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Posts posted by Eek

  1. Be in a cubicle rolling a Joint when a group of people come in the toilet sounding confused, they knocked on the cubicle and asked if I was their friend using the toilet.

    Putting on a low toned accent, I groaned "Yeah, give me 5 minutes", then I clasped my hand around my arm-pit and slowly ripped a loud, wet noise that replicated someone who had a bad case...

    They then said they'd wait outside and have a smoke.

    I finished up rolling my joint, went outside to smoke it. The group of people where there waiting patiently for their friend. After about 10 minutes of me being in the cubicle, his friend appears only to be greeted with a worrying "Are you ok?" when leaving the bar which makes him very confused when walking away with his group of friends.

    He had actually been in the downstairs part of the bar while his friends had been upstairs.

  2. Mr Nice


    Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

    Leon the Professional

    How High


    Lock stock and two smoking barrels

    Perfect Storm

    Full Metal Jacket

    Kevin and Perry go large

    The Business

    It's all gone pete tong

    Back door Sluts pt5

    Twin town

    Hot Shots: Part Duex

    Beetle juice

    Four Lions

    Backdoor Sluts 5.

    oh oh oh and Casino.


    Mfw, I wrote this post on page 1 without reading page 2.

  3. sG | Eek: #sowatsitgonnabe

    lpmitch #MTCG: uh

    lpmitch #MTCG: sex

    lpmitch #MTCG: or

    lpmitch #MTCG: no wwcs

    lpmitch #MTCG: keep it on there

    sG | Eek: I'll do you a deal, WCS first

    lpmitch #MTCG: if i restart wcs

    lpmitch #MTCG: yes ?

    lpmitch #MTCG: kk

    lpmitch #MTCG: im restarting right now

    sG | Eek: *Vanishes*

    lpmitch #MTCG: k its up

    lpmitch #MTCG: you keep it there

    lpmitch #MTCG: I only have a brief

    lpmitch #MTCG: recollection of what you look like

    lpmitch #MTCG: I'm using that to fap

    So this is why WCS #1 goes down regularly in the afternoon (GMT)

  4. Aero

    Rayne told me about this cause he made a sig for me with that. I never heard of it before that and I wanna try it.

    WHAT?! I can't believe you've never had one, let alone ever heard about it, considering it's your fuckin' username!

    From the picture it looks like the mint kind, and mint does not belong in candy of any type. But yeah, Aero bars are decent, it's just milk chocolate with air bubbles in it.

    Watchutalkingaboot, Mint flavor are the best. I want an Aero now...

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