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Posts posted by BLiNDBoi

  1. Now I really dislike the glitchieness of this race. On Italy for example, I ran across the issue of being inside the ward while being inside a empty CT spawn. Basically I was running into ghost wards of blinds, which seemed to last and only appear when the other guy on the other team dropped the ward. This however still affected lurker/zeratul pistol/knife visibility.

  2. Hats are a good thing if you don't get obsessed with trying to have them all.

    Do like I do, trade them to people who will take them in exchange for games or money.

    Be glad the free version, from what I heard cannot trade. If you want that option I think you have to burn 5 bucks for it.

  3. Upgrading your computer will be more costly to gain performance with that price worth of money. I'd say go for a better video card, even though your current one is still pretty good.

    Maybe an upgrade on your case? The Antec 300 probably quite small compared to my Antec 900.

    Edit: I'm I really dislike the i3/i5 series, aka its Intel's version of mid-grades processors.

  4. I've already either posted that, or notified Yiyas about it.

    Gold Mage no longer gives out $1250 every round.

    I almost want to say that the ultimate of Shopkeeper is the same, probably doesn't give the cash. I am going to assume both of these are the same function.

  5. I'll be the arrogant one. Who the hell is he? What is this developer? What is going on? Who are you? What are you? Who am I?

    On a serious note, can someone enlighten me to what this thread really means in the context of "new developer" I can understand new ENGINEER but to what for example. If this was already stated well 8 pages of fail is my excuse for not reading. :)

  6. How about, to make it known that this race is Raiden, a custom skin or skin colorization? When we see a The Infected we immediately yell, "Zombay!" although The Infected can be Stolen Uniform from the shopmenu, maybe that could be a restriction?

  7. Interesting take on the evasion to only headshots, I think it should be higher. If you want it to be slower than most knife races, just normal speed? Moving onto that this race probably won't have long jump, thus making this race hard to level. I'd say almost underpowered, because most knife races on WCS1 sort of get eaten alive if they have no invisibility or some way to get to their target fast. 200HP will only last maybe 1 to 2 extra seconds, mind you it is possible to kill a zombie in about 7-10 shots to the head

  8. Boots is more speed on top of what it already has, and nevermind the socks. I am talking about its already pretty insane speed (my opinion) along with the boots? Socks will allow it to jump higher and I thought of restricting it with your 3rd skill already adding to it. If that made any sense.

    Then what is shopmenu 2 3? That is the one i meant lol.

    We will see how it plays before expertise is added and restrictions will be desided by testers... I guess. I can't say if it will need tomes or not so w/e happens... happens.

    shopmenu 2 3 is the 10hp and 125 armor item.

    There is plenty of races out their that move 30% and have boots not restricted. Keep this in mind that boots will cap movement speed to 50% thus buying two boots to try to get to 70% would be impossible. This is also the reason why on Grim Reaper buying boots would be the dumbest thing to do. I have done it before, you go from 100% speed to 50%.

    However, under the topic of movement speed I think I should reduce the movement speed a little bit that way the first level of the ultimate will become useful. I generally like 20% so I will change it to that, however I have the feeling my ultimate's speed boost may not be enough so I will increase all those values by 5%.

    Tell me what you guys think.

  9. I like being ignorant for a reason, media is a shitstorm of opinionated versions of the story and general local news is always the same damn thing. Someone got either murdered, raped, robbed, abused, beaten, assaulted, etc.

    Where is the news of something non-negative? Generally speaking we live a better life if we don't focus our shitty attention to negative thoughts.

  10. You can do that. I use L-Shift

    Why need key clicks if I use a button to turn on and off the mic? Sort of defeats the purpose of voice activation. Even though I use voice activation on my ventrilo I still have binded keys to mute my mic and sound and if I was on a larger ventrilo change channels and stuff like that.

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