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Posts posted by Sean

  1. not even gonna read the article, looking at the title, some kid died because he protested a bunch of football games and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. linking this to me doesnt mean shit compared to what's going on in israel. why dont you argue about something real like 3 teenagers killed by god knows who (hamas probs) oh and dont forget rockets pounding the country too. 


    you always try to act like you're a fucking smart guy but really you bring up really shitty fucking points

  2. I fail to see how that is retarded in anyway. Tell me how it is or I'm just going to assume you look for posts of mine to call retarded

    how exactly does brazil lose money hosting this event? they get partial proceeds from the world cup as well as 10000000% tourism profits from all the people coming in and buying a ton of crap, dont forget to mention all those stickers the foreigners are crazy about, that brings the country a ton of money as well. people get tear gassed cause they protest for retarded causes that dont make sense just like your argument.

  3. I didn't say it isn't worth it. I just said Brazil spent shit tons of money on unnecessary things when their own people were begging for that money to go towards helping their standard of living. I think those politicians who ordered the protesters to be tear gassed are probably feeling pretty dumb right now

    your arguments are always the most retarded shit i ever read and i literally get a headache reading it because its so fucking retarded

  4. 23ija1l.png

    old pic of jared in his KKK attire and goldentongue dressing his dick up and showing all the blek people.


    Proving tort is chum lee


  5. I want more skill maps where you get more for going to the end instead of going through endless loops and land in the middle and kill people. Austinpowers should be ported. Legends is a great example. And there's the map I forgot but it has a white jail, blue walls, and white surf bricks. Maybe someone can remember.

  6. Yea but your not allowed to do that to have fun, it says in the admin page that you cant slap your friends as a joke let alone kill spam

    I never said I was right to do it. I said I didn't distrupt gameplay. I don't even know what you expect to come out of this lmao

    Jeez you need to learn to cut some slack its jailbreak I'm not kill spamming in warcraft3 or something.

    I stopped after like 15 commands.

  7. Damn man you are seriously trying too hard. Kyle and me were having some fun and he was in on it. I wasn't disturbing any gameplay at all LOL

    Oh no I spammed chat with with 20 lines of commands when it wasn't even important.

  8. I use a tablet + stylus and my keyboard

    Sorry I'm not impressed then. No offence but its just so much easier to play with the tablet. Nice video but considering how easy that is for you go for something difficult like pretender by infected mushrooms etc

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