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Reputation Activity

  1. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Rebel in Hello   
    Hi rebel
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to Tortoise in Good Guy Tortoise   
    you're welcome.
  3. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei reacted to RainC in rainc need proof   
    proof please
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to fontaine in About Jailbreak..   
    I'm sure many of you have noticed Jailbreak either being extremely laggy/down these past few days and I thought I should let you know why. Recently our server has been the target of a large scale DDoS attack. The attack is focused specifically on the JB IP, and the reason for the attack is unknown. It could be an angry person that was banned, or someone from a competing server trying to knock us down. In an effort to avoid problems to our other servers, we usually nullroute the IP address during an attack (the IP becomes unpingable and unreachable). We are working with our host to hopefully mitigate these attacks, but it is difficult due to the size and nature of the attacks.
    I hope you bear with us and we apologize for the down time.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to Eddy in Tortoise makes me cray when he abooses me!   
    Neg rep is appreciated to restore my max neg rep status.
    Don't fucking plus rep me fgts
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to Tristan. in CoD in a nutshell   
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Acebats in How to get hldj working   
    I know I'm going to regret this but too many people keep asking how I got hldj working
    So going through a check list here:
    1. Running as an Administrator
    2. Songs are in wav 16 bit 11025 mono (use audacity http://tinypic.com/v...pic=158b6ux&s=6)
    3. Also make sure the song is not too loud by using amplify (under effect tab) and usually go -7 to -15
    4. If it doesn't say loaded successfully then make sure that there are no hldj_ files in your steam folder (litterally just look up hldj_ in the search bar when in your steam folder)
    5. CS:GO is different, you have to bind a key like so : bind <key> hldj_playaudio
    That should be all you need to make hldj work
    Please don't spam or you will just get muted by admins >_> (reason why i didn't want to make this thread)
    If anyone has to add something then I will add when i have time
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Lvl. 100 Latias in How to get hldj working   
    I know I'm going to regret this but too many people keep asking how I got hldj working
    So going through a check list here:
    1. Running as an Administrator
    2. Songs are in wav 16 bit 11025 mono (use audacity http://tinypic.com/v...pic=158b6ux&s=6)
    3. Also make sure the song is not too loud by using amplify (under effect tab) and usually go -7 to -15
    4. If it doesn't say loaded successfully then make sure that there are no hldj_ files in your steam folder (litterally just look up hldj_ in the search bar when in your steam folder)
    5. CS:GO is different, you have to bind a key like so : bind <key> hldj_playaudio
    That should be all you need to make hldj work
    Please don't spam or you will just get muted by admins >_> (reason why i didn't want to make this thread)
    If anyone has to add something then I will add when i have time
  9. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei reacted to KGameLover1 in Guys   
    Uhhhdhj hep me tifyhtb drunk an I hav to read out loud a paper I havnt evn wroote gkdho on th dude who tidunsymxtk the salvation fxukcin armory in 20;: min
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from twochainzz in How to Administrate Jailbreak [Per Admin Level]   
    if only I could target you then you would be mine
  11. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei reacted to KGameLover1 in Map vent camping, vent behind cells.   
    From the pic it looks like outdoor jail. However, 1) if he saw you coming into/out of vents yes he can kill you
    2) even if I'm wrong this has literally 0 proof so if you're trying to get them disciplined it's not going to work out
  12. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to HoeStomper in Arma 2: DayZ Mod   
    If anyone has Arma2 / Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, I am looking to get a L33t team together to survive a zombie apocalypse.
    If you dont have the game and want to know more

    Team together with friends, make allies with other players and a base's' Its a survival "Mod"
    There are good guys and bad guys Aka Bandits that will kill you steal your equipment ect. pick your friends wisely

    This guy has Many videos if you want to watch more!
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Name in Map vent camping, vent behind cells.   
    actually if he did see dark knight go into vent, he should of chased through the same vent instead of going up the tower to shoot him
  14. Upvote (+1)
  15. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Windmill in This Shit Is Fucked Up   
    sarcasm is foreign to some people
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to Mitch in Applying to Syndicate Gaming   
    Applying to Syndicate Gaming
    If you are reading this thread, you're one step closer into joining Syndicate Gamers Community. Please read the following thread carefully as it is essential you follow all the detailed guidelines we give regarding our recruitment process. It is a long process to get into Syndicate Gaming, but it could be well worth it.
    Applications are Open during the first 7 days of the month and Closed for the rest of the month.

    Pre-Requisites to Apply
    You must join our Discord server prior to submitting your application. You are not required to be active, but it is highly encouraged. Created an Introduction thread in the Introduction Subforum. No bans of 30 minutes or more within the past 3 months (from when the ban ended) of submitting your application.   
    Recruitment Process
    After meeting the pre-requisites, you will now be able to make a application by posting it in the recruitment section http://www.joinsg.net/forums/forum/23-recruitment/
    Recruitment Template
    Once a staff member confirms all information is valid, your application will be moved to Pending. You will become a sGr | Recruit and will put on "sGr | " tags.
    Member Level 1
    You must go through a recruitment period until the end of the month You must wear sGr | tags until the application is accepted or denied You must be in our Discord server during the recruitment period You must receive at least 20 referrals from Level 2 members, Server Officers, and above. Three referrals must be from Staff.  
    Member Referrals, Comments and/or Concerns:
    Members will have the chance to refer the Recruits during the month long Recruitment period. Members can also voice legitimate comments/concerns with the Recruit without referring. Members must make it clear as to whether or not they are referring the Recruit. Members may not rescind referrals. So please do not be hastily with your referrals and make the right decision the first time. It is heavily encouraged to leave an explanation for your referral, but is not mandatory to so.  
    Withdrawing an Application
    In order to withdraw your application, please make a Private Message to Staff thread and a Recruitment Officer will do all things necessary.  
    Terminating an Application
    Please note that as a Recruit, you represent our community. We will not tolerate negative behavior on our community servers OR other community servers. If your application is terminated you will have to wait a longer time to reapply.
    Your application will be terminated:
    If your actions negatively represent our community. If you receive a ban longer than 30 minutes.  
    If your application is denied or withdrawn, you must wait two months (or two recruitment cycles) before reapplying to sG.

    Any infractions or complaints during this period will have a direct effect on your applications success.
    Thank you for taking the time to read recruitment process.
    Good luck!
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Groov in When I type go   
    So during a round the warden said when i type "go" you will do this
    then proceeds to type "go now ts"
    would this count at all even if it was in a sentence?
  18. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Will.Alaska in When I type go   
    So during a round the warden said when i type "go" you will do this
    then proceeds to type "go now ts"
    would this count at all even if it was in a sentence?
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Coldfuse in "I'm David Hasselhoff" - David Hasselhoff   
    did you notice you did too =3
  20. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Mitch in So CLG.eu is now team Evil Geniuses.   
    correction it wasnt as long as i thought
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to Groov in The free indie Bundle #2   
    Moar free games. It is only going to be downloadable for 12 days so hurry up and get them.
  22. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Eddy in *1v1 The KOBE Tournament [ DAY 1 RECAP ]   
    lol woot for most gold (which i don't even know how)
    but seriously the people in group c will no doubt have the award for most kills
  23. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Flt. Lt. Space Bugs in *1v1 The KOBE Tournament [ DAY 1 RECAP ]   
    lol woot for most gold (which i don't even know how)
    but seriously the people in group c will no doubt have the award for most kills
  24. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei reacted to shikaku in *1v1 The KOBE Tournament [ DAY 1 RECAP ]   
    All you do is bitch and cry, can you just stfu. Yesterday all we heard from you was nothing but complaints. Just enjoy the tourny
  25. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei got a reaction from shikaku in *1v1 The KOBE Tournament [ DAY 1 RECAP ]   
    lol woot for most gold (which i don't even know how)
    but seriously the people in group c will no doubt have the award for most kills
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