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Posts posted by Christmas

  1. on a side note, everyone shit talking clarkus for "making fun of retards" clearly isn't actually a part of sG and has been replaced by an evil clone, because sG is like, at least 40% motivated by making fun of retards.

    You don't call retarded people retards.


    You call your friends retards when they are acting retarded.

  2. So my Paypal account got jacked somehow and someone made two payments for two shirts which both cost about 45 dollars. Seeing as I had no money in my Paypal account to purchase these, I had to make a claim for an unauthorized transaction on my account. About a week later I got a call from a debt collector looking for me to pay the debt (PayPal automatically sent me there when I tried to confirm the issue). They said that PayPal rejected my claim so I had to pay the money with a credit card to them to get it straightened out. Lo and behold yesterday PayPal ended up refunding me the exact amount I had to pay the debt collectors, so now I have 45 dollars in my PayPal account that I was already over losing, and now don't know what to do with it.


    What do you guys think I should do? Put it in my bank? Buy something stupid? Any suggestions would be great.

  3. on the subject of voting ... when you have such a fractured political atmosphere (like in the US), yet only TWO candidates to vote fore (and third that will never win), you want to make your vote count for something. while not voting is an option too (in the case of Mr. Brand it does make some sense), I think it is better to vote for the lesser of two evils.

    What about voting in primaries?

  4. They come across like babies a lot of the time but they're definitely a lot less dumb than feminists, because they actually have something to complain about whereas feminists just talk about stupid bullshit all the time.

    Depends on what feminists you are talking about. I think feminism has a place as long as the few rational ones can somehow gain footing over those like Anita Sarkeesian who use a legitimate issue as ammunition to rally against an unrelated and almost irrelevant issue (her abuse online as a reason to justify arguing against the use of tropes in video games).

  5. Ikea workstations (Jerker, Fredrik, Galant etc) seem to be pretty nice for $100-250. Using a Jerker right now and I honestly can't think of anything else I want out of a desk, especially one I got used for $50.

    Own a couch from that store for more than a month and you will realize they have crap quality products.


    For what you get, it seems like a very fair price.

  6. Oh yeah? Hm, I didn't know that. Do you know how they calculate things differently?



    “Violent crime contains a wide range of offences, from minor assaults such as pushing and shoving that result in no physical harm through to serious incidents of wounding and murder. Around a half of violent incidents identified by both BCS and police statistics involve no injury to the victim.” (THOSB – CEW, page 17, paragraph 1.)


    “In the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Violent crimes are defined in the UCR Program as those offenses which involve force or threat of force.” (FBI – CUS – Violent Crime)


    The site does assert that acquisitive crime and sexual assault are violent crime, but according to their source, the use of font tells me otherwise, so their estimate on what is violent crime and what isn't is very much up in the air in my opinion. I would have to look at it more closely and I don't really have the time to look at a document like that in detail.

  7. Plainly stupid. They can also deter crime without being used at all. If you see someone walking around with a pistol holstered on their side the likelihood that you're going to commit a crime drops drastically.


    That's all well and good, except for the fact that the rates of homicide and rape have rose steadily since firearms have been restricted. You're over twice as likely to be raped in the UK than you are in the US, and the violent crime rate of Britian in 2008 was almost 5 times higher than that of the US (446 vs. 2034 pre 100,000 population). The rate of firearm crime in the UK has ironically doubled since handguns were banned there.

    Just FYI, this figure is misleading. Violent crime is defined differently in the United States than Britain. Britain includes more crimes in their number than the US does, which greatly skews the number. I have not seen anything that gives accurate data if all things were created equal, but one would have to assume the number is significantly lower. No I am not saying that this would show that gun control is right and gun ownership is wrong or anything like that. Just putting in some context to the statistic you used to make your point. Also are you using the 2007 number for violent crime in the US and UK? I do believe it has lowered since then.

  8. seaside is way too small/open, siege is going to be camping all fuckin day. terrible maps. I really like agency and don't know the others well enough to have an opinion.


    I asked one of the engies (don't remember if it was thorgot or klark lol) to increase the "maps played" limit from 7 to 10. They told me to check back with them in a bit to see how people on the server thought about it. Frankly I haven't noticed a lick of difference in the maps we play. I originally proposed a limit of 15, so we could get some more custom map play in, and I stick to that recommendation.

    Are you talking about how many maps need to cycle through before a map can be played again?


    If so, then I think 15 might be too long.

  9. Nascar is definitely a sport, as much as I find it boring as hell, racers can loose more than 10 pounds in body sweat weight from one race because it is so physically demanding controling a car for hours at a high speed were one slip up could end the race or your life.

    I guess it depends on your definition of a sport. I don't think a sport should be defined on whether or not it is physically demanding.


    That said, I don't have a problem with it being called a sport, even though I don't acknowledge it.

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