 6 categories come.

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yes what you did was fine so far, but i would suggest adding new items very slowly and not a huge chunk at once

such as just adding 2 items to the menu per 4-5 days or something, this would allow the server to get used to the new equipment before tons of other stuff is added in

i would say the samething for races (like 1 or 2 new races max per week)

and i think the HS helmet was not working before..

p.s. why is sunglasses $500!!!!!! thats a 100% price increase!!!!

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