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Joint Chief of Staff
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Posts posted by Mimic

  1. It’s that time again! As summer is coming to an end and school is starting for a lot of our community (including staff) we’re expanding our staff to start off the new school year. These people have been chosen based on their activity and dedication toward the community throughout the past few months, and I’m sure they will work to improve the community in the future. The list of new Advisors is as follows:

    • Eddy – Event Advisor/Junior JB Advisor
    • Tristan – Event Advisor
    • fps_trucka – Event Advisor/ZE Advisor
    • DogsGoMeow – Minecraft Advisor/Engineer

    Along with adding new Advisors, we are shifting the responsibilities of a few existing Advisors.

    • Diabeticdaniel - Jailbreak Advisor to Counter-Strike Advisor
    • Spell - Event Advisor to Jailbreak Advisor

    I’d also like to congratulate Josh on being promoted to Operations Manager from his former position as Senior Engineer. He has been an integral member of staff, proving himself to be a valuable asset to the community.


    With good news comes bad. Unfortunately, I’m sad to say that Someguy will be leaving us. He put a lot of work into the Minecraft server but unfortunately it seems some real life issues have come up. I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.


    September 7th, 2013 Update:


    I'd also like to welcome driz to the team as an Engineer following his acceptance into the clan on 9/1/2013. We've been scoping him out as a potential Staff member previous to being accepted and he has proven he is dedicated to helping out the community with his vast knowledge and experience with Linux systems. I'm sure he will be a great asset to the community!

  2. Failed to join session is usually caused by the server losing connection to the Steam servers. Sometimes the server reconnects automatically, but most of the time the server requires a restart to connect properly. If your client was out of date you would be disconnected with an error saying the game version is out of date, and in console it will mention which version of the game the server is running and what version of the game the client is running.


    Failed to join session can also be caused by maps not appearing in gamemodes_server properly.


    That being said, this should be resolved.

  3. for noblock in general, i always find it amusing when people complain that weapons aren't realistic enough in the game and then ask to run through other people... :P


    to your #2, im confused, if the crashing was due to lack of spawn positions, why were the first few rounds of a map fine with 32 but as we played progressively longer it got choppier until a restart was needed.?


    regardless, if we are using maps designed for a specific amount of maps, i agree on bringing back a second war3 server, although i would wait and see what what introducing a wcs server does to the current population before making a decision...   personally, my thought is to tweak the server as much as possible for the time being without introducing additional costs and wait for the inevitable wcs server to come online; things might just naturally balance themselves out? just my thoughts on it.. 


    The server was not crashing due to a lack of spawn positions, it was crashing due to random memory leaks and errors from the huge amount of plugins on the server. As you may or may not know, every race on the server is it's own plugin and a lot of buffs, engine hooks...etc have their own plugins. Due to this, War3 is MUCH slower and eats more resources than WCS. With this issue and with servers like Zombie Escape and Jailbreak eating up a lot of the processing power on half of our cores, means that it's unlikely that we would be able to create a second Warcraft 3 server without either optimizing or upgrading our server (as you suggested earlier). Unfortunately, we were planning on upgrading the CPU our gameserver box uses, but the cost of upgrading it was simply too high at the time (~$80/mo).


    The mod itself has massive memory leak issues from my assumption. We still have yet to fix the invisible gun glitch which is totally related to the mod.


    The invisible gun glitch is caused by the excessive use of SMLib and SDKHooks. Regular SourceMod plugins do not cause this bug. Unfortunately we simply can't fix this bug on our own.

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