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Posts posted by Velo

  1. 3 hours ago, Skotti said:



    1991 VW Golf GTI. 133k miles, no rust, 5 speed 1.8L 105 HP.


    So much fun to drive, I blew the power steering pump 2 days after I got it plated. 

    Real men don't need power steering :)


    I don't know anything about VWs, but a guy at work has like 3 GTIs like this and 2 are parts cars. I could ask him if he's got another pump.

  2. 11 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

    Posted at 3 am so I couldn't give much depth or thought to the reasoning.


    Official servers wipe bi-weekly, partly to prevent huge castles and partly to freshen up the environment and level the playing field for newcomers and veterans alike. Official servers are usually decently populated, if not highly. Higher population size = more competition for resources -- generally you don't run around and gather 30k of each resource in one trip like you do in our server. This means that bases are usually smaller than the ones on our server. Takeaway: getting to lategame rust is highly accelerated in our server and bases will be much larger (harder to raid).


    Higher population size also means that your base will be raided more often. With a low pop server, less people will hinder your base's growth and Rust basically becomes Castle Building Sim 2016. Raiding is highly discouraged as nearly all 6 players on the map have the resources to wall off their base 10-fold, each layer costing a whole lot more time to tackle than to create. With the usual players on a stand-off, who else is there to raid but the random stray person or pair to happen upon our server? We encourage picking on the small with these huge bases.


    With a weekly wipe, our casuals will at least have something to do after the first week besides bullying the players who started late. Raiding eachother will be substantially easier and also much more rewarding as every newly gained gun or resource is valued a whole lot more when you don't have a huge stash of both.

    I see your point and agree with the bolded statement. I think we should also split up the fairly large groups of people based together for the sake of being competitive and to keep the population growing. Even though no one wants to be raided in the server, it's part of the game, people. That doesn't mean find me and raid my shitty base designs :)

  3. 1 minute ago, Dr. NarwhalsNumbNuts IV said:

    You guys, I went to bed last night and had a nightmare that somebody C4'ed my apartment door open, but then my turret got him.

    I think I've played too much Rust.

    Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

    Last night i had a dream that i built a trump tower on to my RL house. That's what I get for binging rust the whole weekend.

  4. Is there any way to increase yield from rock quarries? At this point with the 2x gather mod, the rock quarries just don't put out enough material to even warrant its usage when you can just go smack a rock and 66 of a material falls out in one swipe. Maybe amp up the production 1.5x or 2x?


    The pump-jack (oil rig) seems fine at it's current setting.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Groot said:

    Velo u better brace for revenge I may have killed u but I didn't box u in ur base for the most part I left ur base alone excel for they ways we went in so u better home i don't get in BC I know the weakness of ur base and I will use that to my advantage.

    ok bby :)

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