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Jewinator 5000

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Posts posted by Jewinator 5000

  1. The founding fathers of Syndicate Gamers Jailbreak Server did not envision an MOTD anything like the perverse document which governs our server. It is a terrible document that only restricts creativity and keeps our minds in chains. Syndicate Gamers Jailbreak Server should become the world's first anarchist server. No Gods, No Masters, No Admins. 

  2. thats how it is at my school, at least for the unadvanced math kids like me


    yeah at my school if you aren't intending to go to community college or some other poor person shit not being at least a year ahead in math is highly irregular 

  3. at least you didn't turn to sG and say "sG I am horribly depressed over the death of someone close to me what should I do" cause when people do that you have to wonder what the fuck theyre thinking 

  4. If you're not playing in an extremely coordinated team you shouldn't use the M4A1-S. It's just not worth not having the extra rounds at all, in my opinion. The accuracy gain is very marginal and doesn't really help you unless you're playing designated a support role which likely won't even exist in a pug setting.


    The USP is a little more accurate and only sacrifices one shot, and since you're only going for headshots on pistol I think it's overall the better gun.

    M4A4 and USP is the way to go.


    def agree with dyscivist pug settings are so rare in counterstrike idk if ive ever even seen one rugEzsN.jpg

  5. So if a condom is 99% effective, meaning that 99 times out of 100 you will not get him/her pregnant, does that mean that if you have sex 100 times statistically speaking you will get her pregnant?


    This is really bothering me and I would appreciate your guys' input. 

  6. I'll always remember her for helping me make rope graffiti in DarkRP.


    Also, here's a photo completely unrelated to that comment but that someone posted on the forum for another DarkRP server after we had taken it as our home:



    "Marasuma has started a vote for the demotion of Dyscivist"


    gets me every time 

  7. This article is essentially about confirming almost every military stereotype known to man.


    Women in the military, PTSD, Air Force, etc. This article is the equivalent of an NFL team winning the superbowl and the waterboy provided an interview about the trials and tribulations of being a professional athlete.



    Oh thank God, I thought you were going to say "as a united states army professional you all need to check your privilege and understand just how hard it is to be a soldier. none of you would last one minute in her shoes".  

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