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Posts posted by MistaChang

  1. 6 minutes ago, centran said:

    Except that one SO who got banned because he had a stupid long ass bind.

    Is there a forum made for clarification,

    Also im considering getting a new mouse that has an auto fire key, are those alloud?

  2. 2 hours ago, Duex said:

    Also people should be aware that some maps spawn in T weapons like the m4a1-s and usp-s

    I've been told they are KOS unless proven, by staff many times, like you can camp in front of those guns and kill who ever picks it up unless they are 100% proven even then they need to say, "I am picking up *gun* from *room*... It unless they say they have gotten it from a fallen traitor...


    IMO anyone holding a t weapon should be KOS...

  3. 23 minutes ago, cookie eater said:


    I think most people use Admin Binds and Alias's which are different than Macros.



    I used to have a bunch of Jailbreak binds, eg.

    *Before the freekiller cmd*

    alias "freekiller" "sm_freeze @!me -1; sm_say Freekiller Freekiller Freekiller; sm_noclip @me"

    bind f9 "freekiller"


    So I can have a chat macro?

    Aswell can't you use the console to bind a key to make any macro?

    And I think I'm really confusing myself with the difference between scripting and macros..

  4. 1 hour ago, skitt said:

    jesus, that has got to be the most poorly written post I have read this year. 


    anticheat might ban you. I suggest not trying. (we do not allow scripting; macros are a form of this)

    Yea I wrote it while I was at work and didn't spell check it :P and certain people already have admin macros aswell as auto buy macros for buying weapons so I'm wondering the status on that, aswell setting up an auto buy for TTT as I've had people telling me not to worry that there just admin binds.

  5. So there is cobtraverys on using binds threw your keyboard to set up loud outs aswell throwing smoke and jumping and throwing smoke and a bunch of things, so I was wondering if we are aloud to use macros as there are many people with keyboards that's have those capability and I don't want to get perma'd becuase I wasn't sure, I have msg people asking for.the answer but I havnt gotten a diffontive answer most people say asking as ur not downloading programs to auto aim(aim bbots) your OK to use macros.


    So are we aloud to use macro's on sG servers?

  6. 13 minutes ago, stealthysnacks said:

    -Fix winning CT rounds so that 20 points are given every round

    I like this. Encourages ppl to try hard to win rather than edging and getting zombie inflating points.


    -Santassasination (Grass lags almost everyone)

    It's fps lag tho. My computer handles it pretty well but I also have a nice pc. This is one of my favorite maps pls dont remove :)


    -no fall damage

    -jump height increased just a bit

    -no knockback on he, only fire (ie failnades)

    -more knockback on nova

    -f for flashlight instead of impulse 100

    -persistent sm (self mute).. it resets after a map ends

    -more entwatch configs

    -player transparency (some maps like ze_minecraft_adventure u can see thru your teammates when close)

    -zmarket commands like !he, !bizon, !awp, etc



    @AntiTeal should try and do a few of those if you can :D

    Could use WITHOUT until furthur notice though for sure :P


     f for flashlight(I inspect my weapon all the time)


    Aswell persitint !SM i feel is a bad idea..



    Should actually take the knock back off and try and make it make zombies move half speed for 5 seconds similar to firenades in other servers... Talk to 

    Crobat first though before that one for sure :P


    Crobats will have to test knockback on Nova I never used it...


    Idk if we need more jump hieght I've never had an issue :P


    Thx for the suggestions snacky those are really good!

  7. 24 minutes ago, TotesMagoats said:

    Well, then blocking should be considered traitorous, just like prop blocking/hitting (er whatever the name is for that rule) and we will gun you down with no warning ;)  You don't get rights in sG... xD


    21 minutes ago, Beerman said:

    MistaChang Post:  Having problems quoting on mobile so ima use beermans quote box, I really like that idea to consider blocking doors traitorous!


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