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Posts posted by Joscal

  1. 13 hours ago, Hawk said:

    Eh, he did not try to mfk, I think he just tried to killwhore. What he said is to get attention probably. I did not know what to do about this one so I felt like 40 rounds was good enough because he was kinda right. He said all ts from the top row of cells run and freeze to the cellbutton. But on dojo its only one level of cells, even though it still got a top row since you can stand on the cells kinda. Either way he forgot to say no detours or delays. It wouldnt matter though since there were no ts on the top row. I honestly dont know about this one. I feel like he should be cted either way for that order, wasnt quite sure for how much though.


    He is kinda right, even though I dont think it was his intention. Will have to ask @Iherdcows and @Pike about this one. What I considered as top row of cells on dojo?

    The comparison here, is the warden is arguing that there are a set of cells that are on a different level (elevation) than the other cells. This simply isn't true.


    If you have a set containing one number (like the set of [1]), the only number that's going to returned if he says give me the highest number is 1, same as if he were to ask for the lowest (bottom) number.


    You really shouldn't say top row of cells is the ledge above cells because that is literally the ledge above cells. Not a set of cells that can be considered top relative to another set of cells.


    Chances are if only a group of Ts had moved he would have "interpreted" it differently so as to allow him to kill more Ts. Pure killwhore. I'd consider it on par with mfk, but there's the small chance he just thought he was being clever.

  2. You know, if you opened your console and checked you'd see that it had a message stating that the server version didn't match your client version.

    (The servers need to update)


    Cows doesn't need to respond to every problem anyone has on JB.


    That being said, yes it probably would be helpful to just let someone know in general about server updates.

  3. If you can't handle it don't use chat in the servers.


    It's not difficult to use appropriate language. I have my own opinions about the rule but that's not the point here.


    The problem with most of your approach is that if we were to use a 'racist intent' rule, it becomes subjective to enforce and is enforced differently by different admins.

    Trolls/people intending to cause harm would stretch the boundaries of the rule.

    This isn't really something that needs to start happening.


    Additionally, this has been discussed to death, general searches for racism in forums outside of the Complaint Department should give you a few hints about our staffs' perspective for the rule.

  4. There is something here that I'd like for LVL4/SO's+ although he asked about it going the wrong way.


    Do we have anything in the works that would mute all cts/players except for the one targeted?


    E.g. !mutects Frosty -> would mute all the cts except Frosty, allowing him to give orders.


    i mean it's really just one less line to type out, but it would be fairly convenient.

  5. On a side note, if you're not scared of Developer Tools(F12), that can get the ball rolling for you.


    Or heck, right click on the picture you mentioned and click Inspect.


    If you want to edit the BBCode tags/html in a post though(for whatever reason), you are better off writing a script that will do that(Parse the HTML) for you so you can paste it back here.

  6. Well, me using such nickname is also odd for me, I used to let other people use my account when I was younger, I`m surprised it survived such behaviour. I am really not hacking, and never would do such thing, my account is so "trusted" by steam I'm a overwatch investigator. Again, I'm really sorry for any inconveniente I may have caused in the past and I hope that you guys give me a second chance.


    Ding ding ding, hear those alarm bells?


    I trust this guy about as far as I could throw him.

  7. Or you know, just don't talk about major spoilers even a month after.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Or two months or three months or five years. Got It.


    Even months down the line Poster B is still being a dick and trolling. That is why spoiling falls under trolling and why punishments are begin given out as they are. Not everyone gets banned and not everyone gets banned for the same amount of time. The punishments are not going to end at a specific date. This is not something we can set in stone as it is a judgement call of the persons intent. This behavior has no place in sG.


    I'm not arguing for spoiling to be allowed(although looking at my last post it's not obvious.)


    I mean if I have Poster A join the server, say that one line and then leave. At that point I'd consider him a troll he just wrapped a spoiler in a nice package and left. What do I do? Screenshot it and then post a cd thread and leave it at that?

    Does that person get a ban or warning or anything?


    I figure that if I reported Poster B they'd be banned in a fairly straightforward manner.


    And yes I agree with the whole spoiler spam if we set a date. I wan't looking at an X number of days, I just meant at what point is something still so sensitive as to warrant punishment. Yes you're not going to give out a date I get it.


    Is it just going to be someone reports someone for a spoiler for the puppy movie and staff decides that they are going to be spoken to instead of getting a ban? Or a ban specifically for trolling/spamming not in relation to spoiling?

    I'm fine with that. But say it specifically.


    Right now I see it as we will have obvious trolls\not-so obvious trolls\people who make a mistake.

    Since it's all subjective it's entirely possible the person who made a mistake gets a punishment worse than the obvious troll.

    (I don't suspect that will happen but it's a possibility.


    I'm not disagreeing with y'all.

    I want to know where I stand as an admin in terms of enforcing this.

    I mostly got it from your post Centran. And I still feel it's subject to exploitation by other persons.

  8. Not that I plan on spoiling anything and would probably ask before mentioning it...


    Since this is a thing, can we get some solid number on how long to wait until it's not a spoiler?

    I'd assume a month is fine generally speaking.


    (Common Sense from one person's perspective is not the same as common sense from another's)


    That being said, if they aren't talking about anything except what I've seen all over the CD the trolling is obvious.

  9. Obviously this doesn't happen often, but it happens often enough to warrant me making a topic for it.


    Had a ct on avalanche listening to armory and nade armory door to scramble the guns that I was lining up at the door.


    No cts would notify us who threw the nade so nothing happened in the end.


    Can we implement a log to track that the same way we track button presses in case all admins are on T?

  10. I'd have to actually start looking but off the top of my head there are papa, Avalanche, blek cocks. I know there's a few more but I don't remember the names off the top of my head.

    Out of the three above, the Avalanche ones are not affected by an commands. The regenerative one on papas is not either. Almost all the other ones on papas and blek cocks are.

    Maybe I can look up the entities later?

  11. So, there's some oversight in this thread.


    If I have some normal type fd, or maybe low grav, and I've picked up several items on the map that give me other attributes, do I have to accept the fact that someone is just going to revoke me and remove those attributes I had gained without admin commands?


    Some admins just don't think all the time. Prem and SO included.


    OTHER than that, I think the rest of this thread is very valid.

  12. I feel like some of you guys just don't know how to handle problems within the server.

    Firstly, explain to Matthew that he talks to much and to let go of his microphone button. He shuts up. Secondly, tell the people that are picking on him to stop. It's basically like taking the preschoolers and putting them in opposite sides of the room so they can't disrupt each other. Take my own testimony because this has been 100% foolproof every time I've seen it.

    Done. We move on and play the game. It's really not that difficult.

    Also consider asking a question as to why they're doing it. Usually by that point they'll think to themselves, "Yeah, why am I doing this?"

    I agree with Yunki for the most part but Matthew also needs to be put in his place as well. Kid needs to learn that saying, "Mom, he's bugging me!" is not going to solve his problems. He needs to find a way to grow some tolerance and ignore people.

    All SOs should have this viewpoint.

  13. What happens when someone posts a screen shot of legit kills that the person is complaining is a mass freekill?


    Sometimes this killwhore named Afro gets on JB and tells people to go to his red marker but he places both a green and red, killing everyone that didn't hear him correctly (because he's already hard to hear). He gets a lot of people, especially at busy times when assholes are talking over warden.



    I'm just mainly curious and this system could be flawed with a screenshots filled lots of kills.

    Usually it would be the onus of the person that would be, is, or has been banned to create a thread appealing the ban, or they could appear in the thread and argue their point.


    It would, at that point, become a "prove that the person actually mass freekilled or they get off scott free" thread.


    I mean I am simplifying it massively, and there are exceptions from day 1 to day 2 so yea.

  14. Out of curiosity, where in the Complaint Department does it say you can't post in there unless you have evidence?


    Maybe they could make it a sticky so people like Aimbot don't come in wicked late and post in there haha

    This is actually a good point

    I couldn't find that information in 30 seconds of searching so I doubt some player chosen at random would have any of that information or be willing to look for more than 5 seconds before posting.


    Would it be possible to add a default text to the replies for the complaint department that?


    Something like "Do not reply to this thread unless you have direct evidence, or have been called out specifically."


    There are more elegant word solutions, but yea.

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