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Dead Donkey

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Posts posted by Dead Donkey

  1. Been waiting for this for a long time.

    Edit: Cept, uh, I can't really play right now, my computers motherboard is blown, need to buy a new one. Shits bad, but it will only be 2 weeks, and I can just use my worse comp until then, it still runs CS:GO

  2. 9gag doesn't just steal perfectly good content from other sites, any attempts to create its own just end up being a dreadful slurry of really bad rage face comics with an overuse of 'le', made by people who think 'the friendzone' is a thing and a girls body should be their reward for good behavior.

  3. "If I give birth, the baby will grow up and *lose *its virginity before you do."

    Seriously, how fucked up do you have to be to use the wrong word twice in a row?

    Jesus Christ, thank you.

    It amazes me to this day how many people fuck up such a simple word.

  4. Hahaaa



    I mean, I get the joke, but where the fuck did you get "2000" years from? Are you under the impression that Asians have only been around that long?

    Well, how many westerners were encountering oriental girls in any real numbers in the BC times? Europeans barely knew shit about most of asia, let alone the farthest area from them.

  5. They have this in LoL and Smite, and it never bothered me. I never gave a second though to people using skins. Also, valve would never be stupid enough to let this affect gameplay or be pay-to-win. If that was the case, TF2 would be.

    It would simply be stupid of them to do so. Games like this are like marketing for valve, like, again, TF2 - really really high quality, free game that isn't pay to win, all you have to do is be on steam to play it - and steam doesn't really have much of a cut of the MOBA pie, aside from Rise of Immortals, and really, who plays rise of immortals?

    Valve would make far more money just attracting players to the game and therefore to steam, which in turn has them, well, on steam, and once that happens they will have sales and games shoved in their face, so, $ happens.

  6. In fairness, even if he was noballs, its been around 2 years, I'd be really surprised if they hadn't dropped yet. At the same time, I have no fucking clue who this guy is, and don't care if he's banned or unbanned.

    Edit: Actually, no, fuck this guy, he unnecessarily capitalises.

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