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Grayman needs to be removed or have new rules applied

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He doesnt have it maxed. but as a recruit wearing a UV tag he does have an obligation to keep the server fun. Keeping new players and old ones is more important than his KD ratio, or leveling any race.

Does that mean the whole UV clan is a leader? Being part of the community is different from being part of the clan.

Yes, anyone with a UV tag and any admins are considered leaders. Which means you're a leader in the "community", not so much in forums but as a whole. When youre being a douche it makes every UV person look like a douche. Which makes new people not like our servers, period.

You put on a tag or become an admin youre held to a higher standard.

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What are you arguing for? I can't even see how you can justify not following the 4:1 rule when it is a server rule and you're an applicant for the clan.

What Noire said, the race whoring rule on this server states EXACTLY that I have to be on a maxed race to have to switch. If that rule was changed to, I don't have to be a maxed race, I would switch off.

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Malic343 has a point. You can't even say he doesn't.

You're following rules, correct. But that doesn't change what he's saying. If you want to sit here and argue "I was following the rules even if it makes the server look bad and makes everything less enjoyable for everyone else" go for it.

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So far it doesn't appear like anything is going to happen although, what is it 25+ plus people who probably are regulars because they're on the forums think something should be done.

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This is why I wanted grayman to cap out at an earlier level.

I don't see why people keep suggesting this. I know what your original thoughts are... 'Hey if graymans max level is 30, everyone will have it maxed. Then They have to follow the 4:1 kdr rule!'... But think of it like this.. If EVERYONE had grayman maxed, what happens when that person gets to 4:1... They switch off and then oh look, grayman is freed up, time for the next maxed player to jump on him and whore it til he's 4:1... Honestly it just needs some rule restrictions which hopefully will go into effect.

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I see it this way.

Your not a max race. Keep playing. No one can force you off of it.

By the forcing off, I mean no one from the other team should be purposefully change to Gman on their team, than force their way over to your team to play it forcing you off. EVERY time I see this happen I move them back over and warn them not to do it again. That is a cheap underhanded way of game play that is very un-sportsman like and I will not stand for something like that.

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I see it this way.

Your not a max race. Keep playing. No one can force you off of it.

By the forcing off, I mean no one from the other team should be purposefully change to Gman on their team, than force their way over to your team to play it forcing you off. EVERY time I see this happen I move them back over and warn them not to do it again. That is a cheap underhanded way of game play that is very un-sportsman like and I will not stand for something like that.

Because going 9X to 1X isn't un-sportsman like?

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Because going 9X to 1X isn't un-sportsman like?

No, its not. Going 9x to 1x is not based entirely on your race. Every race requires a skill ranging from very little to very high.

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I don't see why people keep suggesting this. I know what your original thoughts are... 'Hey if graymans max level is 30, everyone will have it maxed. Then They have to follow the 4:1 kdr rule!'... But think of it like this.. If EVERYONE had grayman maxed, what happens when that person gets to 4:1... They switch off and then oh look, grayman is freed up, time for the next maxed player to jump on him and whore it til he's 4:1... Honestly it just needs some rule restrictions which hopefully will go into effect.

No... Here's what I think. Have the skills cap out earlier than what they are. For instance; Their health 20 (This can be changed to where they can still maintain their 200 health), Speed 20 (this can be I guess changed to get that 1.4-1.5 w/e speed it is), Parasitic 20 (meaning the damage will cap at 20 damage). So there you have a Grayman still effective but caps out at level 60. (Keeping it on par with Dunpeal and the rest of it's block, instead of you know out parsing the others; this makes it a lot more balanced.)

Having a race cap out at 150 levels was retarded for one and with the rules you guys have made it silly to add a race like grayman.

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No... Here's what I think. Have the skills cap out earlier than what they are. For instance; Their health 20 (This can be changed to where they can still maintain their 200 health), Speed 20 (this can be I guess changed to get that 1.4-1.5 w/e speed it is), Parasitic 20 (meaning the damage will cap at 20 damage). So there you have a Grayman still effective but caps out at level 60. (Keeping it on par with Dunpeal and the rest of it's block, instead of you know out parsing the others; this makes it a lot more balanced.)

Having a race cap out at 150 levels was retarded for one and with the rules you guys have made it silly to add a race like grayman.

So you're still at 200 health, 1.5 speed and 20 extra dmg proccing quite often, only at level 60 instead of 150. hmm really fixing a lot huh? That means at level 20 instead of 50 your running around with 200 health. level 40 your running around extremely fast with 200 health etc. makes it even easier to whore a race with even more people maxed.

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That was more like an example. Hell, if you really wanted cut it all down to size. 20 in each skill. So more like; 1.2 speed, 120-140 health, 20 max damage. You keep saying 'whore race this and that' based on levels... Yet, every race is like that (except the highest of the other races is what? 50-60?). The only ones that are more than 100 levels is Gman and CSS pro. Yet one isn't broken as shit.

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Gman isnt broken at all.

I know, let's nerf the race so bad that the people who like playing it, never play it again. The people who NEVER played it to begin with, but liked to bitch about it won't ever play it. So pretty much, no one plays it. Either that or nerf it so it's easier to whore. I think Gman is fine the way it is.

As far as changling to Gman and switching to someone's team, I dont see anything wrong with that if it's to balance the server out more. If someone is on Gman getting an insane score, it would be good sportsman ship to switch off the race and let someone else use it anyways.

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So can these rules take effect please. I see people going 7:1 and saying that they dont have to swich off cause they are not maxed.

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So can these rules take effect please. I see people going 7:1 and saying that they dont have to swich off cause they are not maxed.

I don't see the logic in that. I'd say that a 4:1 is whoring pretty badly. I'm more of a 3:1 guy, myself.

btw, people who whore and rape more than the server rules allow are abusers. Never forget that.

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