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WCS #1 Bug Reports

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Double Post: Notifier that I've updated last post. I didn't make a new post because it pertains to the same race.

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Stalkers ultimate will at random times, blow everyone up. Trying to see if holding a pistol is the cause of it.

Just checked and it is the gun causing it.

EDIT - did some further testing and it's random, sometimes it does it, othertimes not.

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Crit damage on abilities is starting to hit everyone again, I know it's happened on atleast Samurai General Takeno a couple times tonight.

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Yeah, I was playing Warden and I would crit everyone on my team for 10 dmg (Shadow Strike).

I was teamkilled also because of a Lurker shooting someone else. (And me taking 15 dmg)


Siren is not working. You can't cycle through the skills more than once. You start at the healing, but once you get to the cash, you can't go back to the healing aura.


Poseidon - what's the ultimate supposed to be? When I press the button, it says I go fully invisible, but other people have been saying it's not fully invis

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Yeah, I was playing Warden and I would crit everyone on my team for 10 dmg (Shadow Strike).

I was teamkilled also because of a Lurker shooting someone else. (And me taking 15 dmg)


Siren is not working. You can't cycle through the skills more than once. You start at the healing, but once you get to the cash, you can't go back to the healing aura.


Poseidon - what's the ultimate supposed to be? When I press the button, it says I go fully invisible, but other people have been saying it's not fully invis

They could be lieing and just be using custom skins so everyone is visible, ban them!!! /sarcasm.

I can cycle through sirens ultimates with no issues. I just notice though that if I go back on heal, it doesn't cap at 150 (like it does when maxed) and heals for a lot less than maxed out. like it will heal 7 every few seconds instead of 10 every few seconds.

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Yeah this death song skill is glitched as fuck. Dunno if it just happened to me but i was sitting alone in a room, took damage from it twice, then when i had 78 health left, i impoded, dying instantly, he recieved the kill. any other cases?

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I don't know if this was intended or not, but the evasion graphic isn't showing when people evade.

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I don't know if this was intended or not, but the evasion graphic isn't showing when people evade.

ya and what about the race that blows up and kills the whole map idk what race it was but do you remember? it was today

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ya and what about the race that blows up and kills the whole map idk what race it was but do you remember? it was today

Yeah i was with u in the game today and the guy who blew up, was a flame predator.He got killed and exploded.

So he killed the entire map.

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ya and what about the race that blows up and kills the whole map idk what race it was but do you remember? it was today

I think it was stalker, he did it twice and disconnected within a second of doing it a second time on purpose. I wasn't able to type playerinfo fast enough.. =\

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I think it was stalker, he did it twice and disconnected within a second of doing it a second time on purpose. I wasn't able to type playerinfo fast enough.. =\

I checked his race and i'm sure he was a flame predator.

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There now appears to be a "random invisiblity" bug. Some races that dont have invisibility will on some rounds be granted ridiculous amounts of invis. It's happened a few times confirmed by some other players. An example was Jamaal was playing a tempest and one round he was at least 85% invisibility. I could not see him at all against a wall.

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damaging skills are beginning to do damage to multiple players. It seems to be happening much more frequently now than it used to.

example of this: stalker exploding teammates. troll crit knifing someone and killing 2-3 enemies and 2 teammates.

I can confirm this is happening with troll and stalker as i witnessed it happening firsthand.

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There now appears to be a "random invisiblity" bug. Some races that dont have invisibility will on some rounds be granted ridiculous amounts of invis. It's happened a few times confirmed by some other players. An example was Jamaal was playing a tempest and one round he was at least 85% invisibility. I could not see him at all against a wall.

I can confirm that this happened to my entire team when playing on dolls. Everyone on my team had lurker invisibility.

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Okay, so I was playing cbble. And there was only one T left against 5 ct's.

The T had 37hp and all the CT's were shooting at him. He could die.

So he killed the entire CT team because he was like immortal.

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Maybe this has been brought up, But Circu, Dimir Labotimist's banish does not actually work. It says that it occurs but on screen it does not. Me and Canadian tested this out several times and I continued to not occur.

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When alive and using the changerace function will not change race at the end of the round or the following round. This is only if your alive, of course it works perfectly if your dead.

I'm not sure if this was placed on purpose or not but if you buy 2 LJ upgrades under Supportive in shopmenu you can no longer buy tomes. I only noticed this because I have too much money and no interest in spending tomes over shopmenu items on a maxed race. When I acquired another 16k, yup couldn't buy tomes or anything under the tab.

This one I hope if already sort of known, I believe the whoring script is still down.

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The changerace function has always been wacky, If you press it twice it will actually kill you and then change your race. It works that way.

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When alive and using the changerace function will not change race at the end of the round or the following round. This is only if your alive, of course it works perfectly if your dead.

I'm not sure if this was placed on purpose or not but if you buy 2 LJ upgrades under Supportive in shopmenu you can no longer buy tomes. I only noticed this because I have too much money and no interest in spending tomes over shopmenu items on a maxed race. When I acquired another 16k, yup couldn't buy tomes or anything under the tab.

This one I hope if already sort of known, I believe the whoring script is still down.

Just an error I put in on round end scripts by accident.

I think I coded the shopmenu <name> to ignore slots on purchase but the menus are about a year old now so they don't have that. The normal shopmenu stops you at the categories if you're out of slots, right? Maybe I should make a no slot menu.

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Personally I didn't care about it too much when I found it. Its rare for myself to max out of shopmenu items, LJ is normally last of the lasts if I live that long. Yeah, I figure it is 2 slots for supportive where before I don't recall if there ever was a limit that could be reached.

Speaking of shopmenu items, can we make the amulet of learning cheaper? :P It would or might make leveling Adventurer easier/faster.

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goblin alchemist keeps crashing my game to desktop on round spawn

its been happening since i first started on the race and i havent been able to spend more than 4 rounds in game without a crash. also it always crashes the first round of a new map

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