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Posts posted by Face

  1. I really appreciate it when you downplay our (the warcraft 3 engineer VOLUNTEERS) work.

    When I specifically approach engineers about a race I love that is clearly severely underpowered and nobody plays it (I'd bet the 5th highest player is less than lvl 40) and I'm told its fine, yes

  2. Because the fact you can level a race without ever actually playing it is dumb. If it's a shitty race then it needs to be balanced. Remove cash and give a static amount of xp every round. Then you'll be able to get the same xp as tomes but will be required to actually play the race to level it. And noobs will be able to level it without needing to get a bunch of kills

    I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately they dont like to fix terrible races that nobody plays..

  3. Giving cash is a stupid concept. Can't believe you fucking kids feel entitled to it.


    At what point did any one say we deserve cash or we are entitled to it?


    People even specifically mentioned removing cash and gaining more xp for kills or having xp given out (to in effect remove cash but not screw new players who are terrible at CS). JGWentworth even said he appreciated when cash was broken.


    We already have cash, we were just discussing if it was going to be changed (to reduce shop whoring which removes some problems, e.g. the necklace problem which is the point of this thread), then how should it be changed. 


    If you think the concept is so stupid, explain why instead of calling everyone kids. It has obviously been debated before many times by the players (and surely the engineers) and clearly some value is currently seen in giving cash to benefit worse players, aid in leveling bad races, etc.


    I honestly didn't mind that much when cash was gone. But you won't catch me leveling a shitty race when that happens without doing new game+ race swapping to buy tomes.

  4. My idea a) reduces shop whoring b) results in (generally) less cash given out and c) restricts cash given out to being used for tomes.

    Explain to me how that is any "greedier" than getting 32k-64k+ with the added option of using midround cash to shop whore.

    Edit: also just thought, maybe it could be dependent on how many rounds you played on the map. E.g. if 45k is given out and you were there for 10 rounds you get 22.5k. That way people don't start joining last few rounds just for cash

  5. I remember back in the day when you got cash once a round and that was at the end of the map so you could put some tomes in a shit class or your current. Dem was da days

    Honestly if the server automatically gave ~30k, 45k, or 60k at the end of a map for 2, 3, 4 tomes (respectively) instead of the current system I would much prefer that.

  6. 1) It's a 2 second freeze which isn't as bad as some of the bashing races (I.E. Glockness can keep someone in place indefinitely if they can hit them consistently.

    2) Has no affect on races abilities, and even if they are invis, NE isn't invis so the entangled player can see NE just as easily as NE can see the entangled race.

    3) Chain Lightning is spammable as well with a longer range. Just there are several races with abilities and ults that take no skill to use and can be spammed.

    4) As above ^^ You can see them with the green line, but they can also see you.


    Overall, the major advantage this ult gives to NE is the fact that it currently throws off peoples aim, in server that is the biggest complaint about the race by a long shot, that is the one reason people have such a hard time with NE. So when peoples aim isn't thrown off while entangled there isn't really any major advantage NE gets over the entangled player other than that the NE can move around and get into cover if they take too much damage whereas the entangled player cannot. Yes, NE is strong either way, but the broken ult gives it a major advantage that it wouldn't have if the ult is fixed.


    Sorry for double post lol

    I honestly don't think that much is wrong with it other than it is annoying to die to. I just think if it is changed it won't affect the race much except you will die more to godofbaiting type players

  7. This seems to have stirred up a hornet's nest. I'm going to bet NE will be a bad race after (IF) we fix the entangle accuracy issue. We'll see.


    1) Opponent can't move

    2) Negates all movement skills, abilities, and invisibility (cause of the big freakin green circle)

    3) Requires no skill to use (is spammable)

    4) Draws a big freakin line to your opponent in case you are camping in a corner and didn't actually see them yet


    If your opponent cannot move and you cannot get the kill, you do not deserve to get the kill. "Lucky spray" or not.


    The rest of the race seems pretty in line with every other playable race on the server so I cannot possibly imagine this changing night elf except maybe letting the race get less "free kills" which my reaction to that can be summed up as such:


  8. It's still a deagle race with a lot of levels to get

    I don't think that is inherently a problem. I enjoyed leveling mine (I think its around 30 atm?) but any deagle race isn't a race you play for 4 hours straight. Just gotta take your time with it.

  9. Buff CSGO Pro, New Game +, sin, Dante.

    I'm the guy that has to max everything before I can start having fun (- that retarded high race). These races pretty much made me rage quit because they fucking suck to level and have high levels to get maxed. A lot of the best races really never go over 35 levels and these races are much worse and have more levels. It doesn't make sense.

    Pretty sure name intends to change the headshot skill on sin to give you bonus DMG on consecutive hits but don't quote me on this

  10. I've already buffed Master of War, I pm'd you about this.



    And I appreciate the ult change but I mean more so :) I'll take what I can get tho

    Actually after further investigation into the race I think I'm okay with it for now

  11. It may be on my end, but as stalker I cannot see through walls 99% of the time.  This is what it looks like: http://i.imgur.com/36BxfIm.jpg as you can see the little spot where I'm seeing a portion of a player, I cannot see the outline. If I stand in smoke, it works PERFECT, but otherwise it does not. Sometimes it will work fine, others I can't see anything at all. I have no idea if it is game settings but I have restarted and it has happened on multiple maps. Another example:


  12. I haven't been able to track the route of the crashing yet, I know it's happening and just haven't had a lot of time to work on it, Sorry.

    It isn't like it is somebody's fault. It has just been unbelievably bad lately

  13. Is there any way to address how often the server crashes? In the past week or so it seems to crash ~every 3-4 maps and in some cases (like yesterday) it has crashed ~3 times on a single map. I get tired of getting a race to level 10 and having to relevel it, or like today I was really tired of playing wiz, maxed it, and immediately the server crashed and I lost ~2k xp on it.


    The crashes reset the server rotation and the server ends up in this perpetual cycle of 4-5 maps. The map was on dolls before I joined the server today (maybe 6pm?) and just went back to dolls now at about 8:45. At ~30 mins a map, that is 6 maps. It gets old to play dolls 2-3 times in a 5 hour span every night. I wouldn't dislike the map that much if it was actually played once every 20 maps.

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