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Posts posted by York

  1. Personally I wish we would lessen the amount of resources gathered. I know we voted for how it is awhile back, but maybe a re-vote at some point? I think the constant multiplier on top of z-levels gives too much. I think a constant of 5x or 3x would be perfect. But maybe more people like it this way idk lol


    Smaller maps will definitely be a plus for the number of players we have.


    I also think we should figure out a way to market the server more but I'm not sure of how yet. I'd love if the server could consistently cap out.

  2. 19 hours ago, Karma said:

    What about a village setup? separate codes, but we all work together in the same "yard" ?


    I agree with this.


    I think sG taking on another server as a group would have the potential for a LOT of fun, and a village would be the perfect solution to any issues that could occur with basing.

  3. 2 minutes ago, centran said:


    If you find nothing wrong with griefing of something being setup for the entire server to have fun with then you should have your head examined because you have some sadistic shit going on there. Sure there are no rules for you to break but why must you try to destroy something before it even starts?


    Furthermore, the sadistic toxic crap your group is known for just solidified itself by not giving a shit about the fun we were trying to provide the server. You did not to partake. Instead you guys used that time to wipe someones base(who agreed to the event fully knowing it would end in a huge shootout and thought everyone would enjoy it on all sides) off the face of the map and force them to quit rust for this map cycle. Don't pretend it was anything else as these repeated actions have proved otherwise.



    I sincerely hope you and everyone in your group keeps these sadistic behaviors only in online games and you do not expose it to those around you in real life.

    This post is condemning a group for online raiding another group? What? lol...


    And no one forced them to leave. That was their choice. We've all been raided.


    I'm convinced you never know what you are talking about honestly Centran.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Junzou said:


    You're toxic.

    I acknowledge that post towards Krony was toxic.


    But in chat, the time that he is talking about, I literally just called it admin abuse until the above statements towards Centran and Totes while I had their goonies making all kinds of statements towards me lol.

  5. 1 hour ago, krony said:

    lol at that CD. 

    There no way that Cman not knowing about the event going on, if he actually didn't know about the event then he won't be in that location. oblivious?


    I got on server for 30 minutes, all I see that York is constant being toxic over little things, bitching everything what karma does.


    This why we can't have nice things because we have bunches of dumb ass kids that grief on purpose.


    I don't against anyone but I disagree with the action from what you have already show... Cman and York

    You're a fucking retard. I called admin abuse that entire time without being toxic while they ganged up on me until I called Centran autistic for kill abusing. You don't know shit and have no place commenting.


    If I'm toxic for Centran abusing to kill someone and me calling him autistic for it, or me calling Totes fake for going from talking shit to and about Karma, to being up her ass, then by all means call me toxic.

  6. Pictures I took of all of us packed into this small raid base like sardines while the heli and Marvin's group attacked us. Funniest moment I've had in Rust @nErd_ @Eeiu @Tacky @revox

     @Dicey @vEntus @Chowder @Zip @Jiffy @ThatOllieWhoDies @DerpyPwny @Sponsored @reX Jay jr. @Poseidon


    Eeiu's video of said shenanigans: http://plays.tv/video/5838f7633516f51b30/thats-a-phat-zerg?from=user









  7. 12 hours ago, Sean said:

    @Scrub @DR3Y @Triv

    I expect a response from all of you as to why you decided to downvote his post. He provided valid evidence of abuse.


    You did freekill him twice in one round. You were extremely disrespectful towards him. Why are you SO again? @Clamps





    He's SO because we have people like @Clamps in charge of it

  8. 9 hours ago, Sean said:

    touching base on @yorkenvy vs @Karma 


    yorkenvy was probably screaming, since he's a flaming homosexual.

    i didnt read her post but i have already had people confirm i was not screaming, albeit voice was naturally still raised for the 5 words i managed to say after 4 other people flamed me initially and were still flaming when i tried talking. i cant scream where i'm currently living so karma is actually a retard for even suggesting i was top of my lungs screaming and should probably look up the difference between a raised voice and screaming. maybe she likes victimizing herself so who knows. I've even had one of the people flaming me apologize to me because karma goofed with the kick and it was stupid obvious.


    she still fucked up and cant own up to her mistakes.


    also fuck you sean lol

  9. 3 hours ago, Karma said:

    Channel kicked on ts3 for screaming.... still salty about it


    1. wasn't screaming


    2. SERVER kicked, you idiot.


    3. karma has multiple members begin yelling and flaming me the moment i join the channel and i hadnt said a word. multiple people said they COULDNT even hear me when i responded because YOUR people were drowning me out.. then you proceed to kick me when i respond to dmata. 10/10


    4. your bias towards your friends is undeniable with your admin on MULTIPLE occasions and there's a reason so many people have been hating on you all the time. even cman, who is neutral, says you clearly have bias. but again, delusional you are.


    amazing how dense and ignorant you are honestly. it's mindblowing. you're a shit admin. that is all. peace.

  10. My last comment in regards to all of this shit is that all of the drama, complaints, hostility, flaming, and whatever else that is between many many people has all revolved around ONE person. and that is KARMA.


    I already know nothing will happen (of course) so do what you will. But I'm biting my tongue from here on out. GLHF

  11. I'm not saying you *should* give Rust away to me, but if I did receive it I'd probably play it a lot since I have nothing but time and like playing games with the sG members who do play it

  12. 20 minutes ago, driz said:





    I accept that and instead state you're a fucking shitbag commie fuck for not calling the guy out on his egregious violations. How dare you quote shit like that without correcting then you fucking shitbag.



    Also sorry for misquoting.



    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

    my comment was sarcastic you sensitive prick.


    also i forgive you.

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