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Posts posted by Ironic

  1. 1. The detective basically are suppose to use his DNA scanner and scan the bodies of Innocents that have died so they can find who the traitors are. That's why people can call detectives to the bodies of dead innocents so they can scan the body.


    2. If a Traitor kills another Traitor then it is considered RDM unless I believe the T that died ran into the crossfire or they tried to RDM or something acceptable like that.


    3. A false KOS is if someone calls out someone saying they are a Traitor and that person who was called out ends up being an Innocent. False KOSing is actually KOSable so people can kill you if you false KOS.

    A legit KOS is if you call someone out (with a reason of course) and they are a Traitor. Then that makes you a proven Innocent. So only call a KOS on people if you have a reason.


    Hope this helped you out JWB!  :D

  2. Lately I have been playing a lot of TTTGO! I've been enjoying it even more then I thought I would! I wouldn't say I like it more than regular TTT, but it's really close! There are though however a couple that I think should be changed since this is still in beta.


    1. Player name viewing

    It may just be a CS:GO thing because I am still new to CS:GO, but it seems like it is so difficult and takes forever for players' name to pop up. In GMod I always found it easy to find who is who, but it's more difficult in CS:GO and I think it would be cool to make it easier.


    2. Traitor buy menu

    I know if you are wanting to buy a T weapon you have to type "!shop" or "/shop". I feel like that just takes too long. If it is possible it would be really cool to figure out a way to where we can just have a button to push to be able to go to the buy menu.


    That's really the only two things that I think should be changed if possible! I'm sure there are others, but these are the big two.


    Even if changing these aren't possible I'm still going to be playing on the server because it is super fun!  :D


    Thank you for reading my ideas!

  3. So I've thought for the longest time that it would be so cool to have maybe a bit more Minecraft maps on the TTT Vanilla 24/7 Minecraft Only server, but I never realized that a lot of people agreed with me until yesterday somebody brought it up and the whole server literally agreed that it would awesome to have more Minecraft maps. 


    Do you think this might be possible?


    Thank you for reading my idea.

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