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Posts posted by Christmas

  1. STEAM_1:1:71607678 


    Waited for Ts to stack in one place at the beginning of the round, then hosed 4-5 of them before I restricted him.

    Banned 6 hours.

  2. Just about set on my build.


    I won't get the sound card just yet, as I can always get one in a deal for cyber Monday in a few months. But otherwise I am pretty happy with what I have picked out for this build. Yeah I didn't go for the cheaper video card, but fuck it.


    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

    CPU:  Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($219.99 @ Newegg)
    CPU Cooler:  Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler  ($29.99 @ NCIX US)
    Motherboard:  Gigabyte GA-Z87X-D3H ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($142.97 @ Outlet PC)
    Memory:  G.Skill Sniper Gaming Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($110.50 @ Newegg)
    Storage:  Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  ($69.98 @ Outlet PC)
    Video Card:  Gigabyte GeForce GTX 770 2GB Video Card  ($398.99 @ SuperBiiz)
    Wireless Network Adapter:  Rosewill N600PCE 802.11a/b/g/n PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter  ($22.15 @ Amazon)
    Case:  Rosewill BlackHawk ATX Mid Tower Case  ($73.50 @ Amazon)
    Power Supply:  SeaSonic M12II 750W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply  ($59.99 @ Newegg)
    Optical Drive:  LG GH24NS95 DVD/CD Writer  ($16.98 @ Outlet PC)
    Operating System:  Microsoft Windows 8 (OEM) (64-bit)  ($83.88 @ Outlet PC)
    Monitor:  Samsung S27B350H 27.0" Monitor  ($303.54 @ TigerDirect)
    Keyboard:  Cooler Master CM Storm Trigger Wired Gaming Keyboard  ($100.49 @ Newegg)
    Total: $1632.95
    (Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
    (Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-08-28 13:49 EDT-0400)

  3. Quoting Spell because this forum's code is weird for breaking up quotes.

    "I do suggest getting more ram, for ~30$ more, you can get another 8 gigs if you go with a different brand. Ie: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gskill-memory-f31600c9d16gsr
    Which is G-Skill. I have never had a problem with G-skill, so they are an ok brand for me."

    I will look into that.
    "I would leave the 770 there, as Josh said. 7970 may be 'cheaper" but even as an avid ATI person, the newer nvidias seem too good to pass up."

    Done, most likely. Would like someone to explain the benchmark test a bit more since the numbers go back and forth for each card.

    "Also, in regards to the sound card-- Do you have a decent set of headphones or a decent speaker setup. If not, then you really are just throwing away money at a sound card. No matter how good the sound card is, if it is going into shitty headphones/ speakers, it'll still sound like shit. The reverse is also true, shitty audio source going to good headphones/speakers will sound like shit, just not nearly as bad as the other way around. If you don't care too much about audio quality, then you can avoid a sound card and just use on-board ( I would highly recommend getting a sound card though)."


    Bose AE2s are pretty good, right? I know they are at least expensive.

    "Power supply: I would rather go a modular power supply, simply due to case routing being a nightmare in smaller cases without modular( this is fixable, but can be quite the head-ache)."

    Should I just choose a bigger case if it is going to be a problem?

  4. I'd also say go an m-atx build so it's a little more compact or m-itx if you're up for something a little different.

    Compactness isn't really a priority. My biggest concerns are if the price is reasonable, the hardware can perform proficiently for a couple years at least, and the thing doesn't get terribly hot.


    i can suggest a sound card , sound card audio is so much better then on borad audio

    > the Creative Labs Sound Blaster Zx soundcard

    Do I really need a an audio control module, though? Seems like an unnecessary extra.



    Also, what is your guys' experiences with mechanical keyboards?

  5. The majority of this build comes from the advice and guidance from some tech guys at a sports thread I frequent, so I figured that having some talented sG tech guys look at it would be even better.


    Right now the only thing that I am set on is the monitor and potentially the keyboard, unless someone has a mechanical keyboard that they can attest works well. My big concern is the price and making sure I am getting a PC that will be profecient for at least a couple years for rendering (architectural heavy) and gaming.



    CPU:  Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($228.99 @ NCIX US) 

    Motherboard:  Gigabyte GA-Z87X-D3H ATX LGA1150 Motherboard  ($134.98 @ Outlet PC) 

    Memory:  Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($74.08 @ TigerDirect) 

    Storage:  Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  ($69.98 @ Outlet PC) 

    Video Card:  Gigabyte GeForce GTX 770 2GB Video Card  ($398.99 @ SuperBiiz) 

    Wireless Network Adapter:  Rosewill N600PCE 802.11a/b/g/n PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter  ($22.15 @ Amazon) 

    Case:  Rosewill BlackHawk ATX Mid Tower Case  ($73.50 @ Amazon) 

    Optical Drive:  Samsung SH-224BB DVD/CD Writer  ($29.94 @ Adorama) 

    Operating System:  Microsoft Windows 8 (OEM) (64-bit)  ($83.88 @ Outlet PC) 

    Monitor:  Samsung S27B350H 27.0" Monitor  ($303.54 @ TigerDirect) 

    Keyboard:  Cooler Master Storm Quick Fire Pro Wired Gaming Keyboard  ($69.99 @ Microcenter) 

    Total: $1610.00

    (Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)

    (Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-08-26 21:25 EDT-0400)


    My goal is to be at most below 2 grand, but it would be ideal to knock the price down even more if there are elements to my build which can handle a price drop and different areas of performance. I also was able to free up about $250 by removing an extra monitor I had added for no real reason. Thanks.

  6. I was just answering the question about what I intended for the hardcore part of the game, as in it is a game of luck when you are behind the wall, and it is very possible to come out of the game with living Ts. I'm not about to assume I have the authority to make rules on what is and isn't considered "cheating" in map games, and Drug already gave you guys a ruling on it.

  7. Given the fact that if everyone is forced to stay behind the wall, they will all die...

    Hardcore mode: just turn on the wall, and they can either a ) be in front and have less space to react, or b ) go behind and test their luck, as they have no time to react

    Cheating means they can just step out of the entire game, where the warden usually specifies the winners go

    Edit: it really doesn't matter what the map maker had in mind in creation, because if a game kills all the ts the way it's meant to be played, it shouldn't be played

    Oh hey.


    I know this is a bump, but for the record the point is for the CTs to turn the game OFF once a sufficient number of Ts have died. They won't all die unless they are in the same place, the Warden derps, OR one of the skulls doesn't go back all the way and surprises the Ts.


    It's pretty much a game of luck just like lots of other map games are luck.


    Sorry for the bump, but I just wanted to clarify because I've been MIA for awhile.

  8. People died dude, what the fuck are you talking about?

    It seemed like an accident more than anything.

    And that somehow excuses your comment? I dont want to be melodramatic here but have some class man, you should know better.

    what the fuck are you talking about? how was his comment at all offensive?

    If you cant see how absolutely fucking tacky his comment was then you should probably stay out of any 18+ discussion.


  9. I believe I'Cop's definition is: it is considered a temptation as Terrorists can knife it and kill themselves if they so choose. But yeah, freezing against the orange border is still considered the sign, and you won't get hurt from the explosion.

    So...if a ct knifes it and multiple ts die then they should be banned for mass freekilling?

    If a CT can get that close to a stack of ts and knife that wall I give him props for succeeding.

  10. I believe I'Cop's definition is: it is considered a temptation as Terrorists can knife it and kill themselves if they so choose. But yeah, freezing against the orange border is still considered the sign, and you won't get hurt from the explosion.

    Next on my list: increasing the blast radius of the Tortoise Wall.

  11. Are you implying Person A who goes to an expensive private school gets the same education as Person B who goes to a public school in the suburbs or Person C who goes to a school in an urban setting? To continue do you believe they are afforded the same kinds of opportunities for post-secondary education and careers, and the same chances to make money and save money?

    Saying "as long as you work hard you will be fine" seems like a cop-out to me.

    People are not born into the same privileges based on their parent's wealth. People are not offered the same opportunities based on their circumstances, ethnicity, contacts, and otherwise. People are not naturally afforded the same abilities intellectually or physically, either. Equality is not the norm. It shouldn't be expected, and it doesn't exist without intervention.

    Also, IQ correlates incredibly highly with wealth and earning potential. People can definitely make their ways out of shitty scenarios of they have the mental prowess. It's been demonstrated empirically.

    I'm not trying to say "hey lets make sure everything is equal all the time", I am simply stating that "working hard means you will end up fine" is a cop-out to the idea of "wealth inequality."

    And no, I am not stating that it is impossible to get out of a shitty situation. Never even implied it.

  12. I like how people assume that

    Or, strive to be smart with money, choose a good career, and invest early and often

    If you even get the chance to do any of that. Hard to play the game when you are playing against a stacked deck.

    What stacked deck?

    Are you implying Person A who goes to an expensive private school gets the same education as Person B who goes to a public school in the suburbs or Person C who goes to a school in an urban setting? To continue do you believe they are afforded the same kinds of opportunities for post-secondary education and careers, and the same chances to make money and save money?

    Saying "as long as you work hard you will be fine" seems like a cop-out to me.

    All I see are excuses. None of my degrees are from big named schools. Its what you do with them that matters.

    I didn't mention big name schools.

    An expensive private school is usually considered higher than a public school in the suburbs. You're implying that a big name school such as Harvard would get you farther in life than a less known public school such as the University of Georgia. This is untrue.

    I was talking about compulsory education. Sorry I didn't make that clear. And I am trying to illustrate a point about "equal opportunity." Just because someone makes a low wage and has trouble making ends meet doesn't mean they didn't work hard enough for it.

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