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Posts posted by Fab

    • In-game Name: jonmct123

    • How did you find sG?: Tried random servers a couple years ago and just liked sG the most

    • What do you expect from the sG Minecraft server?: I expect it to be just like the other servers

    • What are some things you have built in the past?: Not a whole lot of creative stuff, mainly just homes and farms and whatnot in single player

    • Have you read, and do you understand the rules? Yup

  1. I want it bad but got New Leaf instead. Should I drop the $60? This looks REALLY appealing, but I'd rather save my money unless it is really worth it.

    I'm about an hour or so in and it already lives up to the scores its been getting

  2. The only reason I said no drinking, is because if someone wanted to come here for some advice, there would not just be a bunch of posts saying "go to the bar".

    Trust me, I drink, I smoke, and porn.. No biggie. But I wanted some better answers.

    Also, I know I'm not depressed. Depression is being sad 2+ weeks after the incident. I know. I took psychology. I just wanted to include that in the title for other people who might ACTUALLY be depressed.

    And no, "Stop being a pussy and go smoke a blunt" is not a good answer.

    Honestly take up a hobby like a sport or something. Anything that makes you run around and get your heart rate up will make you feel better from the endorphins that exercising produces. If sports aren't your thing, try to go out with your friends sometime and you don't have to be drinking or smoking either if you don't want. Just try not to isolate yourself from everyone around you, it will only make you feel worse in the end. 

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