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Posts posted by TotesMagoats

  1. 16 hours ago, Junzou said:

    Whenever I'm a Traitor, Iherdcows always has a T under his character (he's not a Traitor).  Played around 3-4 maps with him today, and every time I was a Traitor, he had a T under his name, and only him; never saw it on anyone else.  Don't really have steps for duplicating.


    If it was hardcoded, I definitely appreciate that @bulletford

    @bulletford this has been happening for a bit now. It seems that every night there is a new "target" and they are always the one with the T under them (that you can see through walls). I thought this got added to our list, must have missed it. I will get pictures when I can.

  2. On 5/30/2016 at 9:25 AM, Yunki said:

    Within about 30 minutes of playing JB while undercover I managed to get freeslayed by an SO who decided to ignore me in admin chat after I explained to him that he fucked up, I get accused of going in vents for no reason when the dude literally bhopped a few cells to get into the vent cell, and then I get FK'd by an idiot CT when I was bloodhounding the last T who I explicitly said was camping in the one way box in Clouds. A wise SO once said, "How do you guys even have fun on jb".


    You don't.

    @Swed :B):

  3. 1 hour ago, Travesty said:

    right now we don't have a wait to restrict someone from being a traitor if they RDM. And like totes pointed out, it wouldn't really do much. To add to that, it would probably piss them off more if they weren't traitor after two maps hahah.


    Even if someone mass rdms or mass freekills then quits, I still think a week ban is enough and if they're on jailbreak just perm ct them. Regardless if they quit or not, it should be the same thing.



    Lol, I think that is what we should start doing when we don't get Traitor for like 4 maps.....MASS RDM! :P But yes, I agree. 1 rdm and leave is a day ban, so 3/4+ rdm's and leave should be a week. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Darren said:

    No I didn't include that bit because I didn't ban him for leaving. Perhaps I should include that information though.


    The punishment for mass rdm in GMOD is typically 1 week ban, unless you're Will then you ban for 2 days and call me retarded for saying it should be a week ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Yeah @shikaku158 ONE WEEK for mass rdm. Sgt Salty deserved it. 

  5. 24 minutes ago, Travesty said:

    RDM should be treated the same, imo


    9 minutes ago, Travesty said:


    So if I don't know the game mode and I mass rdm. I'm banned from the server forever. Doesn't seem like a good thing to do if you want to make them learn the game and enjoy it.


    Maybe we need a way to restrict them from being traitor for 20 rounds if they mass rdm and ban them for a week.

    We can't restrict them from getting a position and unlike JB, restricting them isn't going to stop them from RDM'ing. But mass rdm is a week ban. And obviously if it's reoccurring they will have further punishment seen fit by a staff member, or eventually reach the 4/6 ban rule. 

  6. 1 hour ago, shikaku158 said:

    I follow people with my knife out and i just wait till the perfect backstab @Iherdcows @TotesMagoats


    2 easy victims

    Shikaku misses his knife on me 87% of the time. Don't let him mislead you.

    40 minutes ago, Rootbeer said:

    Just shout out "KOS COWS" at the start of the round everytime you're a traitor, works like a charm for me.

    ^ can confirm. Everyone ends up trusting Rootbeer....every time.

  7. 1 hour ago, badbie said:

    So how bout this... How bout I just make a map with games in it and we will try it? Lol all this back and forth of whether it will work, whether it will be fun, weather it will kill the essence of ttt... Fuck it! I'll just make one.. We can have it added for a week or two and decide after that. Only thing we will lose is a couple hundred hours of my free time ;)

    Sent from my droid turbo

    Lets waste his free time!!!

  8. 4 hours ago, Duex said:

    Also people should be aware that some maps spawn in T weapons like the m4a1-s and usp-s

    Yes, but I thought it was said that even picking them up off the map you can be KOS....I try to make sure everyone knows when a T weapon is on the map , but not everyone knows that and sometimes people forget. 

    2 hours ago, Libreals420MistaChang said:

    I've been told they are KOS unless proven, by staff many times, like you can camp in front of those guns and kill who ever picks it up unless they are 100% proven even then they need to say, "I am picking up *gun* from *room*... It unless they say they have gotten it from a fallen traitor...


    IMO anyone holding a t weapon should be KOS...

    Agreed, but if you ARE proven, then you really shouldn't be getting shot at. If there isn't proof of you being proven, then I see no problem with you being KOS. Easiest way to avoid this, don't pick up a T weapon...Lol. Jeff took the usp-s out of "load-out" to help avoid this problem. XD

    2 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    i hope you guys dont slay for this


    if you run around with a t weapon expect to get rdm'd, regardless if you were proven or not

    its a risk you should understand when you pick the weapon up

    I think slays are usually handed out when it's a clear RDM. Like, everyone KNOWS you killed the T and picked up his M4, then someone just shoots you for having it, but even then I don't see people hardly get slayed for it. I think it's more of a common sense thing. If you don't know someone is proven and nobody can confirm they are proven, then they should expect to get shot. So I agree, to an extent. Sometimes it is more of a "kill-whore" move, but holding a T weapon is grounds for KOS. "shoot first, slay later" lol

    1 hour ago, cookie eater said:

    but T baiting is sooo funnn

    smh. XD

  9. 8 hours ago, Reaper0470 said:

    If you can't find something to occupy your wait for traitors during a round get tips from other innocents. I see people doing decoy roulette all the time or just chilling and talking with the server population. 

    DECOY ROULETTE. I am glad I got more people on board with messing around with that. They know the risk and we just have fun with it....people do get mad when you decoy them otherwise though lmao.

    Sucks we can't really do it on all maps. Agency is my favorite. ^-^ It's a great opportunity to use a jihad too :B):


    Another one we do when there is a smaller population is "C4 roulette" ..... Traitor buys the C4 and gets it set up and the rest have to defuse it. That one can be fun too on occasion.(:

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