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  1. Upvote (+1)
  2. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Why is Renji a spr cnt?   
    haha, forum would be much better if all threads were like this and people could say what was on their minds without fear of infractions. It's not as though the infractions really stop trolling/spamming/flaming anyway.
  3. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Attention The Pub!   
    Sounds like a perfectly good decision to me. Words are just words. Of course, when people stupidly take advantage of it, like this thread has done...well that's something different entirely.
    On a side note, damn you Renji and Danielle for stealing my thunder. Everyone's too busy -repping you to -rep me anymore.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Attention The Pub!   
    All right. Just going by what a number of others have hinted at. Whatever the reason, I doubt it's worthwhile.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Attention The Pub!   
    Saying words with racist connotations isn't the same as being racist, and being an asshole is a different matter entirely.
    ---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 PM ----------
    And again, spamming is another matter entirely haha. Why're you all assuming all people who use a certain word are racist spamming assholes?
  6. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Attention The Pub!   
    ahah, I'm having a civil discussion. No need to get all bothered. Saying a word that could be called racist is not the same as being racist. Let me give you an example: if I died in a server and said, "Motherfucker," I doubt an admin would kick/ban me for disrespect. It wasn't directed towards anyone. It's just a word.
    Oh, and you're trolling much more than I am, with the use of personal attacks. Maybe you should chill out from computer usage for a while and spend some time with the family—earnest suggestion.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Apology?   
  8. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Attention The Pub!   
    Well, kind of. That had more direction with the pronoun 'you,' but I think if said completely out of nowhere, someone would just say, "Who?" at which point if the original person didn't specify, people would go on with their lives. Kind of a bad example.
    If it were directed at me personally, however, it wouldn't bother me in the least. I know I'm in the minority there, though.
  9. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Attention The Pub!   
    hahah, I am sorry (don't confuse this with care) that everyone feels that way. I'm obviously not naive to this fact, but as I haven't broken any rules, it looks as though I'm here to stay.
    Oh, and I'm not playing devil's advocate; I'm just being me. Although, my opinion does quite often differ from the majority of people, as I'm sure you've noticed. I wouldn't have it any other way.
    I know all about the stickied thread, Chosen. I think it's pretty humorous that I've grown to such infamy in such a short period.
  10. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Section G of our Rules.   
    ahaha, I really don't think their survival hung on this rule, but good to know.
  11. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Attention The Pub!   
    Right back at ya, brother.
  12. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Why is Renji a spr cnt?   
    Should be anywhere. To elaborate, I don't mean that I want 100 pointless threads everywhere. I just think it's annoying that I risk infraction because some people can't take a jab. The posts for which I've received infractions could barely be considered flaming.
    In short, if it's well-written and serves a purpose, it shouldn't be penalized.
  13. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in anyone here know how to make beats?   
    Shouldn't this be in media?
    Anyway, let's hear yours.
  14. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Section G of our Rules.   
    Just about every rule is selectively enforced.
  15. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in anyone here know how to make beats?   
    Not good drum and bass.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Should Renji be removed from the clan?   
    haha, exactly, nor will I ever be; no worries.
  17. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in Need help on choosing New Video card   
    Yep, agreed with the 9800GT. Go ahead and pick one up, but be aware that you might need a new PSU. 500W would be good, but 400W would get you by.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in [Resolved] inb4 phail complaint.   
    haha, you play windowed? Leet.
    That's taken out of context. It does apply to all CTs, but only in certain situations. If a CT is standing there giving you simon says orders, for instance, that's not camping. Can't really say anything more than that without more information of the situation.
    Oh, except for the fact that I agree Alwaysfail does need to stop administrating so much. He's all over those admin privileges. He's also all over the bhop script. I dunno if that's against any rules, though.
  19. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in BC2 > MW2   
    Not funny.
  20. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in How can i buy one of these?   
    Best sig. Masks are dumb, though.
    edit: My reputation fucking owns.
  21. Upvote (+1)
    gemma reacted to Dojima in BC2 > MW2   
    haha, actually, I find that extremely funny. And cool. The thread? Not so much.
  22. Downvote (-1)
    gemma got a reaction from Face in Smoke makes the game less fun to play   
    necro updated for 2017
  23. Downvote (-1)
    gemma got a reaction from Jodas in Smoke makes the game less fun to play   
    necro updated for 2017
  24. Upvote (+1)
    gemma got a reaction from krony the brony in New donation from krony   
    thx krony
  25. Upvote (+1)
    gemma got a reaction from Swed in How to delete forum accoount   
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