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Posts posted by BLiNDBoi

  1. Ult Immunity = no lightning spam. Blast-Proof Vest = less nade damage. Both = counters. Also, if you get hit by a nade in one area, you should back the fuck up. Chances are another is going to come. This kinda goes with my common sense theory for ZE: If people brightened up, there wouldn't be an issue. I get that lightning isn't the MAIN issue, but it's definitely a part of the "issue" that has caused a limit.

    True, however Blast-Proof Vest is not a effective counter for crit nades or nade spam for that matter. I don't normally pay attention but last time I recall still being killed in one shot (+100dmg) with it on. I also only buy the thing from shopmenu only when I have nothing better to buy, mostly when I'm playing Devil's Servant.

    Can't be a derp statement, when you know it's a way to cut down a lot of the issues not only with Chain Lightning, but with OTHER ENEMY SKILLS. It's kinda amazing what one person can do to turn the tide, assuming they don't die. Hell, two people could go on something like that and it'd really mess with them. Just cause a team is being derp-ish doesn't mean a race is a problem, especially with all the counters to races in this mod.
    Ult Immunity = no lightning spam.

    Hence, derp statement.

    I can't say I've ever really seen a LOT of people playing a lot of the same race unless it's a very obvious map, namely Human for Dolls, or Orc with Office. Even then, I've NEVER seen people really stack up a team with them and A) Do much or B) Stay on that race for long.

    You forgot Crackhouse. I was just giving an example of what some people could do and I think it has happened before on Office.

    I'm still leaning towards no limit for one reason: There are a LOT more races that are more annoying/powerful than the starters. If anything, you're just opening the game up to more stuff instead of a simple problem that is solved in a heartbeat with one skill/item/bit of common sense.

    I just like the limitations just so people play some different races, how much of the time to do you see a pair of Zombies?

    Long post... I'm out of this topic for a little bit.

  2. Blind how long have you been playing on server 1, a year now at most? It you are complaining about 7 ORcS on one team then you suck ...get better. Back to the topic at hand ORC can be countered you just have to know what you are doing.

    Very angry.

    This is pretty much true. Get one race and you block the entire lightning for the team.

    Again, if we're testing this to try it out, that's fine, but if it's due to no one wanting to counter it... then that's not good.

    Where in my post did I say lightning chain was the problem? Yes, lightning if enough people play can kill people really fast. However, the problem is NOT that, its the fucking crit nades. Admit it, people spam nades, normally people who know the server rules don't do it themselves however if 5 separate people nade one spot, well your frankly going to die.

    Ultimate Immunity, derp statement.

    Anyway this is another valid point to why there should be limits on it. Why should every "veteran" player be playing the same damn race, specifically the starter races. Also this is the second bitch topic about the limitations, I basically suggested making it a limit of 3 instead of 2 so new players could play when the race whores are on it.

  3. Revisions of March 31:

    Overall, added level requirements, knowing knife races get 5 free levels, changed it so you have to somewhat go in order. Added a restriction of no tomes to make the race a bit more challenging to level. Upon spawn the race will receive 5HP and 10 cash per drug, Max HP: 150 or 175, no limit on cash. I'm debating if there should be a limit on drugs but I figure at this point it will be hard to get a lot of them.

    Altered the On SPEED skill so it is no longer passive. Five levels/points and increased the speed to 40% with intervals of 8%.

    Added skill Loot Corpse. Upon killing a player I figure it would be a nice idea to add another way to get drugs however I do not want it to get too easy but I made it so you can loot cash, 50, 100 and 150. On the drug side of it I figure 2 options which give drugs of 1 and 2. I am thinking of changed it so its percentage based things such as 25% to get one drug only that way there is 25% to get 50, 100 and 150 cash. But I sort of like 40% chance to get a drug and might get 2. However for the individuals cash rewards i figure 20% for each for a total of 60% chance to get cash. To get a single drug, 30% chance and 10% chance to get 2 drugs. This might be a good way to balance it and make sure this skill isn't too much on de drugs.

    Altered Drug Collecting skill so it will only give a drug if you do a strong/powerful stab. Reason for this because of the percentage and practically throwing a grenade would give a drug lol. I also added per collection the race will collect 2-10 HP and 5-25 experience per collection. Main reason for this idea is that I am hoping majority of the stabs to be kills so there will not likely be someone spamming drugs.

    Altered Pocket Knife skill so it no longer does a constant damage of 96 at max. Changed the mathematics to percentage based so it can be used for both the weaker and stronger knife attacks. I do not recall the damage of the weaker knife but for the stronger a non back stab is 55 damage so 110 total which in most cases will one shot people if they have normal hp. Whether this skill should have a percentage proc rate for the damage is debatable. Reduced the level/points needed for the skill from 10 to 5.

    Altered Damage reduction and evasion skills, changed the percentages to grow at a linear rate and lowered the highest point of the both. At max, Damage Reduction went from 60% to 40% and Evasion went from 47% to 35%. They are still there just not as ridiculous.

    As for the ultimate, removed the HP bonus, increased the speed increases and made them linear. I also added the effect that the ultimate skill will remove or not be affected by stuns, slows or freezes. I decided to make the cool down timer 20 seconds.

  4. I never was around for the spam of orcish horde but I heard of the horror stories. I'm my opinion I like the limits and I think older players who have been playing a while should find another OP race. But for the newer players maybe increase the limits by 1 so they will not have to worry too much about being limited. Also I'm sure you guys will bitch a little bit less about the limit.

  5. Basically to sum up this glitch, is that is occurs almost randomly. Whatever damage you do will be done to almost every player in the game. So you knife some guy for 155 damage well good chances you might kill everyone. It does not seem to be specific to any race nor do I believe it to be anything related to shopmenu items causing it. I figure there is some sort of glitch or bug related to the damage even out to players.

    Personally I have done this with grim reaper, which is my only time I have done it.

  6. If I truly was illiterate I wouldn't be able to read anything on this forum nor be able to write on it. I didn't read your post, simple as that. Although not very specific but you did say something along the lines of damage pluses.

  7. you're on the wrong subject here. Jihadist's suicide explosion is soooo small, it's even worse than undead lord's explosion radius. At best, you can wipe out 4 people camping in a spot, and that's about it.

    I've killed 7 people with that class on crackhouse, whenever there is no one with ultimate immune and they decide to clusterfuck its a good day.

  8. I come from a different angle than most people on this thread apparently, I think you should be able to use wards that can be stopped. To clarify, ultimate immunity if walked into a starfall will completely stop the effect if it has begun. The serpent's ward is a ability based ward, I have the feeling Yiyas does not want to mess around with ability skills. I have the feeling if he put the ultimate immunity effect on it, it would most likely effect classes that don't have DOTs for abilities.

    BTW why do we have admin making up a million rules that are not stated in the MOTD? I think we should cover the other non-motd map rules that seems to be there but not there.

  9. There seems to be a glitch related to Regen over time skills and even the one from the shopmenu. My best guess is that if someone lives without dying for long enough they get a duplicated Regen. I played Devil's Servant and I lived for quite a while and I randomly had twice the regeneration ability of the race so basically I was almost being healed for 12 hp every 2 seconds. I also noticed I was moving faster, I bought boots and invis, I could tell I was going 40% over 20%.

    So it might be related to having too many shopmenu items or something because I had everything that I could have.

  10. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823333046

    This barely costs over $100.

    OT: just use newegg.com. I love the site and got all my parts to my computer through them.

    I think I will just drop this here...


    *note: this is not the most expensive keyboard in the world, just cool if you have money to piss away.

    But in all seriousness towards the topic, as people have stated just visit newegg or a local bestbuy or something and buy a nice 10-20 cheapie keyboard. Unless your looking for an extreme gaming one for example.

  11. I don't play the class and the people who do normally abuse it and drop the weapons and once they get caught they stop until another time.

  12. I'm not sure if this is a related glitch to this mod. I was playing SWAT Leader on Compound if I recall right, randomly I lost my guns in my view. I could still fire my guns though but in appearance I was like a lurker who had dropped the USB pistol. It only occurred for one round and from what I could gather it did not affect players from seeing me as a normal player.

  13. I've realized something very cool recently, and that is that the Totem of Ice reduces freezes and slows to half a second. :P

    Machine Gunner's freeze IS 0.5s so that thing is useless against it, basically if you get hit and get hit again your bent over fucked.

  14. Best camping combination: MG, Soul Reaper, Priest and some other healers. Basically MG is a support class alone it isn't that op.

    Weaknesses to MG, it can't move when using the ult so things such as smoke nades or an awp headshot pwn the class.

  15. For a simple edit of the damage percentages, I think orc horde should just do double damage aka 100% more damage. This way the 175% on Orc chieftain isn't weaksauce, and with orc chieftain there is a limitation of 2 players, unlike orc horde which has no limit.

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