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  1. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Jailbreak just got raped, hard   
    Yeah, Mitch should prob remove the demo or at least edit the post with a warning.
    cl_downloadfilter all
    rate 30000
    sensitivity 3
  2. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Jailbreak just got raped, hard   
    In what way?
  3. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Jailbreak just got raped, hard   
    I'm not sure a demo would help, but you could try if you'd like.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Jailbreak just got raped, hard   
    Yep, but it really just depends on what your Windows/mouse driver settings are. I find that default works fine for me.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in New Forum Theme   
    Either of the Morbids are best by far. Black is my personal fave out of the two.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in New Forum Theme   
    Yeah, was thinking about that myself. Lots of places have multiple themes people can choose from...'cause if 6 wins, I'm gonna kill myself. 2001 in the house.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Out of armory by...   
    Happens to me too. My guess is that it's something to do with the server resetting entities. As for why it only happens sometimes, no idea.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Update motd please.   
    And blasted the warden.
  9. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Appealing a ban -True Native   
    I dunno what forum you're on, but that ain't the way it often works here.
  10. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in i got banned :(   
    ^Agreed. A little overzealous.
  11. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in [NOT Resolved] We need to clarify   
    Shouldn't even be any restrictions on what a T can choose for LR anyway. Who cares if a T wants to line up all the CTs and blast 'em? It takes 0 seconds, and they've earned it for survivin' the round.
    People take this virtual game of house wayyy too seriously.
  12. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in The "Wait, I don't wanna line up/other" Thread   
    As others have said, if warden accepts the LR, CTs should just follow it through even if it involves lining up. Honestly, who gives a shit other than ICop? It's funny that it's become this big of a deal because of one person. The others who agree are basically just people who don't like CT J Day in general.
  13. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Banning for No Reason   
    I'm gonna list this as a complaint because my ban will probably be lifted by the time anyone gets to this.
    Was banned for an hour for what I'm guessing was spectator gun planting. When it happened initially, I didn't know why or that it was even happening. It appears to be some glitch based on admins noclipping. I got kicked for it, and when I rejoined, the glitch was gone. That's fine; no harm no foul.
    Ten minutes later, I was banned because someone else that wasn't kicked still had the glitch, and the admin mistakenly thought I was doing it still.
    The reason for the complaint is because, overall, too many admins misuse their powers—an inevitability of simply being able to get admin through paying, I suppose. I spectate the server quite often, and perhaps two or three admins seem responsible enough for the position. Furthermore, it doesn't make sense to be punished because of your buggy plug-ins, though I concede that a kick is harmless and solves the issue.
    At any rate, because I don't know if the information will disappear when the ban is lifted, here's the pertinent details.
  14. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Banning for No Reason   
    I wasn't exploiting; the server was glitching out. After I realized it was happening, I stopped, and after whoever kicked me, the glitch was over with. The other person spectating was the one doing it the second time.
    The kick was fine; the ban was without cause. Whether a bunch of mistaken people back you or not is irrelevant.
    And Dead, my complaint isn't about the ban. It's about admins acting before thinking—much like what you did when you posted.
  15. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Banning for No Reason   
    Again, the complaint has nothing to do with being banned. Being banned was just a catalyst for the complaint.
    Again, I wasn't doing it when I was banned, and no CTs died as a result.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Super long rounds   
    Yeah, Patron was doing this just today as last CT. Happens rather regularly. People are too afraid of hurting their ratios.
  17. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Just a question   
    The only type of questions I don't like are ones where the answer is not correct. I see those on occasion. Sucks.
  18. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Appealing a ban -True Native   
    What is it with this section, and people prematurely "resolving" threads and requiring proof of innocence? Typically justice systems around the world work on the premise that someone is innocent unless proven guilty. The way things are done here, an admin could just ban people all day, and unless the suspect happened to be recording a demo at the time that exonerates him, he's fucked. A pretty ass-backwards way of handling things.
    I can't comment on this particular situation, just making an observation.
  19. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Just a question   
    It's not really a test of one's memory. It's just that many people are too lazy to think up new questions, so they often repeat them. People remembering rather than solving them is simply the consequence.
  20. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Jailbreak just got raped, hard   
    Yep, I was there. The admin Musicwhatever's name was changed to owned by z0rn, if that's relevant.
  21. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Jailbreak just got raped, hard   
    A lot of people don't like JB, but anyway, here's a short summary of what happened.
    A player of inconsequential name joins, and it says VAC banned him. This happened a few more times in the next few seconds. Shortly after, Lego gets voted. Perhaps two rounds into it, all plug-ins were disabled on the server—no admin, no rtv, no skins, no anything. Next, the person named Steveo does his thing, and chat is spammed by large spaces. At this point, I tried to run a status command, but it didn't work. The player didn't show up on Steam's player list either. Lastly, sv_cheats was enabled, which makes it sound even more likely that rcon was hacked, and the server crashed shortly thereafter.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Jailbreak just got raped, hard   
    You were slowhacked. Try deleting your cfg and then trying to play.
  23. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Dojima in Jailbreak just got raped, hard   
    Most likely it was just the config.cfg file. You can protect against this by making that file read-only and specifying custom cvars through userconfig.cfg.
  24. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Moose in Game Hunter's Application [TERMINATED]   
    Your application was terminated by request. You can reapply in May
  25. Upvote (+1)
    KiLLeR reacted to Don Juan in Post a picture of yourself   
    Me and my dog
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