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Posts posted by Nitestalker

  1. Veteran Member:


    ·         4 years of clan tenure.

    ·         3500 posts minimum.

    ·         1000 hours required on the servers.

    ·         10 referrals from Veteran Members and above, 2 have to be Staff.

    ·         Specialization authorized

    ·         No voting, but application will be approved by staff.


    ·         Ability to wear sG | and [VET] tags.

    ·         Ability to refer Recruits, Level 1 - VET Members.

    ·         Ability to change your user title on forums.

    ·         Access to the FFA forum.

    ·         Premium Admin




    Can someone please tell me why I can't do this yet.

  2. Ever watched Big Bang Theory without a laugh track?


    one of my favorite youtube comments ever describes it pretty well.


    "It's like looking into an alternate universe where the show was written as a surrealist drama about the soul-crushing loneliness of the severely autistic.


    In the series finale, Raj hangs himself while Sheldon lies screaming on the floor pissing himself and the speccy one just stands there wondering why he doesn't feel the need to stop it."



    oh god who let you out of the cage

  3. I've learned from many different women that it is considered quote "normal" to like their fingers after masturbating. The taste can even sometimes let them know if they have an infection going on down there so it's a pretty important aspect of their lives.




    When I, as a guy, want to eat my own semen after fapping, it's looked down upon by society? 


    Why can't a man, after a long hard day at work, sit on the couch, turn on some interracial pornography, fap into his hand and swallow a glob of his own semen, ingesting his own manly powers back into him, and be thought of as something less than a man??


    Why is this a double standard?





    do whatever you want jackass and gtfo the forums.

  4. sorry, i think the new rank system is shit. sorry.


    i have fight so hard to become a fucking Elite,


    now all chance i lose my elite rank and admin premium.


    now i are L3 and have Basic admin



    I was told I needed to be more active on our servers, i was


    I tried to write a little more on the forum even though my English is crap


    so I have to wait six years to become VET because I am poor at English. and because you now have to write over 3000 post on the forum



    Good job dude!


    Its 4 years, and it's not because your english is poor. Next year (MARCH 11 2014- 7 months) you'll be eligible for VET. Posts can be substituted for time on servers as well, but Im not sure how much would be needed to sub for the posts you need.

  5. Around as in his forums account just sat there collecting dust. Then yes he was "around"

    TL;DR Fohacidal leaves UV/sG Rejoins resumes being AFK Comes back bitches he didnt get VET right away stays active for a bit Gets VET resumes AFK. Rage Quits sG when he doesn't get VIP hopefully goes afk again


    no, around as in for 3 years before you were even a member of this forum he was active, and went inactive for a pretty good reason.



    and an afk foh is still of more value than 1 water.exe. seriously your clan story is ??? joined forums, hated by everyone, tries hard to change who he is so he can be accepted by a bunch of people on the internet, finally succeeds after 2 years?

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