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Posts posted by Hay0ger.Tonee

  1.            Oreshura is a wonderful anime of Eita who gets himself in a harem, undoes said harem, then starts it back up again. This is the best setup Love Pentagon ever. If you have seen it then what are you feelings about the end especially. I think the ending was kinda of open ended and left the viewers with a little too much imagination. 


    tumblr_mki2imUWHr1rkmjjzo1_500.giftumblr_mg7hk3URJo1qau345o1_500.gif                                                                                                                                                                                         tumblr_mg7hk3URJo1qau345o2_500.gif

  2. I'm not good enough to consider having a smurf (just multiple accounts lol) but I do play more than usual. add me and let's party up? @brandontoms

    @anniessempai @ashessempai

    hmmm sure. add me "SpK Hay0ger"

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

  3. So on JB. Everyone knows an loves the wonderful map called Airship. But what happens when we can't play the map, when the server crashes every time it tries to load it? Well everyone Gets sad I guess. And when Everyone gets sad. Server Pop goes down. And when server pop goes down it gets sad. :D

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