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Joint Chief of Staff
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Posts posted by Mimic

  1. Elite admin has the same immunity as a Premium Plus subscriber. Senior Elite and higher have higher immunities than Premium Plus subscribers. The commands for the various ranks are based on progression. At L3 you receive basic admin with level 1 immunity. At Elite you receive Premium admin and level 2 immunity. Senior Elite gets Premium admin, reserved slots, and level 3 immunity. Veteran gets Premium Plus admin, reserved slots, and level 3 immunity. In other words, rank admin is better than paying for admin.



    We had the ban ability for three years and never had any sort of major issue with it. This only hinders our ability to react in a quick manner. The fact that longterm members of the community aren't even trusted to properly ban is appalling.


    The issue is not with trusting admins, the issue is that SourceBans was never updated with our rank admins having the ban flag which used to be included within Generic admin, but is now it's own flag.


    EDIT: Should be fixed now.

  2. That email wasn't an attempt at bullying. The writer made very valid points and said it in a way that was non confrontational. Since she berated the viewer for making a logical and respectful argument; let me add to the convo with this open letter:



    Dear fat bitch,


    You made it on TV, looking the way you do. Good fucking job. Normally, TV personalities of your girth are reserved exclusively for female comedians. Even though the ONE button made of titanium alloy on your blazer refuses to quit, you strive to send a message of strength to young girls everywhere. That message is, "You don't need great looks or a man to succeed in the serious world of TV journalism, just intelligence". I'm sure you are highly qualified to, wait...


    Did you just say your husband is the news anchor? Nevermind...


    You fat cunt, you ARENT talented enough to make it on your own. You told your husband somebody called you fat and now he's trying to save face with this anti bullying campaign. You say "I'm not mad". BITCH, UMAD! It was evident in your video response.


    Your tears taste like Campbell's Beef Gravy...


    Your breath smells like french fries...


    I'm out!




    *drops the mic*




  3. Does anyone here mind the subject of going into other jb servers like SCA and Hells Gaymers and just wreaking havoc by freekilling? Because i like to do that from time to time fucking up the no-balls infested servers and having a good laugh. I just want to know if anyone here Shares this interest and/or looks down on it.


    We don't endorse it. You are a free individual and can do as you please, but please leave our community out of your shenanigans.

  4. I wanted to kick them all from the clan.... NOOOOOOOO Mimic said. 


    You didn't even want to kick them out of the clan. Your plan was to intimidate them then offer their position back when they shit themselves. That's essentially the treatment BC got.

  5. Yeah, and I'm like the mayor of rep city and I'm not staff.


    How to get staff:

    1. Be active in community, servers and forums.
    2. Prove to have a skill besides staying in the clan for years, technical skills preferred.
    3. Do something to be noticed or prioritized, such as being a Server Officer.


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