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Posts posted by water.exe

  1. Okay I know this is the complaint department but based on the vouches from the last thread and now a possible demo why are staff being lenient with a regular. This is exactly what I said before the regulars know the god dam rules and should be punished more harshly for breaking them.

  2. I called it Sony acquiring Gaikai for future use of streaming. Not only did this help the PS4 be more powerful by not having to include the cell processor but Gaikai streaming was amazing when I managed to beta test it.

  3. Well pretty much most of the tech industry has come to the same conclusion that while the APUs amd made were lack luster they were better than expected. Also they agree on the fact that AMD is pretty much in the same spot intel was in before they introduced the i Series cpus which basically turned the company around and saved them. Unless AMD Mantle is as game changing as they claim I don't see AMD surviving long.

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