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Zombie Escape Idea

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Anyway that we can make a script or edit the maps so that once the zombie spawns it automatically says !Ztele or just warps to the beginning of the map?

Reason: Its gay to walk with the group and find out the zombie is leading the line lolz.

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Being as it is an escape server, I think it makes sense not to have the zombie spawn in the crowd of people running through. It made sense in ZM where everyone scattered, I dont think so in this though.

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!ztele only works if you're a zombie, so it wouldn't harm anything unless the zombie uses a bind and spams them instantly.

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I HATE THAT SHIT! It is a pain in the ass to be teleported as the Zombie. It pretty much guarantees that the Zombie team cannot win. It is a part of ZM to infect your friends as soon as you turn. If you get teleported it makes it hard as fuck to catch humans as they are already sooooo far ahead of you. I am vehemently against this. Its part of the game to have the zombie spawn right in front of you sometimes. It will piss you off more to be teleported 10000 miles back of the group than it will to have the zombie spawn in front of you. I hate when this happens to me in other servers.

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Guest Fohacidal

On some maps its great on others it isnt. For example this idea is great on escape maps that have 2 separate (but combining obviously) escape routes. It isnt however great for single route escape routes such as spacestation and what have you...

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Foh, it worked fine on Jurassic Park, which is another 1-way escape map. Humans got away more often, but it was more balanced out, it was about 50/50.

Like I said, we're trying it out-- if we get as many complaints against it as we did suggestions for it, we'll switch back tomorrow night or friday night.

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On Jurassic park it was so even, not once did we have a zombie wipe the whole team out from the front.

5/5 :-)

But I do see where it can be a downside, like in titanic when the water slowely kills the zombies who will warp to the beginning.

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Guest Phoenix2

The feature to automatically teleport the first zombie back to spawn was only really intended for normal zm maps where barricading was needed to win. It would make it so if you and a couple others set up a nice barricade and one of the others who were barricading with you turned first, your work wouldn't be in vain. In my opinion, it doesn't belong on ZE maps as it can really put the Zombies at a disadvantage.

- P2

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Not when the Zombies run almost twice as fast as the humans. We've taken it into account and increased speed and health. Besides, they spawn anywhere from 10-15 seconds behind the pack, and what I've seen, it balances gameplay on all the maps quite nicely.

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Confirming what Oreo said. In addition, many ZE maps have some sort of a timer that humans have to wait out before they can proceed to the next stage; that gives the zombie plenty of time to catch up and slaughter some stragglers. Despite the bitching from people who are... inept as a zombie, it's balanced.

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If anything the zombies should spawn 15-20 seconds. Because as it is, even with the zombie's being teleported back to spawn, 90% of the time the zombies still win.

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