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Application for Starvin Marvin [Accepted]

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God its so annoying people try to put the votes as ours. It just gets us confused. I would vote if I knew where we were at now.

We're at 5/6. One more vote.

The Point system has been made way to complicated. Such a simple thing.

And posing like you have a vote makes it even more complicated. I want to see you guys participate and give feedback, but if it continues I might suggest a change in the recruitment forum.

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Now this will stay for some hours so you can have a look at this post.

Your application will be moved to pending recruits which you are not able to watch so remember the date of the last vote you got because in two weeks from that your application will be moved back and then you need 4 votes to be fully accepted.

Remember to stay active on the forums and on the servers and you will get in fast.

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I just want to confirm with you that I have signed up for the Xfire Clan, GameTrackers, and UV Steam Community.

Needs to be =(UV)= Starvin Marvin.

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I thought that I had to change it all to =(UV)= Starvin Marvin after I got my 4 yes votes (if i get them).

Could anyone clarify this for me please?


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As we all know, caps lock = more important ;D

Seriously, this guy is ace.

Starvin Marvin is my bff. Vote yes or die.

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I vote yes.


Congrats, you are now an official =(UV)= clan member, please make sure you are signed up on both of the following groups-


Steam Community,

We will send you an Xfire group invitation shortly.

If you don't know how to sign up for any of these, please refer to this thread-


You can now need to wear the =(UV)= tags on Xfire, in-game, and anywhere else you would like to represent =(UV)=, and remember the rules and requirments!

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