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Posts posted by Coldfuse

  1. Think about it. KJ loses 50 hp, it takes 30 seconds to get 5HP. That means it takes 5 minutes to get 50 hp back(unless you have expertise which in that case it takes 1:30), he is good at jumping around and escaping, but the hiding part is false. TL;DR It takes way to long to regain health.

  2. Think about the positives. Don't just dwell on the negatives. He is with god now. He is in a better place. He is no longer suffering.


    Remember the good times not the bad times. Watch happy videos of them. Look at the positive photos, and remember the happy times.


    Do something you enjoy. Use your sports bike. Play monopoly with your friends. Go to a concert. Hang out with friends.


    Chat with someone about it whether it be a therapist your best friend a loved one or maybe someone here just chat with someone.


    And remember, emotions are normal, please don't try to bottle them up it makes it worse for you.


    Hopefully I helped, but I want you to know this: Letting the death of someone you love go doesn't mean completely abandoning them, you can still love the person, but it just means you cannot be dwelling on it. Dwelling on the past is not a good thing, because it prevents you from having happy life.

  3. Hello everyone,


    First of all sorry for my posts of Burger appraisals :)

    Anyways, I have returned to CS after a several year hiatus. I used to frequent both the ZM and ZE servers back in the day under my old acct stabyourselfintheface; however, my play was often limited to certain maps b/c I was on a very shitty laptop. Its nice being back on the sG ZE server and actually being able to play the maps! 


    As for me, I'm a 26 year old dude from Texas currently finishing up my 4th year of medical school. Other games I enjoy are Dota and HON, so hit me up if any of y'all partake. Other than gaming, I enjoy shredding the streets on my blades or the slopes on my skis. So that's pretty much me. I'd like to thank everyone within the sG community for being so helpful and making it such an awesome server!

    YOU SKI IN TEXAS?! Wow this is news to me.



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