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Dead Donkey

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Posts posted by Dead Donkey

  1. Basically, a while back I got a free gift copy of Nuclear Dawn to give away for buying the game on pre-order or some shit when it came out, then forgot about it.

    If you don't know what it is:

    I'm feeling generous, so who wants it?

    And I mean actually wants it, not just someone thinking "Oh, lol, free game, I may as well take it". You gotta be genuinely interested in the game.


  2. Meh. The amount of persistent progression in BF3 kind of put me off. I was excited for that, but it let me down too much with its CoD style. Can't get too excited for this.

    Every Battlefield game has been like that...

    Really? I felt like there was a distinct change in style, even from BF:BC2:Vietnam to BF3, though that was more subtle, still prefer vietnam anyday. But, what I want is a return wayyyy back to 1942 and BF:2 styles. 1942 was so fucking good, mang.

  3. Yo, no problem man, I trust you anyway, but the site seems to be down so I can't do it tonight. I'll get to it in the morning, Imma sleep now though.

    Edit: Scratch that, its back up, I'll send you the shit

  4. Dude, if you just wanna play offline I can PM you my acc. deets, I barely use it, then you can enter it into the game once ever and the offline option will ping for you permenantly. I will have to change my pass though, and yknow, assume you dont totally take advantage of me being so trusting and shit.

    Get back to me on it

  5. 40% off CO? Good value man, especially for the amount of play you can get out of it. Even after sexy, sexy DayZ theres still all the rest of the game to enjoy. Buy it, faggot. €15.

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